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Automation Testing Tutorial : All You Need to Know to Get Start


In today's fast-paced software development world, thorough testing is no longer an afterthought – it's an ongoing necessity. Gone are the days of testing software only after it's complete. Modern companies integrate testing throughout the entire development lifecycle, and one of the most popular techniques for achieving this is automation testing.

This automation testing tutorial delves into the world of automation testing, exploring its benefits, various aspects, and its role in the software development life cycle (SDLC). We'll also touch upon popular automation testing tools and career opportunities in this field.

Here's a breakdown of the topics we'll cover:

  • What is Automation Testing? - We'll provide a clear definition of automation testing and how it streamlines the testing process.
  • Why is Automation Testing Required? - We'll discuss the reasons why automation testing has become essential in modern software development.
  • How is Automation Testing Critical in the SDLC? - We'll explore how automation testing integrates seamlessly into the different stages of the SDLC.
  • Benefits of Automation Testing - We'll delve into the numerous advantages of using automation testing, including faster testing cycles, improved coverage, and earlier bug detection.
  • Types of Automation Testing - We'll explore the different categories of automation testing, such as functional testing and API testing.
  • Best Automation Testing Tools - We'll introduce some of the most popular tools used for automation testing.
  • Scope of Automation Testing - We'll discuss the areas where automation testing is most effective and where manual testing remains important.
  • Career Outlook of Automation Testing - We'll explore the promising career opportunities available in the field of automation testing.

By the end of this tutorial, you'll gain a solid understanding of automation testing and its role in building high-quality software. Let's begin by uncovering the core concept of automation testing!

What is Automation Testing?

Automation Testing is a software testing technique wherein automated tools are used to write and execute test cases, including testing characteristics such as loading, stress, and performance. Automation testing is designed to provide higher efficiency, effectiveness, and accuracy, especially useful for handling repetitive tasks as well as functions that prove difficult & time-consuming for manual testers.

Automation testing is a procedure to approve that product capacities suitably and meets necessities before it is discharged into creation. This type of programming testing utilizes scripted successions that are executed by testing tools.

Automation tests can run over and over whenever of day. This methodology fits in with nonstop testing just as consistent mix and constant conveyance (CI/CD) programming improvement rehearses, which plan to carry code changes to creation without doors that require manual interference. Thereby an automation tester is a very critical resource for any organization. Learn about how to become an Automation Testing Expert and the career path.

Why is Automation Testing Required? How it is critical in software Development life Cycle?

With growing digitalization & increasing number of apps released every day, there’s a need for a convenient, efficient way to conduct software testing. Automation testing technique not only improves efficiency, and accuracy but also reduces time, effort and cost, whilst reducing manual errors. Once automated tests are created they can easily be repeated and can be extended to perform tasks more efficiently that is  impossible with manual testing.

Automation testing is an ideal testing technique for running many tests repeatedly and simulateniously handling a lot of the work that human testers would consider boring and repetitive. 

How Automation Testing  is Critical in Software development Life Cycle?

Automation test is the most important part of the SDLC because manual testing takes a long time and it's expensive. Test automation not only allows developers to deliver software faster but also ensure higher quality.

During software development life cycle, there might require execution of same test suite repeatedly. Using a test automation tool, it’s possible to record this test suite and re-play as many times as required within minimum time without any human intervention. Thus it reduces chances of human error, because if issues are missed the customer impact is huge. 

Automation software testing has for some time been viewed as basic for enormous programming improvement associations yet is frequently thought to be excessively costly or troublesome for smaller organizations to execute.

Let’s move on to the next section of this automation testing tutorial for beginners and see major benefits of automation testing.

Here are the Major Benefits of Automation Testing

benefits of automation testing agains manual testing

Test automation offers significant advantages over manual testing, streamlining the development process and improving software quality. Here's a closer look at these benefits:

  • Reduced Costs and Time: Manual retesting of code changes and across various platforms is expensive and time-consuming. Automated tests can be executed repeatedly with minimal effort, freeing up valuable resources. Imagine running regression tests in hours instead of days!

