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Top 130+ Manual Testing Interview Questions & Answers for Freshers & Experienced


The outlook for QA manual testers and other roles in software development and QA is strong. Employment in this area is projected to grow 25 percent from 2021 to 2031, much faster than the average for all occupations.

You must think that in today’s digital era, why do we need manual testing? Trust me when I say manual testing is equally essential to automated testing because you can test whatever you want. This is why manual testing is and will always be a need. This, in turn, means there would always be vacancies for individuals who are into manual testing. If you are about to sit for an interview for a job role requiring manual testing skills, then I am sure you would benefit from this blog. We have collated the most commonly asked questions in an interview session based on manual testing to help you prepare.

Manual Testing is a procedure done to discover imperfections. In this strategy, the analyzer assumes a vital part of the end client and checks all highlights of the application to guarantee the conduct of the application. Manual Testing is an essential kind of testing that finds the bugs in the application under test. 

For a person looking to attend an interview on manual testing recently, here are some of the most standard interview questions and answers that will help you correctly. Moreover, you can sharpen your skill sets through industry's best manual testing online training

At this point, we have a built-in list of the most frequently asked questions and answers to help freshers and experienced people ace this interview.

Manual Testing Interview Questions and Answers for Freshers

If you are ready to excel in your interview and all set to kickstart your career in manual testing then the following set of manual testing interview questions for freshers will serve as your go to guide. These questions and answers are tailored specifically for freshers. Remember, preparation is key to confidently tackle any interview. Ready? Let’s get started.

Q1) . What is Software Testing?

Ans:- If we go by the ANSI/IEEE 1059 standards software testing is a procedure of breaking down the software to distinguish the contrasting characteristics among the existing software conditions and the required conditions (i.e. bugs and defects) and to assess the highlights of the software at hand.

Q2). Explain the procedure for manual testing

Ans:- The Manual Testing Process Comprises of the Following-

  • Planning and Control
  • Analysis and Design
  • Implementation and Execution
  • Evaluating exit criteria and Reporting
  • Test Closure activities

Q3). Explain the tasks involved in planning and control.

Ans:- Test Planning Comprises of the Following Major Tasks:

  • To fix the scope and the number of risks and ascertain the goals of testing.
  • To govern the test method.
  • To execute the test policy and/or test tactics. 

Q4). What is Static Testing?

Ans:- Static Testing involves examining documents and code to identify defects during the early stages of the Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC) Phases, such as requirements gathering and design phases. This proactive approach aims to detect issues before they propagate further downstream, ultimately saving time and resources in the software development process.

Q5). What is Dynamic Testing?

Ans:- Dynamic Testing encompasses the active execution of code, where the software runs with various inputs to assess its behavior and functionality. This iterative process involves validating the output generated by the software against the expected results, ensuring that it meets the specified requirements and functions as intended.

Q6). How does quality control differ from quality assurance?

Ans:- Quality control: Quality control involves the systematic examination of a product to identify defects and ensure that it meets specified requirements. It is primarily focused on the end product and involves activities such as testing and inspection to maintain product quality.

Quality assurance: Quality assurance, on the other hand, is a process-oriented approach aimed at ensuring that the processes and methodologies used to develop the product consistently result in high-quality outcomes. It focuses on preventing defects rather than identifying them after the fact, emphasizing process improvement and adherence to quality standards throughout the SDLC.

Also you can check out this blog on Top 110 Behavioral Interview Questions for QA Roles if you are parallelly aiming for one.   

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Q7). Why is testing required in software development?

Ans:- "Software testing" has become an increasingly popular methodology for software development. 

Following are few compelling motives to show checking out is needed:

  1. It factors out the defects and errors that have been made at some point of the improvement phases.
  2. Reduces the coding cycles by means of identifying issues on the preliminary degree of the development.
  3. Guarantees that software application calls for decrease maintenance cost and effects in greater correct, constant and reliable outcomes.
  4. Checking out guarantees that the consumer unearths the agency dependable and their satisfaction inside the utility is maintained.
  5. Make sure that the software program is malicious program-free and the satisfaction of the product meets the marketplace fashionable.

Q8). What are the different types of testing?

Ans:- Software Testing is usually categorized into Functional and Non-Functional Testing. 

1. Functional Testing: Functional testing involves checking out the functional aspects of a software program application. While you’re acting on the Functional test, you have to check each and every capability. You need to consider whether you’re getting the favored outcomes.

There are various Functional testing such as:

  1. Unit testing
  2. Integration testing
  3. End-to-end testing
  4. Smoke testing
  5. Sanity testing
  6. Regression testing
  7. Acceptance testing
  8. White box testing
  9. Black box testing
  10. Interface testing

Functional tests are carried out both manually and with the use of automation tools. For manual testing, it is straightforward, but when automation is necessary, tools are used.

Some tools that you could use for functional testing are Micro Focus UFT (previously known as QTP, and UFT stands for Unified functional testing checking out), Selenium, JUnit, soapUI, Watir, and so forth.

2. Non-Functional testing- It is the testing of non-practical aspects of software, inclusive of overall performance, reliability, usability, security, and so forth. Non-Functional assessments are completed after the functional tests.

There are various Non-Functional testing such as:

  1. Performance testing
  2. Security testing
  3. Load testing
  4. Failover testing
  5. Compatibility testing
  6. Usability testing
  7. Scalability testing
  8. Volume testing
  9. Stress testing
  10. Maintainability testing
  11. Compliance testing
  12. Efficiency testing
  13. Reliability testing
  14. Endurance testing
  15. Disaster recovery testing
  16. Localization testing
  17. Internationalization testing

Q9) . What is bug report?

Ans:- During testing, a tester records their observations, findings, and other relevant information to assist developers or management. This collection of information is compiled into a test report, commonly known as a bug report.

A detailed bug report is a crucial document generated during testing. It serves the following purposes for the team members:

  • Identifying the problem
  • Providing steps to reproduce the issue
  • Describing the environment and specific conditions under which it occurs
  • Aiding in the decision-making process for developers to fix the issue.

Q10) . What is the difference between Positive and Negative Testing?


Positive Testing

Negative Testing:

It is done to figure out what a framework is expected to do. It checks whether the application is defending the necessities it was built for or not.

It is to figure out what framework has been tuned to not do. It finds the deformities from the product.

Q11). What is Use Case Testing?

Ans:- The use case testing utilizes the use case to assess the application. So that, the tester can inspect all the functionalities of the application. Use case testing can cover a whole application.

Read: Integration Testing Tutorial Guide for Beginner

Q12). What is the Test Case?

Ans:- A test case is ideally used to test the conformance of a developed application in consonance with its requirement stipulations. It is a set of settings with pre-requisites, input values, and predictable results in a recognized form.

Q13) . Explain the Tasks of Test Closure Activities.

Ans:- Test Closure Activities are Endowed with the following Major Tasks:

  • To see which strategic deliverables are really delivered and to safeguard that all incident reports have been successfully resolved.
  • To confirm and document the test ware such as writings, testing environments, etc. for future reuse.
  • To deliver the test ware to the maintenance team. They will give sustenance to the software.
  • To assess how the testing actually went and acquire lessons for upcoming releases and ventures.

Q14) . What different types of manual testing are there?

