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Top 63 Salesforce Lightning Interview Questions and Answers


There is no doubt how Salesforce has been changing how businesses operate and how they serve their customers, especially with products like Salesforce Lightning. It is a component-based framework for development from SFDC aimed at simplification of processes for business users. Due to its out of box component, many top companies like Adidas, Cisco, and Accenture, among others, are using Salesforce Lightning to alleviate their development as well as application performance.

Well, if you’ve completed Salesforce service cloud certification training with hands-on experience in the Lightning platform, did you know as of 16 June 2023, according to a study, there are 106,000+ job listings in the USA for certified Salesforce Lightning professionals or candidates having at least a little experience in working with this software?

So to help you out, we’ve prepared a list of top Aura Components interview questions and answers. We know every interview is different and requires company-specific preparation in addition to the basic know-how of the interview questions. But, the lightning Aura interview questions and answers we’ve compiled are especially after considering these factors. 

Let’s dive in!

Aura Components Interview Questions

Because of the broad-ranging eco-system and elements of Salesforce Lightning, several well-known businesses have been using it to perform their business operations. This has led to several career opportunities worldwide for certified Salesforce Lightning professionals.

Let’s find out the top Lightning Aura interview questions and answers you must prepare for

Q1). What is Lightning?

Ans:- Lightning refers to a set of tools and technologies which are behind a prominent upgrade to the Salesforce platform.

Lightning features for salesforce users

It has the following components:

  • Experience: It refers to a group of modern user interfaces that are optimized for speed. This involves Lightning Experience, Salesforce1 Mobile App, and other template-based communities.
  • Lightning Component Framework: It is a JavaScript framework and a group of standard components that let you build reusable components for customization of Lightning Experience, Salesforce1 Mobile app, and template-based communities.
  • Visual Building Tools: It refers to drag-and-drop technologies for quick and straightforward app building and customization. Lightning App Builder is used for the customization of Lightning Experience and the Salesforce1 Mobile app. Community builders are used for the customization of template-based communities.
  • Lightning Exchange: This refers to a section of AppExchange where nearly more than 70 partner components are found for jump-starting the development.
  • Lightning Design System: It refers to the style guides and best practices of modern enterprise UX for building pixel-perfect apps which match the look and appeal of the Lightning Experience and Salesforce1 Mobile app.

Understand these Lightning components by enrolling in the Salesforce Service Cloud learning program. 

Q2). How can Lightning Components be used with the Salesforce1 Mobile App?

Ans:- Lightning components can be used with the Salesforce1 Mobile App by creating a custom Lightning tab that points to our component and includes that tab in our Salesforce1 Mobile navigation.

Q3). Can a Lightning Component that shows up in both the Mobile and the Desktop User Interfaces be made?

Ans:- Lightning Components can be directly used in Lightning Experience, the Salesforce1 Mobile app, template-based communities, and other standalone apps. Additionally, it also includes Lightning components in a Visualforce page, which allows us to use them in Salesforce Classic and Lightning, Visualforce-based communities, and Console.

Q4). Do you think Lightning is an MVC Framework?

Ans:- Lightning is a component-based framework.

Q5). Which parts of the Lightning Components are server-side, and which are on the client?

Ans:- Lightning components make use of JavaScript on the client side and Apex on the server side.

Q6). What is the type of different events in the Salesforce Lightning Component?


  • Application Event: The event has a scope throughout the lightning App, and any component which has registered for this event gets a notification.
  • System Event: These are the events that are fired by the Salesforce system during the lifecycle of the app.
  • Component Event: The scope of this falls within the parent component of this event. All the components declared by the parent will also get notified of this event.

Learn in-depth about different events in the Salesforce Lightning through the Salesforce Service Cloud learning program.

Q7). What is the difference between the component event and the application event?


  • Component Events: These are used when the parent and child need to communicate. They make use of bubbling and capture, just like it is used in DOM events. A change in a child component will be communicated to the parent component through the component event.
  • Application Events: These are basically used for communicating any kind of change in the component to a larger audience. Any component which has been registered for this event will get notified.

Q8). When should component events and application events be used?

