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Manual Testing Tutorials For Beginners- Step by Step Approach


Today, testing has a significant part to play in programming improvement as it is a vast domain and delivers results without any automated software testing tools. When software is developed, it undergoes multiple stages of testing. The tests may vary from functional to non-functional, depending on the test requirements.

Moreover, there are two types of testing methods:

Though both testing methods help developers in delivering an error-free or bug-free software application. In a tech-advanced world, where automation is making things easier for test engineers, it would be normal to assume that manual testing is outdated. This is, however, completely untrue. 

As per the report by GMI, the Software Testing Market size exceeded USD 40 billion last and is estimated to flourish at over 7 R from 2022 to 2027. The market demand for skilled testers is growing faster than ever before. QA was considered one of the fastest-growing targets out there, meaning there are great career growth opportunities.

If you are a professional looking to enter a testing career, it's high time for you to join the Online Manual Testing Certification course. Today we will discuss what is Manual testing basics and why it is needed. A testing type that is old school but is still widely used by testers because of several reasons. For a better understanding, we have divided the blog into the following parts-

  • What is manual testing?
  • Why is Manual Testing still Important?
  • How to perform Manual Testing?
  • Manual Testing Levels and Types
  • Manual Testing Basics
  • Career Path in Manual Testing
  • The Process to Become a Manual Tester 

Let's get started..

What is Manual Testing?

Manual testing is a product testing process in which experiments are executed physically without utilizing any automated apparatus. All experiments were executed by the analyzer physically, as indicated by the end client's point of view. It guarantees whether the application is filled in as referenced in the prerequisite archive or not. Experiments are arranged and actualized to finish just about 100 percent of the product application. Experiment reports are likewise created physically.

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Manual Testing is one of the most key testing forms as it can discover both obvious and shrouded deformities of the product. The distinction between anticipated output and output, given by the product, is characterized as a deformity. The designer fixed the deformities and gave it to the tester for retesting.

Manual testing is compulsory for each recently created programming before computerized testing. This testing requires extraordinary endeavors and time. However, it gives the surety of without bug programming. Manual Testing requires learning manual testing procedures yet not any computerized testing instrument.

After knowing what is Manual Testing? Let’s move on and see why it is important.

Why is Manual Testing Still Important?

Manual testing enables QA testers to act on their instinct and work on the defected elements immediately. Users can simply look at the code and comprise an element on an experimental basis. In this case, professional testers usually opt for manual testing as it is less costly to implement and also provide quick feedback as compared to automated testing.

If you have prepared your mind to pursue your career as a Manual tester then pursuing a QA Certification Course would help you stand out from the crowd. As, the hiring managers definitely consider certification as an important segment in their initial screening of resumes.

In case you still have any confusion about the importance of manual testing in an organization, here are some reasons why manual testing is still important:

1. Manually Testing Tests From a Human Perspective

Human testers can rapidly distinguish when something looks "off." Automated test contents don't get these visual issues. At the point when a tester connects with programming as a client would, they're ready to find the ease of use issues and UI glitches. Automated test contents can't test for these things.

2. Exploratory Testing Can Only Be Done Manually

Automated tests just play out the activities that you guide them to. They require arranging and planning to compose, which confines the test to specific limits. These limits mean there isn't any space to stray from the composed test to really "investigate" the application. Exploratory testing (or impromptu testing) offers us the chance to respond to addresses like, "what occurs on the off chance that I do this?" It empowers us to cut our own way all through the test with next to zero limits.

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3. Automated Tests Can Contain Errors and Gaps

Just the way that the code can have errors the automated tests could also have errors. This implies that robotized testing can possibly report false positives and false negatives. By including a human touch all through the testing procedure, these mistakes are maintained at a strategic distance.

4. Some Scenarios Are Not Technically Feasible to Automate or Cost Too Much

We should take, for instance, an iPad application that depends intensely on tap motions. Mechanizing the "tap" can not exclusively be expensive yet, also, may not be the most exact test contrasted with a human's finger contacting the UI. It frequently bodes well to test certain highlights physically. When you discover an asset to compose a robotized test, a manual test could be finished with bugs officially fixed. In some cases, it bodes well to go the "manual" course simply.

Moreover, for an in-depth understanding of manual testing, you can go across our QA Testing Tutorial Video. It will help you understand difficult terms of QA testing in an easy way.