Ans:- Following are the different types on manual testing are:

Manual Testing Types

  1. Black Box Testing
  2. White Box Testing
  3. Unit Testing
  4. System Testing
  5. Integration Testing
  6. Acceptance Testing

Q15) . What is Test-Driven-Development?

Ans:- Test-Driven Development (TDD) is a widely-used software development approach introduced by Kent Beck in his book of the same name, published in 1999. TDD is a design process where tests are written before the code. You start by creating a test, verify that it fails, and then proceed to write code to make the test pass. This iterative cycle ensures that only working code, which doesn't break any existing tests, is produced.

Q16) . What is cross-browser testing?

Ans:- In the world of Web development, cross-browser testing is crucial. By this important technique, you can find out if your website will work as expected on different browsers and devices. Cross-browser testing is performed with the aim of determining which browsers do not support the websites and how to design them better.

Q17). What is automated testing?

Ans:- Automated testing, also known as test automation, involves the programmatic execution of tests. Testers utilize automation tools or software like Selenium to write code that performs the following tasks:

  • Automatically runs the software.
  • Inputs the provided data into the system.
  • Compares the output with the expected result.
  • Marks the test as failed if the outcomes don’t match, otherwise, it passes the test.

Once a test is automated, it can be run as frequently as needed to check if any new code changes have caused failures. This frees up time for testers to focus on other high-value activities, such as exploratory testing, which helps uncover bugs that automated tests might miss.

Automated testing is particularly useful for repetitive testing tasks with inputs that remain constant. Humans can become fatigued and prone to errors when repeatedly performing the same tests and observing identical results. Software, on the other hand, excels at executing repetitive tasks without experiencing fatigue or making mistakes, making it a valuable asset in the testing process.

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Q18). Can you List Down a few Characteristics of a Test Case?

Ans:- A Test Case can have the Following Attributes-

  • Test Case Id – An exceptional identifier for the test case.
  • Test Summary – Online comments or summary for each of the test cases.
  • Description – A Comprehensive narrative of the test case.
  • Precondition or pre-requisite – A set of fundamentals that must be charted before implementing the test steps.
  • Test Steps – Comprehensive steps for carrying out the test case.
  • Expected result – The estimated result in the direction to pass the test.
  • Actual result – The actual result received after having done the execution of the test steps.
  • Test Result – Pass/Fail to stand on the test execution.
  • Automation Status – Identifier for automation – whether the given application is mechanized or not.
  • Date – The date of the test execution.
  • Executed by – Name of the person performing the test case.

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Q19). How will you Define a Critical Bug?

Ans:- A critical bug is a bug that has got the tendency to affect a majority of the functionality of the given application and the application cannot be distributed to the end client deprived of the procedure of fixing that bug. It is different from a blocker bug as it doesn’t essentially disturb or block the testing of other parts of the given application.

Q20). What is Endurance Testing?

Ans:- Endurance Testing, also known as Soak Testing, evaluates how well an application withstands sustained load and stress over time. It assesses stability, performance, and resource management, ensuring reliability under prolonged usage conditions.

Q21). Why do we need Localization Testing?

Ans:- Localization testing ensures that an application functions correctly and its interface adapts appropriately to different languages and regions, addressing global user needs. This is one of the frequently asked manual testing interview questions for experienced also along with freshers. 

Q22). What is Path Testing?

Ans:- Path testing is testing in which the tester guarantees that each path of the application should be affected at least once. In this testing, all the paths in the program’s source code are tested in any case once for sure.

Q23). What are Software bugs?

Ans:-Software bugs can be frustrating to deal with but we can't really avoid them. In application there will always be some defects that occur unexpectedly. Bugs can cause your software to crash, or give wrong results or even worse, leave users' personal data vulnerable.

There are numerous causes for the bugs—for example, negative layout, sloppy programming, loss of model control, or miscommunication. at some stage in development, builders introduce hundreds or thousands of bugs inside the device. The purpose of the tester is to uncover all the bugs. If you want to know in details, check out tutorials on why software have bugs.

Q24). Write some common mistakes that lead to major issues.

Ans:- When conducting manual testing, it's crucial to identify common mistakes that can result in significant issues. These encompass obvious errors like typos and incorrect formatting, as well as oversights such as users failing to reset passwords after changing them. To avoid such pitfalls, it's important to:

  • Avoid negative scheduling
  • Properly estimate tasks
  • Address small issues promptly
  • Follow prescribed procedures accurately
  • Ensure correct resource allocation

Q25). List some of the popular testing tools/frameworks, providing a brief description of each.

Ans:-There are several different testing tools and frameworks available to you. The first thing to be aware of is that there isn't a single testing methodology — it's important to know why you're using a particular tool/framework. If a new technology comes along, try to test it a little before deciding whether it's worth integrating into your current project. 

Following are the popular tools:

  1. Selenium: an internet browser automation device that automates the test suites you want to run on a web browser.
  2. Protractor: An give up-to-quit check framework for Angular and AngularJS applications. Protractor runs checks against your utility running in a real browser, interacting with it as a person might.
  3. Cypress: A present day front-stop trying out tool built for the present day web. Although it’s much like Selenium and Protractor, it’s architecturally distinctive from them.
  4. Jasmine: this is an open-supply JavaScript testing framework that lets you jot down behavior-pushed tests.
  5. JUnit and NUnit: those are unit checking out frameworks for Java and C# programming languages, respectively.

Q26).  In your understanding, what are the key differences between verification and validation in software testing, and can you provide examples of techniques used in each approach?

Ans:- Verification is a static analysis approach. Here, checking out is executed without executing the code. Examples: Reviews, Inspection, and walkthrough.

Validation is a dynamic analysis method in which checking out is carried out by means of executing the code. Examples include functional and non-functional checking out strategies.

Q27). Why is Software Testing Required?

Ans:- Software testing is compulsory to ensure the software is completely safe. And it is good enough to be released to the market. These are the compelling reasons why testing is needed:

  • Testing points out the errors and issues made during the developing phase. 
  • It reduces the coding cycles by finding issues at the beginning of the development. 
  • Ensures that the software has no bugs and the product meets the market standard. 
  • It does not result in any failures. . 

Q28). What is API testing?

Ans:- It is a kind of software testing where application programming interfaces are tested to figure out if they can meet the expectations to check the functionality, performance, reliability, and security. In simple terms, API testing is intended to reveal bugs, inconsistencies, or deviations from the expected behaviorus of an API.

Q29). When is RTM (Requirement Traceability Matrix) prepared?

Ans:- The RTM is typically prepared before test case design begins. It ensures that requirements are traceable throughout the review process and serves as a reference for testing activities.

Q30). What are the advantages of manual testing?

Ans:- The following are the advantages of manual testing:

  1. Manual testing initiates the software testing life cycle , providing insights into user interactions with the software.
  2. It offers a cost-effective approach compared to automated testing.
  3. Manual testing allows for effective analysis from the user's perspective.
  4. GUI testing is more accurate when performed manually due to visual complexities.
  5. Manual testing is easy to learn for newcomers to the field.
  6. It is suitable for short-term projects where test scripts are not reused frequently.
  7. Manual testing is highly beneficial in the early stages of project development.
  8. It is highly reliable compared to automated tests, which may contain errors and overlook bugs.

Q31). What is a traceability matrix?

Ans:- Traceability matrix, also called traceability table, refers to the relationship between a requirement, its test cases and their results.