  • Enhanced Test Coverage: Complex or lengthy tests often get skipped during manual testing due to time constraints. Automation allows you to run these in-depth tests consistently, along with simpler ones. It can even delve deeper into applications, examining internal data for a more thorough evaluation.

  • Improved Accuracy: Even the most meticulous testers can make mistakes, especially with repetitive tasks. Automated tests follow the exact steps every single time, eliminating human error and leading to more reliable results.

  • Scalability for Large-Scale Testing: Manually simulating numerous users for load testing is nearly impossible. Automation tools can handle vast numbers of virtual users, ensuring applications can perform flawlessly under high traffic. This is crucial for web applications that need to handle surges in user activity.

  • Developer and Tester Efficiency: Automated tests can provide early feedback to developers by identifying bugs soon after code changes. This frees up testers to focus on more strategic tasks, like exploring innovative testing methods and designing intricate test scenarios that go beyond the scope of manual testing.

  • Improved Team Morale: By eliminating repetitive manual tasks, automation empowers both developers and testers. Developers can focus on building new features and fixing critical issues, while testers can delve into more creative and challenging aspects of their role. This can lead to a more skilled, confident, and motivated team.

In short, test automation is a game-changer for software development. It saves time and money, improves software quality, and empowers development teams to be more efficient and productive.

What Are Test Cases to Automate?

It is difficult to computerize all testing, so it is critical to figure out what experiments ought to be Automation first.

The advantage of robotized testing is connected to how often a given test can be rehashed. Tests that are just played out a couple of times are better left for manual testing. Great experiments for computerization are ones that are run as often as possible and require a lot of information to play out a similar activity.

Here is how do you select test cases for automation, You can get the most advantage out of your Automation testing endeavours via automating:

  • Repetitive tests that keep running for various forms.
  • Tests that will in general cause human blunder.
  • Tests that require numerous informational collections.
  • Frequently utilized usefulness that presents high hazard conditions.
  • Tests that are difficult to perform physically.
  • Tests that keep running on a few diverse types of equipment or programming stages and arrangements.
  • Tests that require a lot of exertion and time when manual testing.

Accomplishment in test automation requires cautious arranging and configuration work. Begin by making a mechanization plan. This enables you to distinguish the underlying arrangement of tests to mechanize and fill in as a guide for future tests. In the first place, you ought to characterize your objective for robotized testing and figure out which kinds of tests to computerize. There are a couple of various kinds of testing, and every one has its place in the testing procedure. For example, unit testing is utilized to test a little piece of the planned application. To test a specific bit of the application's UI, you would utilize usefully or GUI testing.

In the wake of deciding your objective and which sorts of tests to computerize, you ought to choose what activities your robotized tests will perform. Don't simply make test steps that test different parts of the application's conduct at one time. Expansive, complex robotized tests are hard to alter and investigate. It is ideal for partitioning your tests into a few sensible, little tests. It makes your test condition increasingly reasonable and sensible and enables you to share test code, test information and procedures. You will get more chances to refresh your computerized tests just by including little tests that address new usefulness. Test the usefulness of your application as you include it, as opposed to holding up until the entire element is executed.

Automation Testing Process: How is Automation Testing Carried Out?

Process of Automation Testing

Test Automation expands endeavours required for conveying test results and abbreviates test execution cycles. Propelled tests and ideal inclusion help to convey programming of superior quality. Also, test computerization is a well-customized process with characterized stages.

Any procedure begins with definition, so before applying to test mechanization, you ought to characterize the computerization scope. When beginning tests improvement, a tester should, as a matter of first importance, decide request as indicated by the tests' need rate.

Everything matters in extension definition.

Read: How To Make Software Testing More Effective

Having very significant involvement in robotization testing, I can say that, Automation tests should cover the most steady piece of usefulness alongside the one that gets rather frequently tried for around 3-4 times each week. When in doubt, a smoke test is picked for that very reason or another piece of relapse tests.

When the degree is characterized, a tester moves to the determination of mechanization instruments. The tried interfaces characterize the bundle of connected devices. Distinctive kinds of interfaces assume diverse apparatuses' range; there is no general choice. Having settled on the instruments, testers get to structure execution.