Ans:- It is always a good idea to use a component event over an application event. Component events can be handled only by the components which are above them in the hierarchy of containment. Thus, the usage of Application events is limited to the components which need to know them.

Application events are best used when something is handled at the application level, like navigating to a particular record. Application events permit any communication between the components, which are in separate parts of the application and have no direct containment relationship.

Q9). Which interface is often used for implementation so that a lightning component can be used for quick action?

Ans:- Implementation can be done following the “force: lightning-quick action” so that the component can be used for quick action.

Q10). Which interface is often used for implementation so that a lightning component can be used as a Tab?

Ans:-The lightning component can be used as a Tab by following-

 “force: apps stable.”

Q11). How can a Lightning component be used on a Visualforce page?

Ans:- A Lightning Component can be embedded in any kind of webpage by a highly powerful and flexible feature called the Lightning out. In Visualforce, some level of complexity comes down. Lightning Component can be used in the Visualforce page in three steps:

  • Add the Lightning Components for Visualforce JavaScript library for the targeted page of Visualforce using the tag.
  • Next, a Lightning app has to be created and referred to in component dependencies.
  • Finally, a JavaScript Function needs to be written, which will ultimately create the component on the page by using $Lightning.createComponent() 

This is one of the most crucial Aura Component interview questions.

Q12). Name a few different Lightning Component bundles.


Different Lightning Component Bundles in Salesforce

Q13). How can FLS be ensured while working on the Lightning Component?

Ans:- FLS and CRUD must be manually enforced in the Apex Controller, or it can be done using the Lightning Data service wherever possible as it handles both the FLS and CRUD. Both are not enforced automatically if any object is referenced in the Apex Controller. Find out the primary purpose of the CRUD technique by clicking here. 

Q14). How can Lightning Components be used in the Salesforce1 Mobile App?

Ans:- A lightning tab has to be made, which is aimed at the lightning component which has been created. The tab then has to be included in the Salesforce1 Mobile Navigation select list and the newly created tab for it.

Q15). Is it possible to make a Lightning Component that shows up in the mobile and desktop user interfaces?

Ans:- Lightning Component refers to a lightning experience that is ready by default and also has compatibility with Salesforce1 App. The layout is responsive and thus adjusts as per the resolution of the screen size. Hence, it cannot be used on a desktop without any separate code.

Q16). What is the limit on the number of components which can be included in one Application?

Ans:- The number of components that can be defined in an application in Salesforce has no upper limit. Don’t miss out on one of these simple Aura interview questions Salesforce.

Q17). What do you mean by Aura?

Ans:- Aura is basically a User Interface framework that is used in the development of dynamic web apps for both mobile and desktop devices. Aura gives scalable long-lived lifecycle support to the building of apps that are engineered for growth. Aura backs the partitioned multi-tier component development, which bridges the client and the server. JavaScript is used on the client side, while Java is used on the server side.

Q18). Do you think a namespace is used for the development of Lightning Components?

Ans:- A namespace is not essential for developing a lightning component. Understand Namespace in depth through the Salesforce Service Cloud course.

Q19). What is the underlying difference between Visualforce Component and the Lightning Component?

Ans:- The Visualforce page in Salesforce is created by keeping it at the center of the application, and most of its calculation is taken up on the server side. The lightning component, on the other hand, is created by making use of the component-based framework, and most of the calculations are performed on the side of the client. It gives a more dynamic and rich customer experience. The lightning component is built using the mobile-first approach.

Q20). Are there any CSS styles provided by which support the Lightning components?

Ans:- Salesforce has given the lightning design system as the default CSS which can be used with the Lightning component.

Q21). Do you think Lightning Components are only directed toward mobile apps?

Ans:- Lightning Components are designed with a mobile-first approach, but the responsive design allows it to give the same experience even over the desktop without the need for writing any separate lines of code.

Q22). Mention any advantages of lightning.

Ans:- Lightning has many advantages like an extraordinary component set that lets fast creation of new apps, and easy decoupling between the components can be enabled by the event-driven architecture. Also, it is endowed with device awareness, cross-browser compatibility, and an optimized framework for performance.