Q32). Explain test data.

Ans:- Test data refers to the information or inputs that are used during the testing process to evaluate the functionality, performance, or behavior of a software application. This data can include various types of information such as user inputs, database records, system configurations, and expected outcomes. Test data is carefully selected or generated to cover different scenarios, edge cases, and conditions to ensure comprehensive test coverage and to validate that the software behaves as expected under various circumstances. Additionally, test data should be representative of real-world usage scenarios to accurately simulate the application's behavior in production environments.

Q33). What is a Test script?

Ans:- Test script is a piece of software written in a programming language to test the various logical and functional parts of a software product under development, or finished product. Test scripts do not execute on a computer- they are executed by manual testers who follow the instructions provided by the test scripts.

Q34). What is defect density?

Ans:- Defect density is the measure of the density of the defects in the machine. It can be calculated by way of dividing the variety of defects identified by way of the entire number of traces of code(or methods or instructions) inside the application or program.

Q35). What is defect priority?

Ans:- Defect priority refers to the level of urgency in resolving a defect. Typically, defect priority is classified on a scale ranging from P0 to P3, with P0 indicating the highest urgency for repair.

Q36). What is defect severity?

Ans:- Defect severity is the severity of the illness impacting the capability. primarily based on the organization, we will have distinct levels of disorder severity starting from minor to crucial or show stopper.

Q37). What is a blocker?

Ans:- Blocker is a worm of excessive priority and excessive severity. It prevents or blocks trying out of some other essential part of the utility as nicely.

Q38). What are the differences between manual and automated testing?


Manual Testing

Automated Testing

A human tester checks the software program by manually executing the test cases and observing and comparing the actual and expected outputs.

A tester or a programmer makes use of scripts and tools that execute the software program and compares the real and anticipated outputs.

Manual checking out isn't reproducible and repeatable.

Because it is programmed, automated testing is consistently reproducible and repeatable. It can be executed as frequently as the tester desires.

For new capabilities, a tester can quickly test the characteristic manually, without plenty of configuration and setup.

To set up automated testing, there’s the initial funding required to write down the assessments and prepare surroundings to run those tests on.

Manual testing is useful for finding bugs in the person interface or accessibility problems.

Automatic testing is more appropriate for catching insects that a human tester would leave out, along with programming insects, business good judgment errors.

Manual testing is vulnerable to human errors and is slow.

As there is no human participation involved (aside from writing tests), automated testing is more reliable. It is also significantly faster than manual testing.

Q39). What is alpha testing?

Ans:-  Alpha testing is conducted to check whether the software program is working fine. Alpha testing process is also known as developer testing. This process is carried out by the software developer himself. Sometimes alpha testing is also called internal testing. In alpha testing, defects and errors are identified, logged and reported. Alpha testing must be done before moving towards beta testing.

Q40). What is beta testing?

Ans:- Beta testing is any form of software testing that occurs after alpha testing and before the software is released. Beta tests include usability testing, performance testing, stress testing, time modeling, and other Quality Assurance techniques. Some of the most important goals of beta tests are finding bugs or errors in the software and ensuring that the software works correctly before allowing it to be used by customers.

Q41). What is exploratory testing?

Ans:-  Exploratory testing is a research and development method used in software testing. It takes a test design approach to the process and is performed with the primary objective of finding errors or defects in the software product.

Q42). What is end-to-end testing?

Ans:- End-to-end testing refers to the comprehensive testing of the entire workflow or process, from initiating a user action (such as signing up) to completing the intended task (such as providing a rating or review). It ensures that all components and systems involved in the workflow function correctly together. Unlike more isolated forms of testing, such as unit testing, end-to-end testing evaluates the software in conjunction with its dependencies, including databases, networks, file systems, and external services.

Q43). How does white box testing differ from black box testing, and what are its key techniques?

Ans:- White box testing entails scrutinizing the internal architecture and implementation of a system, along with assessing its source code quality, in contrast to the external perspective of black box testing. Its techniques include Statement Coverage and Decision Coverage. If you have any queries regarding these manual testing interview questions or software testing interview questions, feel free to ask in the comments section below.

Also read: What is Software Testing? What Are The Different Types of Software Testing?

Q44). Explain the difference between alpha testing and beta testing.

Ans:-  Alpha testing is a type of software testing performance to find bugs before releasing the product to real users or the public. This is a type of user acceptance testing. Beta testing is performed by real users of the software application in a real environment. 

Enhance your knowledge about Alpha vs Beta Software Testing to get a better understanding and grab your desired position in the domain.

Q45). What’s the role of documentation in Manual Testing?

Ans:- Documentation is a key player in effective software testing. In this testing, all the details are documented including requirement specifications, designs, inspection reports, test plans, bug reports, etc.

Documentation helps you to estimate the testing effort you will need apart from the test coverage and tracking and tracing needs. 

Q46). What is meant by Code Coverage?

Ans:- In automation testing, “Code Coverage” is a measure of how much of the application source code is executed when the automated test script runs. It is useful in measuring progress in software testing. A well-designed test plan would have an objective or target Code Coverage number (for example, achieving 75% Code coverage). A business goal may also be set to define the percentage of coverage required in the test process for a release to go live.

Q47). What is Selenium and its benefits?

Ans:- Selenium is a browser automation framework that enhances the developer’s experience. It provides an extremely fast and simple testing engine to write automated functional tests for websites.

Here are some facts about Selenium and their benefits: 

  1. Their technology enables developers to write automated functional tests for their software, in a very short time frame, and in any programming language (e.g., Javascript, Java, Python, Ruby). 
  2. Most web browsers come with corresponding driver libraries that they have included in the distribution packages etc. 
  3. They can automate non-GUI web applications at the command line using shell-based tools. 
  4. They allow image comparison by running different images on multiple browsers.
  5. Alerts can be generated when tests fail, this helps in identifying even minor bugs quickly. 
  6. Automated tests (implemented as Selenium WebDriver scripts) are processed by Cucumber under the command of Protractor and can notify users via email or cell phone apps.
  7. Helpful features such as screenshot capturing from all your browser's help you understand what results are actually happening inside your browser. 

Q48). What is boundary value analysis?

Ans:- Boundary value analysis is a technique used when making a mathematical determination of the boundary set between two variables. It is also known as end point or endpoint value.

For example when the programmer makes use of the greater-than operator (>) in place of the greater-than-or-equal-to (>=) operator, it causes the off-with- aid-of-one indexing errors.

Q49). What is unit testing?

Ans:- In software engineering, unit testing is a software testing method by which individual units of source code, sets of one or more computer program modules together with associated control data, usage strategies, and operating strategies are tested to determine if they may be matched to be used.

Q50). What are the different HTTP status codes that a server can return?

Ans:- An HTTP status code is a 3-digit wide variety that shows the status of an incoming HTTP request, this is if the request has been completed or not.

A server can send the following five kinds of responses for an HTTP request.

  1. Information (100 - 199): An HTTP status to those status codes provides a brief response. The response includes the reputation line and non-compulsory headers and terminates through an empty line.
  2. Success (200 - 299):Indicate that the incoming HTTP request becomes effectively received, understood, and accepted.
  3. Redirect (300 - 399): These popularity codes indicate in addition actions the consumer should take to satisfy the HTTP request. It could imply that the requested useful resource may have moved briefly or permanently. It may additionally redirect the customer to some other URL.
  4. A client error (400 - 499): Imply trouble with the consumer who initiated the HTTP request.
  5. Server error (500 - 599): The 5XX status code suggests a hassle on the server even as processing the request.