5. Manual Testing Helps Us Understand the Whole Problem

After some time, automated testing can spare time. It is extraordinary for getting fast outcomes on an expansive level; however, manual testing enables us to comprehend the issue on a reasonable and passionate level. It interfaces us with the end client and acquaints us with a degree of computerized compassion testing doesn't give.

How to Perform Manual Testing?

As mentioned above, Manual testing can never be avoided entirely as it is a continuous process that requires human verification at regular intervals throughout the software development lifecycle. There are multiple steps that you should consider while performing Manual testing:

  • First, the tester looks at all archives identified with programming, to choose testing zones.
  • Tester examinations prerequisite report to cover all necessities expressed by the client.
  • The tester builds up the experiments as indicated by the prerequisite archive.
  • All experiments are executed physically by utilizing Black box testing and white-box testing.
  • If bugs happened, then the testing group advises the improvement group.
  • The development group fixes bugs and gave programming to the testing group for retesting.

You can also go through the QA Interview Questions & answers at JanBask Training to prepare yourself accordingly and crack your interview.

Benefits of Manual Testing Over Automation Testing

Manual Testing is considered to be the most primitive technique of all testing types and it helps to find critical bugs in the software application. Below are the perfect reasons to show why most keep looking for – what is manual testing –

  • If the experiments must be run multiple times then manual testing is bound to be performed.
  • The additional time the tester spends on manual QA testing, the more is the odds of discovering bugs because no machine or apparatus can coordinate the intensity of the human mind and experience.
  • It enables the tester to accomplish all the more specially appointed testing.
  • Trainers are required to give preparation on robotization instruments, yet manual testing should be possible by any tester.
  • Proficiency is required to compose content for mechanization devices; however, in manual testing, nothing of this sort is required.
  • GUI testing should be possible precisely with the assistance of manual testing as visual openness and inclinations are hard to robotize.
  • Automation testing can't supplant human instincts, deductions, and thinking.
  • Automation testing can't be ceased in the middle of, on the off chance that any investigation is required.

Drawbacks of Manual Testing over Automation Testing

  • Manual QA testing can be very tedious
  • For the same discharge, we may need to run some experiments which can be some of the time tiring; this procedure can be robotized with computerization apparatuses.
  • Manual testing has a great danger of blunders and slip-ups as it is done physically by testers
  • It is unimaginable to expect to test the whole module physically.
  • Manual testing requires the nearness of the tester; however, computerized testing should be possible 24x7 with no mediation.
  • Automated testing produces logs and storehouses naturally, yet in manual testing, we have to make the experiments physically.
  • The scope of manual testing is constrained; however, if it is mechanization trying, at that point, the extension is exceptionally wide.
  • Manual QA testing isn't appropriate for big organizations and time-limited undertakings
  • Performance testing is inconceivable with the assistance of manual testing.
  • Batch testing is impossible physically as it isn't workable for a human tester to give a yield of every single clump at customary interims of time.
  • Comparing large chunks of information in the event of manual testing is troublesome

Testing and its role in SDLC

SDLC is an approach for building up a software product adopted by the majority of software and programming organizations. It incorporates a far-reaching plan sketching out how to code, keep up, fix, and rebuild or improve the particular programming. The existence cycle speaks to a procedure for improving the nature of programming and the whole improvement cycle. 

Each period of SDLC produces yields that go about as contributions for the following stage. The necessities convert into the plan. The process includes a series of steps that are required for building, maintaining, altering, replacing or increasing the components of software.Further, the engineers pick the plan specs, compose the code, and produce an application. Testers approve the created item according to the necessity. In the wake of finishing the testing, the software gets delivered for the deployment stage.

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Some testing occurs in practically following various Software Development Life Cycle Phases. For instance: Reviewing the SRS, DDS, and unit testing of individual modules, every single such action is a few types of approval. Even so, the item requires broad testing to affirm that every segment and every one of the functionalities works in line with the client’s necessities.

Software Testing Life Cycle (STLC)

Or the product. It defines a series of activities conducted to perform Software Testing.

The programming Testing Life Cycle is a succession of various exercises performed by the testing group to guarantee the nature of the product or the item. It characterizes a progression of exercises directed to perform Software Testing.