Q23). Is it possible to integrate Lightning components with another framework like Angular?

Ans:- Yes, Lightning components can be integrated with any third-party framework like Angular.

Q24). Where can the lightning component be displayed?

Ans:- Lightning components can be displayed on Salesforce pages like Home, Record, and App pages, as well as within the Lightning App Builder. They're also compatible with mobile devices through the Salesforce mobile app, extending their reach to various platforms for seamless user experience.

Q25). How can components be deployed to the production org?

Ans:- Lightning components can be deployed to the production by change sets,, IDE, and Managed Package.

Q26). What is the meaning of Lightning Experience?

Ans:- Lightning Experience refers to the new User Interface, which is developed by the Salesforce team and is built on a component-based framework and architecture driven by events that provide a highly dynamic and responsive experience to the user. This framework is designed to give optimum performance by the Client side and the stateless Server architecture.

Q27). What is the use of implements in the lightning component?

Ans:- Implements are basically used for referring to various interfaces of the platform which enable a component for use in different contexts or granting access to extra context data. A component can often implement multiple interfaces.

Q28). How can we subscribe to an event in the Lightning component?

Ans:- Tags must be included in the containment hierarchy for subscribing to any event in the Lightning component. Subscription of this event depends on the type of event, i.e., component event or application event.

Q29). How can we communicate between two different components?

Ans:- In a Lightning Component Framework, the communication between two components can be accomplished in the following ways:

  • Attributes that pass data down the component hierarchy
  • Lightning Events, which pass data up and around the hierarchy of the components 

Q30). What is aura: attribute?

Ans:- They are like member variables in apex classes, are typed fields and instances of a component. All attributes have been assigned a name and a type that can be marked required by specifying ‘required=true’ and has a default value. It has a naming rule.

  • It should begin with a letter and an underscore.
  • Mostly, they contain only alphanumeric or underscore characters.

That’s it. That’s our list of Salesforce Lightning interview questions. But we don’t know if your curiosity hasn’t ended here and you want to know more about the Salesforce career path. So why wait? Read On.

Q31). What are the tools used in lightning?

Ans:- This is one of the most frequently asked LWC interview questions. There are five major tools that are used by Lightning; they include Lightning Component Framework, Lightning App Builder, Lightning Connect, Lightning Process Builder, and lastly, Lightning Schema Builder in Salesforce. 

Q32). What is the difference between Visualforce Components and Lightning Components?

Ans:- Visualforce components are page-centric, where most of the work is done on the server. While lightning is created client-side centric, that makes them more dynamic. You should not miss out on answering this LWC interview questions

Q33). What is an aura definition bundle?

Ans:- It is a folder having definition files. This is different from most other metadata components, and instead of a single file, it is a collection of files. Each file contains a resource in a bundle, like markup, code files, documentation, events, and interfaces. 

Q34). How can we display loading spinners in a lightning component?

Ans:- Spinners are CSS loading indicators; you should display them while retrieving data or doing slow computations. Lightning spinner presents an animated spinner image to indicate that a request is loading. This may be used when retrieving data or doing any lengthy task. 

Q35). What are the value providers in Salesforce Lightning?

Ans:- This is how you should answer this LWC interview question - Value providers encapsulate related values in one and are used to access. 

There are two value providers in Salesforce lightning- v(View) and c(Controller)

V - helps to access component attribute values in markup. 

C - helps to link with event handlers and action for the component. 

Q36). What is Visualforce? 

Ans:- Visualforce is a framework that allows developers to create complex, creative user interfaces that run natively on the Lightning platform. Learn more about Visualforce by enrolling in the Salesforce service cloud training & certification program. 

Q37). What exactly is FlexiPage in the context of Salesforce Lightning? 

Ans:- FlexiPage represents the metadata associated with a lightning page that depicts an adaptive screen made up of areas including lightning components. The Flexi page is saved as an XML file and deployed through a metadata API and deployment tool

Q38). What does the “this” keyword signify?

Ans:- This is another one of the most crucial LWC interview questions. The “this” keyword is generally found in Aura and LWC, and their uses are very similar. The LWC uses the keyword to access any component property or method. 