Q51). What is meant by browser automation?

Ans:- A browser automation tool is a program that automatically loads and navigates (browsing) through tabs of websites in normal ways. This means that the software does not alter or modify any of the data and contents on the website. It is a very common question for interviewers.

Q52). What is A/B testing?

Ans:- A/B testing is one of the most important techniques used today in software development to build better products and services.

A/B testing is a method of testing two different versions of a webpage (e.g. A 1 and A 2) on the same page to determine which version performs better in conversion rates.

You may choose the part of your customers to use function A. the alternative organization uses feature B. Then individual feedback and responses are evaluated by the use of statistical checking to determine the final version of the feature.

Q53). What is the difference between Retesting and Regression Testing?

Ans:- Regression Testing: Regression testing means retesting that software to see if it still performs the same way. Most development teams need to perform regression testing before code changes are rolled out. This type of testing is an essential part of quality assurance.

Re-testing: Retesting means through regressing you get a new target that you can test against. 



It is performed to make sure that the adjustments haven't affected the unchanged part.

It is accomplished to ensure that the test cases that were filed in the closing execution are passed after the detects are fixed with the aid of developers.

It isn't finished for precise come across fixes.

It is also carried out based totally on defect fixes.

It is most effective the previous model functionality-centric.

It is cutting-edge or previous model functionality-centric.

It may be accomplished parallel with retesting.

It is had to perform before regression trying out.

It does not include the verification of bugs.

It includes the verification of bugs.

In this type of testing, take a look at instances that may be automatic and the testing style is popular.

In this type of testing, take a look at cases that can't be automatic and the testing is accomplished in a planned way.

It is only used for handed take a look at cases.

It is best used for failed check cases.

Q54). What are the types of Integration Testing?

Ans: Following are the 3 types of Integration Testing:

Integration testing types

  1. Big bang testing 
  2. Bottom-Up Testing 
  3. Top-Down Testing

Q55). Name some of the most popular integration testing tools.

Ans:- Following are the most popular Integration Testing tools:

  • DBUnit 
  • Greenmail 
  • Mockito 
  • REST-Assured 
  • JUnit 5 
  • H2 Database, etc.

Q56). What is functional testing?

Ans:-  This is a form of black-box testing focused on the software’s functional needs instead of its internal implementation. A functional need refers required behavior in the system, in terms of its output and input. 

It validates the software against the functional needs, ignoring the non-functional attributes like usability, reliability, and performance.

Manual Testing Interview Questions for Experienced

If you possess some experience, these manual testing interview questions tailored for individuals with 1 to 2 years of experience would be highly suitable for you.

Q57). What is a Test Harness?

Ans:- A test harness comprises software and test data organized to evaluate a program unit by subjecting it to varying conditions, including validating input values against expected outputs. It configures a suite of tools and data to test an application across different scenarios, ensuring accuracy through output comparison. Utilizing a testing harness offers benefits such as process automation and enhanced product quality, ultimately leading to increased productivity

Q58). What is a Test Closure?

Ans:- Test Closure is the note arranged before the test group formally finishes the testing procedure. This note contains the aggregate no. of experiments, total no. of experiments executed, total no. of imperfections discovered, add total no. of imperfections settled, total no. of bugs not settled, total no of bugs rejected, and so forth.

Q59). What is the Top-Down Approach?

Ans:- Testing happens from top-to-bottom. High-level state modules are tested first and after that low-level modules and lastly incorporating the low-level modules to a high-level state to guarantee the framework is working as it is expected to. Stubs are utilized as an impermanent module if a module isn't prepared for integration testing.

Q60). What is the Bottom-Up Approach?

Ans:- It is the opposite of the Top-Down Approach. Testing happens from base levels to high-up levels. The lowest level modules are tried first and afterward high-level state modules and lastly coordinating the high-level state modules to a low level to guarantee the framework is filling in as it has been proposed to. Drivers are utilized as a transitory module for incorporation testing.

Q61). Is it True That We Can do System Testing at any Stage?

Ans:- No. The system testing must start only if all units are in place and are working properly. Though, it ought to happen before the UAT (User Acceptance testing).

Q62). What are the Experience-Based Testing Techniques?

Ans:- Experience-based methods, individuals’ information, abilities, and foundation knowledge are prime supporters of the test conditions and experiments. The experience of both technical, as well as business, is vital, as they convey alternate points of view to the test examination and configuration process. Because of past involvement with comparable frameworks, they may have bits of knowledge into what could turn out badly, which is exceptionally valuable for testing purposes.

Q63). Explain Configuration Testing.

Ans:-  Configuration testing is a type of software testing that determines whether the product is configured properly for the user's environment. To answer this question, we have to understand what configuration management is. Configuration management is the monitoring and control of changes to a product or system. This can include assessing risk, identifying the changes and ensuring that an update meets quality standards. You may also hear it referred to as change management, especially in an enterprise environment.

Q64) . Explain Test Scenario.

Ans:- Test scenario also called a scenario test, is described as high-level particular documentation of test cases or use cases. In this, the tester checks the software application from an end-user perspective. It typically can serve as the idea for lower-level test cases or use case creation. Taking a look at a scenario is also known as a test condition or test possibility. It gives you an idea of what we need to test.

Q65). What is the defect life cycle?

Ans:-  One of the critical aspects of software testing is understanding the defect life cycle. In a typical product life cycle, there are four main stages.

  • The first stage is the 'ideal' phase, where the product is new and expected to function perfectly.
  • The second stage is the maturity phase, during which products are evaluated for potential improvements or redesigns to enhance their performance or features.
  • Following this, the product enters a troubleshooting phase, where any issues or problems are addressed and resolved.
  • Finally, there's the revalidation phase, where it's crucial to ensure that the product meets all end-user requirements and functions as intended.

Q66). Why Do We Use Decision Tables?

Ans:- The techniques of equivalence dividing and boundary value analysis are regularly connected to the particular circumstances or sources of info. Nonetheless, if distinctive combinations of sources of info result in various actions being taken, this can be more difficult to indicate utilizing comparability apportioning and limiting esteem investigation, which has got a tendency to be more centered around the UI.

Read: Manual Testing Tutorials For Beginners

The other two determinations-based methods, choice tables, and state change testing are more centered around business rationale or business rules. A choice table is a decent method to manage blends of things (e.g. inputs). This procedure is once in a while additionally alluded to as a ’cause impact table. The purpose behind this is there is a related rationale charting system called ’cause-impact diagramming’ which was some of the time used to help determine the decision table 

Q67). Write the difference between smoke testing and sanity testing

Ans:- Smoke Testing: It is a type of testing executed to make sure that the extreme functionalities of this system are running nicely. It acts as an affirmation of whether the quality assurance team can in addition proceed with checking out or not.

Sanity Testing: It is an unscripted form of checking out achieved to make sure that the code modifications which can be made are running properly. It is achieved with the aid of the test team for a few basic checks. This testing makes a specialty of one or a few regions of capability and is usually narrow and deep.

Q68). What is meant by latent defect?