Here are the steps to follow for successful test automation

  • Step1: Selection of tools
  • Step2: Define the scope of Automation
  • Step3: Planning, Design & Designing
  • Step4: Test Execution
  • Step5: Maintenance

TestAutomationProcess - Automation Testing Tutorial - Edureka

Automation Testing Process, Step1: Selection of Tools

a). Understand your  project requirements thoroughly

Keeping up the virtue of an application by conveying a sans bug item is vital for the accomplishment of any undertaking. Mechanized testing can help improve the nature of a task and increment scope and profundity of the tests. For this, get a profound comprehension of your venture necessities, for example, venture type (web/work area/versatile), the extent of the undertaking, and existing group's quality on code language before you begin the procedure. There is no such instrument that is positive or negative, yet the ROI of any apparatus depends on the need, for example, what does one have to mechanize and what measure of experiments needs automation?

b). Consider your existing test automation tool as a benchmark

Let us say that you considered the Selenium Test Automation Tool as a benchmark to assess and decide the best mechanization apparatus for their venture. The favorable circumstances and downsides of Selenium Web Driver structure should be comprehended before assessing different apparatuses.

Selenium is a free, open-source apparatus accessible to test web applications and sites. It gives the record-playback apparatus to create and record playback test contents. It gives language backing to C# Ruby, Java, JavaScript, Python, and Node.js however needs appropriate client bolster administrations. Testing groups influence Selenium if they are alright with coding procedures and they test web applications through the UI. Support would be a bad dream with Selenium for a lone tester who must administer both Manual and Automation Testing and may likewise require a full-time Developer for upkeep. Program similarity is the other test with this device.

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c). Identify the key criteria suitable for a project

  There are many key focuses one ought to consider before choosing the best-fit mechanization apparatus for a venture. Here is the rundown of a few key criteria that was utilized to assess the best apparatus for our situation.

  • Ease of Developing and Maintaining the Scripts: Development and upkeep of test contents ought to be as basic as conceivable to diminish the human and time asset usage.
  • Ease of Test Execution for Non-Technical user: The test suite execution ought to be basic for any venture part to run them effectively as and when required. Additionally, it ought to be simple for manual testers who have next to no or no specialized information.
  • Support to Web, Desktop & Mobile application: Leveraging three distinct instruments for three sorts of stages for test robotization is a confounded undertaking to deal with. It is smarter to choose an apparatus that bolsters all three stages.
  • Intuitive Test Report: Test reports builds certainty; thus the reports should be natural and straightforward for the supervisory crew to see effectively.
  • Cross Browser Testing: Support to Cross program testing is an unquestionable requirement when there are numerous end-clients and no specific program confinement.
  • Support for Keyword & Data Driven Testing: Keyword driven testing goes about as an augmentation to the information-driven testing structure. At the point when a venture ends up complex, the test system should be broadened.
  • Technical Support and Assistance: Automation Engineers unquestionably need assistance while taking care of basic issues of a venture. The apparatus that gives specialized help and help would be of extraordinary help.
  • Language Support like C#, Java, Python, and others: Every test situation can't be recorded. At times, the tester must compose the code. Along these lines, the apparatus that underpins the expected language to compose the tweaked contents would be useful.
  • TFS DevOps integration with builds: Support to coordinate with Continuous Integration apparatuses for computerized fabricates and arrangements is fundamental.
  • Pricing: Depending on the above characteristics and venture cost gauges, assess the cost contrast among the other accessible automation tools.

Read: Roles and Responsibilities Of Selenium Test Automation Engineer

Automation Testing Process, Step2: Define the Scope of Automation

The extent of mechanization is the region of your Application Under Test which will be computerized. Following focuses help decide scope:

  • The highlights that are significant for the business
  • Scenarios which have a lot of information
  • Common functionalities crosswise over applications
  • Technical plausibility
  • The degree to which business parts are reused
  • The multifaceted nature of experiments
  • Ability to utilize a similar experiment for cross-program testing

Automation Testing Process, Step3: Planning, Design, and Development

Read: How Can I Become A Manual Tester In Just 30 Days?