Q39). How can we configure event propagation?

Ans:- When you create an event, represent event propagation behavior through two properties on the event, composed and bubbles. A Boolean value indicates whether the event bubbles up through the DOM. A Boolean value shows if the event can pass through the shadow boundary. Learn more about configuring event propagation by enrolling in the Salesforce Service Cloud course.

Q40). How can we debug our components?

Ans:- There are different ways to approach component debugging; the fastest way is just to provide console logging statements to log variables through the code execution. Another step is to enable Lightning Debug Mode to remove minification and provide better error messages.  

Q41). Which interface is used if you want a component to be used as a tab?

Ans:- To use a component as a tab, the following interface is used- 


Q42). How to find data changes using data handlers?

Ans:- You can easily configure a component for invoking a change handler when the value of attributes in one of the components changes. 

Q43). What is Lightning Out?

Ans:- This strong and flexible feature allows you to embed the Lightning web elements on any web page. You do not have to deal with authentication or configure a connected app when using this. 

Q44). What are the attributes? What are the parameters required?

Ans:- Attributes are the variables that are used to store values. They are generally defined by name, description, type, etc. With attributes, there are two parameters required- 

  • Name and 
  • Type. 

Q45). What are the lightning record page assignment options?

Ans:- It can be assigned differently:

  • Org default
  • App Default 
  • App Record Type Profile 

Q46). What are the propagation phases of Component Events?

Ans:- There are two phases for component event propagation after the event fires- 

  • The capture Phase and 
  • The Bubble Phase. 

propagation phases of Component Events

Q47). What are the benefits of the Lightning Web Component Method?

Ans:- It is an innovative, lightweight stack designed to align with newer standards. 

  • It makes working with components faster. 
  • LWC has proven better component performance as well. 

Q48). What Salesforce limitations exist for the maximum number of components per app?

Ans:-  There is no limit on how many components an app allows. This is, again one of the most important Salesforce lightning interview questions, so be prepared. 

Q49). What are the types of record pages in Salesforce Lightning?

Ans:-  There are three record page types in Lightning: 

  1.  Home Page 
  2.  Record Page 
  3.  App Page. 

Q50). What is Lightning Data Services?

Ans:-  LDS is used for caching purposes. It allows uploading, adding, modifying, or deleting a component’s records using Apex code from the server side. 

Q51. How can we use Lightning components with Salesforce1 Mobile App?

Ans:- Lightning Components can be used with the Salesforce1 mobile app by creating a traditional Lightning tab that refers to the component. That tab can be added to the Salesforce1 mobile navigation. This is an important answer to these kinds of Salesforce lightning interview questions and answers.

Q52. What are the different types of Lightning Record pages, and how are they built?

Ans:- Record page, App page, and Homepage are the different types of Lightning record pages, and they can be built using Lightning App Builder. This is an important answer to these kinds of Salesforce lightning interview questions and answers.

Q53. How can we utilize a Lightning component in the VisualForce Page?

Ans:- Using Lightning Out can help embed the Lightning component on the VisualForce page. It can be achieved in three steps:

  1. The Lightning components for the javascript library of visual force must be first inserted into the intended visual force page through the tag.
  2. A Lightning app used for the component dependencies is then generated and pointed.
  3. Finally, a javascript function needs to be written that creates the component over the page through $Lightning.createComponent().

By taking a free online Salesforce quiz you can get test your Salesforce knowledge.

Q54. What are attributes and the required parameters in the attribute definition?

Ans:- Attributes are variables that are used for storing values. The Default, Type, Name, Access, and Description must be defined in the attribute definition. Name and Type are the only required parameters in the attribute definition. This is an important answer to these kinds of Salesforce aura interview questions and answers.

Q55. What is the difference between a component event and an application event?

Ans:- The Component event is used for interaction between the parent and child. The change in the child component can be communicated to the parent component through the component event.

The Application events are used to send modifications in the component to a wide audience. The components that have registered for this event will get an alert. This is an important answer to these kinds of aura interview questions Salesforce and answers.

Q56. Explain Namespace in the Salesforce Lightning components.