Ans:- A defect that is not obvious to the users. For example, in a web page which contains links, there are many possible values of the javascript option we could send with each link:We can create a list of these values and see which one turns out to be the optimal one and then send that value. If it happens often, it's recommended to tune this section immediately before deploying the site.

Stay Tuned more manual testing interview questions for experienced. Check-out every question because all of them are very important.

Q69). What is the difference between static and dynamic testing?

Ans:- In web application testing, static testing is all about reviewing the code that you and others are writing, whereas with dynamic testing we are testing actual end user interaction with the website or a software application.

Here is the list of major differences between static testing and dynamic testing:

  • Static Testing: This is a white box technique that includes the process of exploring the records to recognize the imperfections. 
  • Dynamic Testing: Dynamic testing refers to the process of executing code at the later stage of the software development lifecycle. It approves the results with the expected outputs. 
  • Static Testing: It is performed before the code deployment.  
  • Dynamic Testing: It is performed after the code deployment.  
  • Static Testing: It is implemented at the verification stage. 
  • Dynamic Testing: It begins during the validation stage. 

Q70). Why is it That the Boundary Value Analysis Provides Good Test Cases?

Ans:- This is for the reason that errors are often made during the program design of the different cases near the ‘edges of the array of values. 

Q71). What is Test Coverage?

Ans:- Test coverage assesses in some specific way the quantity of testing completed by a regular set of tests (derived in some other way, e.g. using requirements-based methods). Everywhere we can tally things and can tell whether or not each of those things has been verified by some test, then we can measure coverage.

Q72). Explain the Concept of Defect Cascading?

Ans:- Defect cascading is a defect that is triggered by a different defect in the same application. In this one, the defect beseeches the other defect in the application. When a defect is extant in any stage but is not recognized, hide to other stages without getting noted. This will affect an upsurge in the number of defects.

Q73). What is Regression Testing?

Ans:- Regression testing checks that alteration in code has not affected the operational functionality. Testing a previous test program to make sure that defects have not been introduced in unchanged areas of the software, the output of these changes made is referred to as Regression Testing.

Q74). What are the valuable steps to resolve issues while testing?

Ans:- Following are the valuable steps to resolve issues while testing: 

  • Record: Log and deal with any issues which have occurred
  • Report: document the issues to a higher stage supervisor
  • Control: outline the issue management method

Q75). What are the two parameters which can be useful to know the quality of test execution?

Ans:- Following are the two parameters:

  • Defect reject ratio
  • Defect leakage ratio

Q76). What is mutation testing?

Ans: Mutation testing is a loosely defined software testing technique, which allows one to add small program mutations to a program and then execute the program with a test harness, evaluating the actual output of this system with the predicted output.

Q77). What are the categories of debugging?

Ans:- Categories for debugging:

  1. Brute force debugging
  2. Backtracking
  3. Cause elimination
  4. Program Slicing
  5. Fault tree analysis

Q78). What is the DFD (Data Flow Diagram)?

Ans:-The Data Flow Diagram (DFD) is a visual tool used to represent all the items (Entities, Processes, Events and Actions) in your design in order. In other words, the DFD is a simplified picture of our entire software application. If we can see what data flows through an FDD then we will be able to answer a lot of questions and test our logic.

Q79). Explain what the Test Plan is?

Ans:- Test plan is a document that mainly tells about the approach, test case and testing evidence of the testing process.

Q80). What is Meant by Baseline Testing?

Ans:- Baseline testing involves establishing a reference point or benchmark against which future changes or developments can be measured. It serves as the foundation for assessing the performance, functionality, or behavior of a system or software. Essentially, a baseline provides a stable starting point for comparison, helping to ensure consistency and track progress throughout the testing process.

Q81). What is Integration Testing?

Ans:- Integration testing is black-box testing. It focuses on the interface between the units to ensure that units work together to complete a specific task. 

Q82). What is the difference between a bug, a defect, and an error?

Ans:- A bug is basically a fault in the software. It is generally found during testing time. Bugs occur due to some coding issues and lead a program to malfunction. They may also be the reason for functional issues in the product. These are fatal errors that can block the product functionality, results in a crash, or cause performance-related issues. 

An error is a mistake on the software development part. Errors generally arise in software leading to a change in the overall functionality of the program. 

A defect is a variance between the expected outputs and actual outputs. It is found by the developer after the product goes live. It is found after the application goes into production. A defect is also referred to as other issues with the software products, with its external behaviour, or with its internal features. 

Q83). Explain what LCSAJ is?

Ans:-LCSAJ stands for ‘linear code sequence and jump.’ It consists of the subsequent 3 items

  • a) start of the linear collection of executable statements
  • b) end of the linear collection
  • c) The target line to which control go with the flow is transferred on the end of the linear sequence

Q84). What is the pesticide paradox? How to overcome it?

Ans:- When the same tests are done again and again, eventually the same tests cases will no longer find new bugs. Developers have to become extra careful in the places where testers found more defects and might not look into other areas. Here are the major methods to prevent pesticide paradox:

  • To write a new set of test cases to exercise different parts of the software:
  • To prepare new test cases and add them to the existing test cases. 
  • These are effective methods to find more defects in the area where defect numbers dropped. 

Q85). What is black box testing, and what are the various techniques?

Ans:- Also known as specification-based testing, Black-Box Testing analyses the software's functionality without knowing much about the item's internal structure. The purpose of black-box testing is to check the system's functionality as a whole to ensure that it is performing correctly and exceeding the user demands. Some of the techniques used in the black box testing:

  • Equivalence Partitioning
  • Decision Table Based Technique 
  • Boundary Value Analysis
  • Cause-effect Graphing 
  • Use Case Testing 

Q86). What is the KEY difference between preventative and reactive approaches to testing?

Ans:- Preventative tests are designed early; reactive assessments are designed after the software program has been produced.

Q87). What is the purpose of exit criteria?

Ans:- When the test level is completed then the purpose of exit criteria is defined.

Q88). What is ‘Configuration Management’?

Ans:- Generally, every high-functioning organization has a master plan on the detailed description of how they are supposed to operate and accomplish tasks. Software configuration management includes the processes, policies, and tools that help in organizing, controlling, coordinating, and tracking the code, documentation, issues, designs & tools, compilers, and libraries.

Q89). Explain STLC.

Ans:- STLC stands for Software Testing Life Cycle, it is a fundamental part of SDLC used to test software as well as make sure that the quality standards are met. Generally, it includes verification activities and validation activities. In STLC, numerous activities are done in a specific order. 

These are the six different phases in STLC Model:

  • Requirement Analysis 
  • Test Planning
  • Test Case Development 
  • Test Environment Setup 
  • Test Execution 
  • Test Cycle Closure 

Q90). Explain Soak Testing?

Ans:- Soak testing or also known as Endurance testing is a type of performance testing that is generally performed to check the performance of the system under constant use. The main purpose here is to determine whether a system can sustain a continuous high load or not. 

Q91). What is the function of the software testing tool “phantom”?

Ans:- This freeware is used for windows, GUI automation scripting language. It allows you to take full control of windows and functions automatically. It is able to simulate any combination of keystrokes and mouse clicks and also menus, lists, and more.

Q92). Why developers shouldn’t test the software they wrote?