Amid this stage, you make an Automation methodology and plan, which contains the accompanying subtleties

  • Automation instruments chose
  • Framework plan and its highlights
  • In-Scope and Out-of-scope things of mechanization
  • Automation testbed arrangement
  • Schedule and Timeline of scripting and execution
  • Deliverables of Automation Testing

Automation Testing Process, Step4: Test Execution

Let’s first understand , test execution is.

Test execution is the way toward executing the code and contrasting the normal and real outcomes. Following variables are to be considered for a test execution process:

  • Based on a hazard, select a subset of a test suite to be executed for this cycle.  
  • Assign the experiments in each test suite to testers for execution.
  • Execute tests, report bugs, and catch test status constantly.
  • Resolve blocking issues as they emerge.
  • Report status, modify assignments, and rethink plans and needs day by day.
  • Report test cycle discoveries and status

Automation Testing Process, Step5 : Maintenance

Once done with test cases execution, the next step is to create reports so that the actions performed & consecutive results obtained during testing are recorded. As new functionalities get added to the software that you are testing with every successive cycle, automation scripts need to be added, reviewed, updated after each release of cycle. Maintenance becomes necessary to improve the effectiveness of test automation. So, you can follow these steps when performing Automation Testing to get efficient results. Brush up your understanding about QA testing, take this QA Testing quiz now!

Next section of this automation testing tutorials for beginners, we are going to discuss about different test automation frameworks.

Test automation frameworks

An organization implements test mechanization with a structure that incorporates regular works on, testing apparatuses and measures. Information-driven and catchphrase driven test computerization systems are normal, as a structure for straight scripting and particular testing.

The direct scripting structure suits little applications since it empowers the utilization of a test content with small arranging; however, does not bolster reusable contents. In particular testing structures, a product tester makes contents as little, autonomous tests to diminish excess, yet this procedure ordinarily expends more opportunity to set up. Information-driven structures empower programming testers to make contents that work for numerous informational collections for wide quality inclusion with fewer tests than particular choices. Watchword driven testing systems utilize table organizations to characterize catchphrases for each capacity and execution strategy; programming testers without profound programming information can work with the catchphrases to make test contents. Half breed driven systems consolidate at least two practices to have the advantages of both.

What Types of Testing Can Be Automated?

types of testing

Unit Tests

The largest portion of your mechanization tests comprises of your Unit Tests. Unit Tests will be tests that are quick, solid, and just test little bits of code rationale. Since mechanized Unit Tests rush to create and can be effectively fused into your Continuous Integration process, these tests involve the biggest segment of your robotized tests. I would urge your product engineers to make loads of Unit Tests and to perform test-driven advancement with all new programming code.

Integration Tests

Next, have your testers make Automation Integration Tests for all zones that can't be Unit Tested. These tests are considerably harder to compose, run all the more gradually, and require a great deal of coding. Given the colossal assets required, it's basic to organize which Integration Tests to mechanize utilizing an organized mechanization overabundance. At any rate, make a mechanized Smoke Test to add to your Continuous Integration process. A Smoke Test is an abnormal state, fundamental test to uncover straightforward disappointments extreme enough to dismiss an imminent programming discharge.

GUI Tests

The Graphical User Interface (GUI) likewise should be mechanized to practice all the usefulness and ways of the application. GUI computerization is precarious because it's typically contained various conditions. For instance, some users of the framework may just be cultivated by following an unpredictable succession of GUI events. Since the GUI may change essentially crosswise over adaptations of the application, GUI tests can every now and again break, so this bit of mechanization should make up the littlest level of your Automation tests.

Read: Automation Testing Basics For Beginners.

Automation Testing Tools

Here is a list of a few very famous automation testing tools

Automation Testing Tools 

Here are some popular automation testing tools, categorized based on their usage:

Open-Source Tools:

  • Selenium: A powerful framework that supports various programming languages and allows for web application automation across different browsers and operating systems.
  • Appium: An open-source framework specifically designed for automating mobile app testing on Android and iOS platforms.
  • Robot Framework: A keyword-driven framework known for its readability and ease of use, making it suitable for testers with less programming experience.
  • A modern framework gaining traction for its ease of use, built-in features for recording and debugging tests, and tight integration with popular testing frameworks like Mocha and Chai.