Ans:- The Namespace is used to group components together and can be created through an organization. The Lightning components are part of a namespace. C is the default namespace.

If the namespace is created for an organization, then that namespace can be used for the Lightning components. This is an important answer to these kinds of Lightning aura interview questions and answers.

Q57. Where can the Lightning components be used?

Ans:- Lightning components can be used in the following places:

  1. Dragging and dropping them in the community builder and Lightning App Builder
  2. Adding it to the Lightning pages
  3. Starting it as a quick action,
  4. Creating stand-alone applications

This is an important answer to these kinds of LWC interview questions and answers.

Q58. Differentiate between component events and application events in the context of Salesforce Lightning.


  • Component Events act as a means of communication between a parent and a child. A change in the child component can be communicated to the parent component using Component Events.
  • Application Events communicate changes in the component to a much bigger audience. All the components that have registered for the event get notified about the change. This is an important answer to these kinds of Aura Component interview questions and answers. You can master the events in Salesforce Lightning by completing the Salesforce Service Cloud training & certification program from a renowned online training provider like JanBask Training. 

Q59. Differentiate between Salesforce Classic and Salesforce Lightning.


  • Salesforce Lightning provides an enhanced user interface.
  • You need to hire a Salesforce Developer to operate Salesforce Classic, while Salesforce Lightning is much easier to work with.
  • With Lightning, you don’t need Visualforce for every task. 
  • Salesforce Lightning has more advanced security features than Salesforce Classic.
  • Lightning provides Einstein (Wave) Analytics Reporting to its users. A feature that is missing from Classic.

Q60. Can we call an Apex method that is not Aura Enabled?

Ans:- No, we can’t call an Apex method that isn’t Aura Enabled in the Salesforce Lightning.

Q61. Is data mutation bi-directional or uni-directional in Aura Components

Ans:- Data mutation is bi-directional in Aura Components and unidirectional in LWC. In LWC, if you want to mutate or modify any property value, you’re required to provide the new value to the parent, and then the parent changes it and sends the changed new value to the child.

Q62. Is it possible to automatically deploy a piece of logic after the components are instantiated?

Ans:- Yes, it's achievable through lifecycle hooks like componentDidMount() in React or ngAfterViewInit() in Angular, triggering logic execution after component instantiation. Alternatively, using event listeners or observers can automate post-instantiation processes, enhancing efficiency and scalability in application development.


Salesforce Lightning is basically designed to simplify processes for various business users who typically do not have any kind of programming experience. It has a huge scope, and thus, the interview preparation needs to be done with a lot of care and seriousness. 

There are many aspects that have to be touched on, and we hope the list of LWC interview questions will assist you in your interview. If done properly, the Lightning Aura interview questions mentioned above will give you an edge over other participants. The only part of an interview is the preparation, which is in your control. As it is said, control the controllable, so you should put in all the efforts to make sure that there is nothing left undone in your preparation and that you enter the interview room with confidence.

If you still need more help with LWC interview questions or to know the platform more clearly, then we’ll be more than happy to assist you! Just drop a comment or contact JanBask Training, and we will provide you with Salesforce consulting and our professional career expertise related to Salesforce service cloud training & certification!


Q1. What is the use of Lightning in Salesforce?

Ans:- Lightning is an element-based framework for the development of Salesforce applications. Lightning in Salesforce aims to streamline the process of Salesforce app development for business persons who often don’t have any programming experience. 

Q2. Where can we display Lightning components?

Ans:- We can showcase the Salesforce Lightning components with the help of App Builder in the Salesforce Lightning experience. It's also possible to display the Salesforce Lightning in Salesforce 1 Mobile Applications. 

You’ll be required to develop a custom Salesforce Lightning tab in order to reference the component. afterward, this tab could be added in the Mobile Navigation. 

Q3. How many Lightning components are in Salesforce?

Ans:- In Salesforce, there are 2 types of Lightning components - 

  • Standard
  • Custom
  • Managed

Q4. What are Salesforce Lightning components?

Ans:- Lightning Components in Salesforce are a UI (User Interface) framework utilized to develop desktop and mobile apps.