Ans:-Here are major reasons to show why developers are poor testers:

  • Developers test the code to ensure that it works instead of testing all the ways in which it does not work. 
  • Because they are the ones who wrote it themselves, developers tend to be optimistic about the software and do not get the right attitude required for testing to break software. 

Q93). What are the Structure-based (white-box) testing techniques?

Ans:- The structure-based testing needs a profound knowledge of the code, as it covers testing of some structural parts of the application. This testing is focused on enhancing security, checking the flow of inputs/outputs through the application, and improving the design and usability. Some of the major white-box techniques include:

  • Condition Coverage
  • Statement Coverage
  • Multiple Coverage
  • Decision Coverage

Q94). What determines the level of risk?

Ans:- The probability of an unfavorable event and the effect of the event decide the level of risk. 

Q95). What does the software testing workbench idea mean?

Ans:- The software testing workbench idea refers to a structured approach to delineate how a specific task should be executed. It encompasses various stages, such as phases, steps, and responsibilities. Within each workbench, there are typically five key components: input, execution, verification, production output, and rework.

Q96). What is random testing, exactly?

Ans:- An example of a black-box software testing method is random testing, in which the application generates random data to test.

Make sure to prepare for all kinds of manual testing interview questions to ace in the interview

Q97).How are software testing methods categorized based on their objectives and roles, and how do they differ in terms of whether they are performed by developers or QA professionals?

Ans:- There are various methods of software testing, which can be categorized based on their objectives and roles. Some testing methods are performed by software developers as part of their development process, while others are conducted by Quality Assurance (QA) professionals to ensure the quality and reliability of the software product.

Q98). What does software testing SPICE mean?

Ans:-  Software Process Improvement and Capacity Determination is referred to as SPICE. It is a collection of rules and procedures intended to raise the standard of software creation and application. Spice's key objectives are to raise software product quality, lower development costs, and boost client happiness. 

Q99). What is the cost difference between Fixing a Flaw in the Second Stage Versus the First Stage?

Ans:- It is essential to correct any errors discovered early on in a project because doing it later on will be far more expensive. As time passes, the expense of repairing a flaw increases dramatically.

Q100). How Does Use Case Testing Work? 

Ans:- A very common question among other manual testing interview questions. Use case testing, a functional testing technique, aids testers in developing test scenarios based on the software's functioning from beginning to end.

To make sure that the software functions as expected, use case testing involves the tester going through each step of a scenario or use case.

Q101). Component testing – What is it?

Ans:- Component testing, often referred to as a unit, module, and program testing, looks for errors in and confirms the proper operation of software (such as modules, programs, objects, classes, etc.) that may be tested separately. Depending on the system and the development life cycle, component testing may be carried out separately from the rest of the system.

Q102). What function does the moderator play in the review procedure?

Ans:-  The review procedure is overseen by the moderator or review leader. In collaboration with the author, he or she chooses the style, strategy, and team makeup for the review. To ensure that the input and output of the review are of high quality, the moderator conducts entry checks and follows up on the rework process. 

Q103). What are the methods of experience-based testing?

Ans:-  People's knowledge, abilities, and backgrounds play a major role in determining the test conditions and test cases in experience-based methodologies. Both technical and commercial experience are crucial since they both contribute a unique viewpoint to the test analysis and design process. They may have knowledge of potential issues due to prior experience with similar systems, which is very helpful for testing. It is one of the best interview questions on manual testing..

Q104). Which kind of evaluation needs formal admission and exit criteria, including metrics?

Ans:-   Inspection needs formal admission and exit criteria, including metrics.

Q105). Can evaluations or inspections be categorized as testing?

Ans:-  Definitely, as they both aid in defect detection and quality improvement.

Q106). A field accepts birth years between 1900 and 2004. What the test field's boundary values are?

Ans:- 1899,1900, 2004, 2005. 

Q107). When should testing be stopped?

Ans:- The vulnerabilities to the system under test must be considered. There are some standards by which testing can be terminated.

  • Deadlines (Testing, Release) (Testing, Release)
  • The test budget is finished.
  • Bug rate declines at a certain point
  • Alpha or beta testing periods are over once test cases have been finished with a certain proportion of passes.
  • Code coverage, functionality, or requirements are satisfied up to a certain point 

Q108). What is the integration approach for small-scale integration testing's primary goal?

Ans:-  The primary goal of small-scale integration testing's integration approach is to determine the specific modules to integrate, the timing of integration, and the quantity of modules to be integrated at each stage.

Q109). What are semi-random test cases? 

Ans:-  Semi-random test cases don't exist, but when random test cases are run and applied with equivalence partitioning, redundant test cases are removed, resulting in the creation of semi-random test cases. Be prepared for such interview questions on manual testing.

Q110).  Describe DRE.

Ans:-  DRE, a potent metric for measuring test efficacy, is employed in this context (Defect Removal Efficiency) We could determine how many defects we have discovered from the set of test cases using this statistic. The DRE calculation formula is

DRE = Number of bugs discovered during testing plus the number of problems discovered by users. 

Q111). Which is most likely to gain from using test tools that have test capture and replay capabilities? 

Ans:-  The use of test tools with test capture and replay capabilities is most likely to benefit testing for regression, integration testing of systems, and user acceptance testing.

Q112). How would you calculate the likely quantity of retesting needed?

Ans:- Retesting is a crucial software testing process where specific test cases are executed again to ensure defects identified in previous tests have been fixed correctly. It helps verify that the modifications or bug fixes have yet to introduce new issues. Retesting guarantees the reliability and quality of the software before its release. Measurements from earlier projects with similar scope, scale, and conversations with the development team.

Q113). What is Rapid Application Development?

Ans:-  Formally, parallel function development and integration is known as rapid application development (RAD). As though they were tiny projects, components and functions are built concurrently. The developments are time-boxed, delivered, and then put together to create a working prototype. The customer can rapidly receive something to view, utilize, and comment on in regards to the delivery and their needs.

Q114). How do formal tests work?

Ans:- Formal testing is the process of verifying software using a test strategy, testing processes, and appropriate documentation with the customer's permission.

How do Formal tests work?

Q115). Risk-Based Testing: What is it?

Ans:-  Risk-based testing refers to the process of first identifying the system's important functionality, then choosing the order in which to test those features. Risk-based testing applies the principles of risk management to testing activities. It aims to: Create and offer a framework that facilitates clear discussion between testers, developers, and other stakeholders about the risks at hand. Essentially, it isolates risks to make them identifiable and actionable. 

Q116). What is Early Testing?

Ans:- To detect flaws at the earliest phases of the STLC, perform testing as soon as you can during the development lifecycle. Early testing aids in lowering the price of resolving flaws at later phases of the STLC

Q117). What is Gamma Testing?

Ans:- Gamma testing is carried out after all internal testing procedures have been completed and the software is ready to be released with the stated specifications. This is how you  can smartly answer these interview questions on manual testing.

Q118). What does scaling testing entail?

Ans:- Scaling testing involves assessing whether a system's functionality and performance can handle varying volumes and sizes according to its requirements. Load testing is commonly employed in scalability testing to meet diverse demands.

Q119). How does fuzz testing work?

Ans:- Fuzz testing is a black-box testing technique that attacks a software with random faulty data to see whether anything in the application fails. qa manual tester interview questions. It is pretty common among manual testing questions asked in interviews

Steps of Fuzz Testing

Q120). Enlist HTTP response codes that are returned by the server.