Commercial Tools:

  • Katalon Studio: A user-friendly platform that supports web, mobile, API, and desktop application testing with a mix of code-driven and record-and-playback functionalities.
  • TestComplete: A comprehensive tool offering robust features for web, mobile, desktop, and API testing, catering to experienced testers.
  • UFT One (Unified Functional Testing): A powerful tool from Micro Focus, well-suited for complex enterprise applications and integrations with various testing methodologies.
  • Ranorex: A comprehensive automation testing platform that supports web, mobile, desktop, and API testing, along with features for visual validation and recording tests.

This is not an exhaustive list, but it gives you a good starting point for exploring automation testing tools. The best tool for you will depend on your specific needs, project requirements, and team skillset.

Read more about software testing tools.

Lets see possible barrier in successful test automotion.

Barriers to Successful Automation Testing

While automation testing offers significant benefits, there are challenges to consider during implementation. Here are some of the most common pitfalls:

  • Slow and Repetitive Test Creation: Developing automation test scripts can be time-consuming, especially for complex functionalities. This can discourage teams and hinder adoption.
  • Low Test Coverage: Focusing solely on automating easily scriptable tests can leave critical areas untested. A well-rounded automation strategy should aim for comprehensive test coverage.
  • Inadequate Test Data: Reliable and sufficient test data is essential for effective automation. Inaccurate or insufficient data can lead to unreliable test results and wasted effort.
  • Weak Test Maintenance: Automated tests require ongoing maintenance as the application evolves. Failing to prioritize maintenance can lead to a backlog of broken tests, ultimately rendering automation ineffective.

Overcoming the Challenges:

Despite these potential roadblocks, the advantages of test automation outweigh the challenges. Most automation tools offer features to streamline test script creation, manage test data effectively, and simplify maintenance. These tools can significantly improve the overall testing process.

Scope of Automation Testing : Career Outlook

The automation testing industry is booming! Research indicates a projected growth rate of 14.2% during the 2021-2026 period. This translates to significant growth opportunities for individuals entering this exciting field.

Why Choose Automation Testing?

A career in automation testing offers a compelling combination of factors:

  • High Demand: QA automation testers are highly sought-after professionals.
  • Diverse Roles: The field offers a variety of roles to cater to different interests and skillsets.
  • Competitive Salaries: Automation testing positions typically come with attractive compensation packages.
  • Industry Flexibility: The skills acquired in automation testing are valuable across various industries, providing flexibility in career paths.

Expand Your Knowledge:

  • How to Become An Automation Testing Expert: Dive deeper and learn the steps to becoming a master of automation testing.
  • Waterfall vs Agile vs Scrum vs Kanban: Understanding different project management methodologies can be beneficial in a testing career.

By choosing qa testing, you're entering a dynamic and promising field with a bright future. This rewrite emphasizes the growth potential, highlights key benefits, and offers relevant learning resources.

Final Thoughts On Automation Testing

In this blog, we have covered quite a few basic related to automation testing for beginners . You now know how to select test case, how to plan, what testing frameworks are, what should be the tool selection criteria, etc. We hope you found this test automation tutorial informative and it has helped in adding value to your knowledge. 

Automation testing is an integral part of any testing ecosystem, without moving to an automation setup, efficient testing becomes difficult. If you are looking to plunge into testing career, there is a vast pool of growth opportunities. All you need to join professional Automation testing training, hone you coding & analytical skills, get testing certification and that’s it !!

If you have any queries related to cloud testing tutorial or anything you want to explore, please mention it in the comments section 


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  • A

    Amari Jones

    Very nice written blog, help alot in understanding about automation testing career.

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    Zane Brown

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    Knox Miller

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    Adonis Smith

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    Aidan Johnson

    This blog has provided complete information about automation testing careers, tools, and types of testing, really amazing.

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    Kaden Brown

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    Paul Wilson

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    Omar Moore

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    Brian Taylor

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    Louis Anderson

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