Q5. What is the difference between Aura and LWC?

Ans:- Lightning components based on Aura are developed with the help of JS and HTML, whereas the LWC is developed directly on the web stack. Once the above features are added, they provide more power to the web stack to develop the Salesforce Lightning UI components and don't require any middle layer to the browser.

Q6. What are C and V in the Lightning component?

Ans:- These are the standard value providers for a Lightning component, i.e., v (view) and c (controller).

Q7. What is the use of @track in LWC?

Ans:- In an LWC component, a @track decorator is utilized to track modifications done to a property in an LWC component.

Q8. What is the file size limit for Lightning upload?

Ans:- The file size limit for the Salesforce Lightning is set to 2GB, a hard-coded limit. This file size limit controls the max. Size of an attachment when channeled with the help of the conventional related list, ‘Notes and Attachments.’

Q9. How can we bind data in LWC?

Ans:- We can bind data in LWC using the following 2 ways:

  • Using Expressions
  • Using getter properties

Q10. What is two way binding in Salesforce Lightning?

Ans:- In Salesforce Lightning, 2-way binding lets a model provide data in a view and also enables that view to upgrade the data present in the model. It is commonly utilized in the form of fields, for instance, a text input provides a value from the model and when the user adds data into the field, it is pushed back automatically into the model. 

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  • K

    Kyle Lee

    The Salesforce career is getting so popular and has strong competition so I was scared for my upcoming interview. But this question book really helped me overcome that to a certain extent.

  • E

    Emerson King

    The Salesforce career is getting so popular and has strong competition so I was scared for my upcoming interview. But this question book really helped me overcome that to a certain extent.

  • K

    Kyle Lee

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  • J

    Jorge Hall

    Looking for some more technical questions because I want to crack the interview at any cost, team if you update any more new questions please let me know.

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    Beckham Allen

    I am done with the training part but still not very much confident about my skills, not confident for the certification exam. Please guide me on what to do.

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    Orion Kelly

    Thankyou for this amazing post, that made me confident enough for my next salesforce interview. Rest i have topics that i want to discuss from your training experts , how can i reach them?

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    Malakai Sanders

    This blog has made my like, i have gone threw it last week that yesterday i had faced a interview where few question asked by interview was exactly same i found in this blog, so my interview gone well and i got selected. I want to give special Thanks to your team.

  • M

    Mario Jenkins

    Is there any blog covering Salesforce lighting interview questions thoroughly like what are the most popular salesforce tools, to get a better understanding of what it is?

  • R

    Rylan Parez

    Well curated to the point answers, but i think few answers need to be more elaborative, overall a good guide.

  • O

    Orion Kelly

    Impressed with the information included in the article, even though I have no prior knowledge about all this, the way you guide step by step is too appreciative. I was totally strange to this online platform and feeling much donting about all this but this guide made me feel easy.

  • C

    Cristian Torres

    The interview booklet is really helpful, my friend recommended it to me as I was terrified by thinking of my interview again and again. Thanks team1 Keep up the good work!

  • C

    Cohen Cooper

    The Salesforce career is getting so popular and has strong competition so I was scared for my upcoming interview. But this question book really helped me overcome that to a certain extent.

  • F

    Finley Edwards

    Most of the blogs on salesforce lightning interview questions have the same questions but this one is much better in terms of question types and answers are also described well.

  • R

    Reid Morris

    Looking for some more technical questions because I want to crack the interview at any cost, team if you update any more new questions please let me know.

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    Bodhi Rivera

    I am done with the training part but still not very much confident about my skills, not confident for the certification exam. Please guide me on what to do.

  • D

    Derek Ward

    Thankyou for this amazing post, that made me confident enough for my next salesforce interview. Rest i have topics that i want to discuss from your training experts , how can i reach them?

  • S

    Sean Richardson

    This blog has made my like, i have gone threw it last week that yesterday i had faced a interview where few question asked by interview was exactly same i found in this blog, so my interview gone well and i got selected. I want to give special Thanks to your team.

  • P

    Paul Wilson

    Is there any blog covering Salesforce lighting interview questions thoroughly like what are the most popular salesforce tools, to get a better understanding of what it is?