Ans:-  HTTP response codes are enlisted below:

  • 2xx – It means ‘Success’
  • 3xx- It means ‘Redirection’
  • 4xx- It means ‘Application error’
  • 5xx- It means ‘Server error’

Q121). Error Seeding: What is it?

Ans:-  To determine the rate of error detection, a procedure known as error seeding involves intentionally introducing known mistakes into a software. It aids in the process of measuring the tester's bug-finding abilities and in determining the application's capability (how well the application is working when it has errors. 

Q122). Error guessing: What is it?

Ans:-  Another approach to creating test cases comparable to error seeding is error guessing. In error guessing, testers create test cases by making educated guesses about potential flaws in the software program. The goal is to find the mistakes as soon as possible.

Q123). Describe HotFix.

Ans:-  A hotfix is a software patch or update created to address a serious problem discovered in production. A build that was run in the production environment occasionally contained certain critical issues, requiring its rollback. Now, the development team set aside all other tasks and concentrated on addressing these mistakes as soon as possible before releasing a fresh version to correct them in the production. This version is known as a hotfix. There are two different kinds of software updates: patches and hotfixes. While hotfixes are not accessible to the general public, patches are. Another name for hotfixes is "quick-fix engineering updates" (QFE updates). 

Q124). What is testing using Decision Tables?

Ans:-  Cause-Effect Table is another name for Decision Table. This testing method is suitable for functions where the relationships between the inputs are logical (if-else logic). With the decision table method, we work with different input combinations. 

Q125). What is the requirement for entry?

Ans:-  The conditions that must be met before starting the testing procedure:

  • All requirements are to be approved and defined.
  • The partial or complete testable code is available.
  • Test cases are readily available.
  • Data for testing is sufficient in nature and available.
  • The testing environment is set up, and the tools are available

Q126). What is State Transition?

Ans:- State Transition Testing is a type of software testing that is performed to check the change in the state of the application under varying input. The condition of input passed is changed, and the state change is observed. It is a black box testing technique that is carried out to observe the behavior of the system or application for different input conditions passed in a sequence. In this type of testing, both positive and negative input values are provided, and the system's behavior is observed. The prerequisites that should be satisfied before testing is finished.

Q127). What is SDLC?

Ans:-  The Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) seeks to create a high-quality system that meets or exceeds customer expectations, functions effectively and efficiently in the existing and future information technology infrastructure, is affordable to maintain, and can be improved at a reasonable cost.


Q128). Which test cases—white boxes or black boxes—are written first?

Ans:-  Black-box test cases are written first, to put it simply.

Let's examine why black-box test cases—as opposed to white box test cases—are written initially.

Requirement documents or design documents are prerequisites before beginning to write black-box test cases. The project will start with access to these documents.

The internal architecture of the program must be understood before beginning to write white box test cases. The project's subsequent designing phase will include access to the application's core architecture. As you read more, you will learn more about the differences between white-box testing and black-box testing

Q129). What does the term "Workbench" in software testing mean?

Ans:-  Workbench is the process of outlining how a particular task must be carried out. It's also known as phases, milestones, and tasks. Each workstation will have five activities, including input, execution, checking, production output, and rework.

Q130).  What is Random testing?

Ans:-  An example of a black-box software testing technique is random testing, in which the program generates random data to test.

Q131). What different kinds of testing are there?

Ans:- Software testing can be done in several ways. Software developers carry out some types of software testing, while QAs do the others. They are Unit testing, Integration testing, Security testing, Smoke testing, Sanity testing, Penetration testing, Continuous testing, Regression testing, Gray-box testing, and more.

Types of testing

Q132). What is a user story?

Ans:-  A user story describes a functionality that will be provided to the end user in software development. It usually expresses what the user needs or wants and is written from the user's point of view. This is how you can answer such interview questions on manual testing.

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Bottom Line

Software testing is a vital part of the development process; it ensures quality and provides the confidence to release the software to customers. As already told, this Q&A format guide and Manual Testing Interview Questions guide include all important points, and it is focused on helping you prepare for your next interview with manual testing interview questions for freshers and manual testing interview questions for experienced  as we master the field of manual testing. 

Because testing is the only element of a good software development process, the development needs to use high coding standards, best practices, and patterns to decrease the number of bugs. In the long-term strategy, the most efficient way to improve the testing process is to test frequently, measure the outputs, collect feedback, and use it to get better results. 

To sharpen your skills and be industry-ready, consider going for a Manual Testing Training Program will help you get the best preparation, introduce you to a comprehensive curriculum, and get you the proper exposure.

That’s it for now! Hopefully,  you found this post helpful. If you have queries regarding the post, feel free to comment below. We will be glad to hear from you. 


Q1. What are the skills one will learn in online Manual Testing training?

Ans- On completing the manual testing course online, you will have a sound idea of software testing concepts, software testing objectives, processes, testing criteria, testing strategies, and different testing methods.

  • You will learn about software testing processes and quality assurance manual testing processes like system testing, functional testing, non-functional testing, regression testing, Unit Testing, Integration Testing, etc.
  • Gain the skills to plan a test project, design test cases, conduct testing operations, manage defects, and generate effective test reports.
  • You can write robust software testing documents and communicate with engineers to make the software project successful.
  • You can design and execute various software testing activities for any project.
  • You can effectively interact or communicate with stakeholders and other team members.

Get the proper manual software testing learnings with manual software testing training materials with help of manual testing interview questions for freshers and experienced.

Q2. Why should I join the Manual Testing Training course?

Ans- Manual Testing is considered an essential part of software testing and helps deploy a software project with the utmost quality. Every project can only be completed with adequate testing, either manual or automated. This is why every company needs expert quality assurance manual testing engineers to enforce maximum quality to a software product. With QA Manual Software Testing Training online program, you can master the manual testing fundamentals and become a valuable resource to get hired by leading companies worldwide.

Want to get hired by leading companies? Enroll in manual software testing learning program, earn qa testing certification and get access to expert-curated manual testing training materials with testing interview questions for freshers and virtual classroom teachings.

Q3. What is covered in QA Manual Testing Training for Beginners and Professionals?


  • At the basic level, you will learn about software testing basics, SDLC, software testing methodologies, and more.
  • The basic module is suitable for almost everyone, whether a person belongs to a technical background or not.
  • Once you finish the basic training, you can jump to the advanced QA manual testing training online and explore many career opportunities.
  • Before starting with the advanced QA manual testing training online, you should brush up on the basic concepts and learn best practices to become a valuable Manual Testing engineer.
  • You will learn how to write complex test cases for a software project and design test scripts.
  • You will also get practical exposure to test case designing and development by completing real-time projects in different verticals, preparing for jobs with help of interview questions on manual testing. So, enroll now, become MANUAL SOFTWARE TESTING certified, and explore many job opportunities in the MANUAL SOFTWARE TESTING domain immediately!

Q4. Who should attend Manual testing?

Ans- The online MANUAL TESTING certification course suits everyone wanting to start a testing career. It is optional for those with an IT background to join this manual software testing course. Still, here is a quick list of who can attend this quality assurance manual testing course online:

  • Software Test Engineers
  • Software Test Managers
  • QA experts or quality engineers
  • QA Leads or Quality Managers
  • Any fresh graduates or students who want to start a career in the testing domain.