  • R

    Rafael Lewis

    Well curated to the point answers, but i think few answers need to be more elaborative, overall a good guide.

  • E

    Erick Nelson

    Impressed with the information included in the article, even though I have no prior knowledge about all this, the way you guide step by step is too appreciative. I was totally strange to this online platform and feeling much donting about all this but this guide made me feel easy.

  • E

    Emilio Davis

    The interview booklet is really helpful, my friend recommended it to me as I was terrified by thinking of my interview again and again. Thanks team1 Keep up the good work!

  • B

    Bradley Thompso

    Such a great collection of Salesforce Lightning interview questions and answers! I found this post as a complete guidance to prepare and crack my upcoming interview.

    • JanBask  User


      Hopefully, you found this post helpful. We wish you all the very best for your interview.

  • C

    Colin Rodriguez

    This is an awesome post with many questions and answers. But still it just took me around 10 minutes to go through the whole article. This is a perfect guide for those preparing for the Salesforce Lightning Interview. Thank you so much for sharing!!

  • J

    Jorge Hall

    A perfect collection of major questions and answers for the Salesforce interview! I really like going through each question and knowing something different at every step. Thanks a lot for sharing!

  • A

    Arlo Hill

    This is such a comprehensive post including all the major questions which I need to check for my upcoming Salesforce Lightning interview. Please bring such more informative articles like this which can help us to grow our knowledge.

  • F

    Francisco Baker

    Hi, Thanks for this awesome collection of Salesforce questions and answers. I was looking for guidance to prepare for my upcoming interview, here I learned a lot more.

  • Z

    Zander Gonzalez

    Amazing post!. It is going to help a lot of those interview aspirants who are preparing to make their career in Salesforce. You have successfully listed all the major questions and answers.

  • M


    Great post, thanks for sharing this amazing collection of interview questions and answers. I’ll be sharing it with my friends who are preparing for the Salesforce Lightning interview!

  • D

    Dallas Phillips

    One of the best posts I have ever come across on Salesforce Lightning interview questions and answers. Not only did I learn a lot about Salesforce but also it took me hardly five minutes to go through the whole post.

  • J

    Jensen Evans

    Hey, thanks a lot for sharing all these questions and answers. I could know a lot about Salesforce and prepare for my upcoming interview. Please share this kind of post in the future also.

  • F

    Finley Edwards

    Impressive, I must say. I have been following your blogs for a long time to increase my knowledge. Looking forward to your next post.


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Data Science Course

Data Science

  • Data Science Introduction
  • Hadoop and Spark Overview
  • Python & Intro to R Programming
  • Machine Learning
Data Science Course

Upcoming Class

6 days 02 Nov 2024

DevOps Course


  • Intro to DevOps
  • GIT and Maven
  • Jenkins & Ansible
  • Docker and Cloud Computing
DevOps Course

Upcoming Class

11 days 07 Nov 2024

Hadoop Course


  • Architecture, HDFS & MapReduce
  • Unix Shell & Apache Pig Installation
  • HIVE Installation & User-Defined Functions
  • SQOOP & Hbase Installation
Hadoop Course

Upcoming Class

-1 day 26 Oct 2024

Python Course


  • Features of Python
  • Python Editors and IDEs
  • Data types and Variables
  • Python File Operation
Python Course

Upcoming Class

13 days 09 Nov 2024

Artificial Intelligence Course

Artificial Intelligence

  • Components of AI
  • Categories of Machine Learning
  • Recurrent Neural Networks
  • Recurrent Neural Networks
Artificial Intelligence Course

Upcoming Class

6 days 02 Nov 2024

Machine Learning Course

Machine Learning

  • Introduction to Machine Learning & Python
  • Machine Learning: Supervised Learning
  • Machine Learning: Unsupervised Learning
Machine Learning Course

Upcoming Class

19 days 15 Nov 2024

 Tableau Course


  • Introduction to Tableau Desktop
  • Data Transformation Methods
  • Configuring tableau server
  • Integration with R & Hadoop
 Tableau Course

Upcoming Class

-1 day 26 Oct 2024

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