Become one of the finest and most demanded quality assurance manual testing experts by signing up for our manual software testing course online and acing any interview questions on manual testing.

Q5. Are there any prerequisites for the Manual Testing certification exam?

Ans- The online manual software testing course has no pre-necessities. To learn Manual Software Testing and its concepts, basic computer skills can help you.

  • With Manual Testing Certification Training, you will get the proper testing skills and knowledge needed to clear the manual testing certification exam with help of manual testing interview questions for 3 years experience and more.
  • You get project work to gain hands-on expertise in Manual Testing techniques.
  • After completing the project, an expert team will award you a certification per your proficiency level.

Q6. What type of assistance is provided by the JanBask team for Manual Testing Jobs?

Ans- JanBask Training gives you a list of interview questions, and our experts will share interview tips, too. Help to build a powerful resume and showcase your skill set for a Manual Testing profile. Mentors will also discuss what organizations look for when hiring manual testing experts. A comprehensive manual software testing course helps you in every way to bag that desired job while practisig with manual testing questions and answers. Enroll for manual software testing today!

Q7. What are the benefits of getting Manual Testing certified?

Ans- Certification in Manual Testing proves you are good at performing software testing and have hands-on test case design and development expertise.

  • A certified manual testing expert can explore more job opportunities when compared to average test engineers.
  • Also, Companies usually pay more to certified manual test engineers, and they are usually preferred over the crowd.

Enroll in our manual software testing course to learn quick ways to become a certified manual tester. Prepare well for interviews with manual testing interview questions for freshers and experienced for your dream job.

Q8. How is manual testing a lucrative career option for you at the entry-level?

Ans- The industry growth potential in the software testing domain is very high. In this case, a career in software testing can be an overwhelming and rewarding option for learners. The demand for QA analysts and test engineers is on the rise. Testing is not done at any particular step but should be performed throughout the lifecycle. Software testers are also paid well by leading companies, especially when they are skilled and knowledgeable. You can work on freelance projects, too, and open the doors to a bright career in software testing. Ace any interview by prepping with manual testing interview questions and answers. 

Q9. What are the roles and responsibilities of a Manual Testing Expert in the workplace?

Ans- Check out the crucial roles and responsibilities of a manual tester:

  • The tester needs to understand and proofread software-related documents and what needs to be tested.
  • The tester should plan how testing should be started for different phases.
  • The tester should discuss the plan with the test lead to avoid rework in the future.
  • Design the test cases and improve them as per the business requirements.
  • Implement the test cases, report the bug, and fix it immediately.
  • The tester should know how to reuse the test cases and design new ones for any software project.

This is one of the basic manual testing questions asked in an interview. If you want to become a manual tester, join manual software testing and get a QA testing certification.

Q10. What is the future scope in a Manual Testing domain?

Ans- The future growth in the software testing space is quite impressive. In this case, a career in software testing can be an overwhelming and rewarding option for learners. The outlook for QA manual testers and other roles in software development and QA is strong. Employment in this area is projected to grow 25 percent from 2021 to 2031, much faster than the average for all occupations. The demand for QA analysts and test engineers is on the rise. Testing is not done at any particular step but should be performed throughout the lifecycle. Software testers are also paid well by leading companies, especially when they are skilled and knowledgeable. Gain an Automation Testing certification and clear interviews with testing interview questions and answers, you are good to go.

Q11. What is the average salary of a Manual Testing Expert at the entry level?

Ans- The average salary of a Manual Testing Expert at the entry-level varies from $46,950 to $55,332 per location, Company, skillset, etc. At the beginner level, he/she is responsible for basic things like analyzing software documentation, creating a test plan, discussing with other team members, etc.

Q12. What is the average salary of a Manual Testing Expert at the experienced level?

Ans- The average salary of a Manual Testing Expert at the experienced level varies from $90K to $116K per year as per the location and skillset. At the experienced or intermediate level, he/she is responsible for performing more tasks like designing and developing test cases. He/She must improve and execute test cases per the changing software project needs. Enroll for manual software testing, earn resume-worthy certification, clear interviews with the hep of manual testing interview questions and answers, and pave your path towards success.


    Rumi Mukherjee

    With a fervent passion for writing across diverse domains, Rumi is dedicated to crafting content that resonates with her audience. Proficient in transforming technical subjects into captivating narratives, she prioritizes thorough research and strives to deliver unique, value-driven insights to her readers.


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    Paul Wilson

    What educational background is required for a growing career in software testing. And which certification is best for the beginner level.

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    Holden White

    Is it necessary to crack a testing certification exam to become a testing engineer?Pls suggest any good online classes for learning testing skills and also guide me for exam preparation.

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    Maximiliano Jackson

    Well explained answers, easy to understand.Do you have a similar guide on automation testing engineers?

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      Hi, Thank you for reaching out to us with your query. Drop us your email id here and we will get back to you shortly!

  • K

    Kaden Brown

    This guide on manual testing interview questions, will give you quick revision for testing interviews but could be much better by adding more questions.

    • logo16


      Thank you so much for your comment, we appreciate your time. Keep coming back for more such informative insights. Cheers :)

  • P

    Paul Wilson

    Looking for some more questions on the same topic, would be much better if I can provide any online tutorial link relevant to this.

    • logo16


      Thank you so much for your comment, we appreciate your time. Keep coming back for more such informative insights. Cheers :)

  • J


    Another amazing post! These questions and answers seem very important and bring a value addition. I will make sure to bookmark this post for future use, thank you!

    • logo16


      Glad to hear from you. Often visit our site to read more interesting content.

  • O


    Don’t have words to express… This is one of the best posts containing such a good collection of important questions and answers for the Manual Tester Interview. I’m pretty sure that this post will help many people

    • logo16


      Glad we could help. If you need help with anything else please feel free to share.

  • W


    Thank you so much for sharing such an awesome article. Going through your website on a daily basis helps me to learn something new every time. This post is also very helpful especially for those looking to make their career as a software tester. Hope you post more such articles.

    • logo16


      Glad to know that we could help. Thanks for the feedback and please let us know if you need any kind of support.

  • E


    This is an awesome post, it took me around 15 minutes to go through the whole post. This is an informative and interesting post. Thanks for sharing!!

  • J


    This is a comprehensive guide with all the important information. I really enjoyed going through the different facts related to this particular job profile.

    • logo16


      This is really nice to hear from you. Often visit our site to read such posts.

  • N


    Great overview. Going to help a lot. You stated all of the key points when looking for a career as a Software Tester.

    • logo16


      It’s our pleasure to know that you found this post helpful. Keep visiting our site to read more such posts.

  • H


    This post is impressive, I must. I follow your every post to increase my knowledge in different domains. Looking forward to your next post.

  • A


    Such an interesting and informative post as always. I will definitely share this post with my friend working in software testing, it may help them to learn something new. Thanks for sharing such a wonderful article.

    • logo16


      Go ahead! We are happy to know that you found it helpful.

  • R


    Wow! You have covered all the major pointers related to a software tester profile. One can surely be prepared for his next interview after going through this post.

    • logo16


      Happy to hear! We have always been focused on helping our readers through valuable content.

  • J


    Information on this particular topic is quite confusing on different sites. Thank god, I could check your site and find the exact information. Thanks a lot for sharing!

    • logo16


      It’s our pleasure. We will always try to bring this kind of valuable information.

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