Different Phases of Software Testing Life Cycle

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The different phases of the Software testing life cycle are:

  • Requirement Analysis – Requirement Analysis is the initial step engaged in the Software testing life cycle. In this progression, the Quality Assurance (QA) group comprehends the prerequisite as far as what we will test and make sense of the testable necessities.
  • Test Planning – Test Planning is the most significant period of the Software testing life cycle where all testing methodology is characterized. This stage is likewise called as Test Strategy stage.
  • Strategy In this phase, the Test Manager is included in deciding the exertion and cost gauges for the whole venture. It characterizes the target and extent of the undertaking.
  • Test Case Development – The Test case improvement starts once the test arranging stage is finished. This is the period of STLC, where the testing group takes note of the detailed experiments. Alongside experiments, the testing group additionally readies the test information for testing. When the experiments are prepared then these experiments are inspected by companion individuals or QA lead.
  • Test Environment Setup – Setting up the test condition is an essential piece of the Software Testing Life Cycle. A testing domain is an arrangement of programming and equipment for the testing groups to execute experiments. It supports test execution with equipment, programming, and system arrangement.
  • Test Execution – The following stage in the Software Testing Life Cycle is Test Execution. Test execution is the way toward executing the code and looking at the normal and real outcomes. At the point when test execution starts, the test contents are dependent on the Software testing methodology permitted in the project.
  • Test Cycle Closure – The last phase of the Software Testing Life Cycle is Test Cycle Closure. It includes getting out of the testing colleague meeting and assessing cycle fruition criteria dependent on Test inclusion, Quality, Cost, Time, Critical Business Objectives, and Software.

If you have skills, QA certification, and training then you can follow the QA Career Path to be a QA Tester successfully. You can also play Software QA Testing Quiz to test your knowledge and prepare yourself accordingly.

Manual Testing Techniques

Let’s see the major manual testing basics and advanced techniques, if you are still in doubt about what is manual testing? Check the above sections. 

Manual Testing Techniques

1). Equivalence Partitioning

Inputs to the application are isolated into groups that are required to show comparable conduct. The key objective is to finish the test inclusion and to decrease duplication. Segment framework information sources and yields into 'proportionality sets.' Whenever info is a 5-digit number somewhere in the range of 10,000 and 99,999, proportionality allotments are 10, 000

2). Boundary Value Analysis

In this strategy, the test information picked lies along the information boundaries. Limit esteems incorporate most extreme, least, only inside/outside limits, run-of-the-mill esteems, and mistake esteems. The thought is that if a framework works accurately for these exceptional qualities, at that point, it will work effectively for all qualities in the middle. Pick experiments at the limit of these sets: 00000, 09999, 10000, 99999, 10001

3). Decision Table Testing

Test cases are planned with a mix of sources of info that contain consistent conditions. In the section choice table. It comprises four regions called the condition stub, the condition passage (TC1, TC2, etc,.), the activity stub, and the activity section. Every section of the table is a standard that indicates the conditions under which the activities named in the move stub will take place. Where one is True and 0 is false, and X is a condition that isn't material or insignificant.

4). Use case testing

Test cases are planned dependent on the utilization cases structured by the utilitarian originators. In the utilization case, the portrayal between the on-screen characters, clients, and the frameworks is given alongside the other streams which cause the tester to get every one of the situations plainly and base the experiments on these. Every one of the preconditions required before testing is plainly referenced. The stream charts are valuable to comprehend the working of the framework. Use case outlines are likewise useful in acknowledgement testing since they are planned with the client and client cooperation.

5). Ad-hoc testing

Testing is done dependent on aptitudes, instinct, and experience. There are no solid experiments for this kind of testing.

A case of specially appointed testing is exploratory trying, which is characterized by synchronous learning, and implies that tests are powerfully planned, executed, and adjusted. When we first take a gander at another element or framework, we don't think a lot about the framework. We configure examinations (or tests) to enable us to study them. We, at that point, investigate the framework characteristics and dangers that we accept the clients, clients, or different partners may think about.

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To brush up your skills now you can also join our Software testing Community, where you will get answers to all your queries.

Manual Testing Levels and Types

There are fundamentally three degrees of testing, for example, Unit Testing, Integration Testing, and System Testing. Different sorts of testing go under the following levels.

Manual Testing Levels

  • Unit Testing: To check a solitary program or a part of a solitary program
  • Integration Testing: To confirm the association between framework segments
  • Essential Testing: unit testing is finished on all parts that make a framework.
  • System Testing: To check and approve practices of the whole framework against the first framework

Software testing is a procedure that distinguishes the accuracy, culmination, and quality of software.

Types of Manual Software Testing

Following is a list of various types of manual software testing

  • Formal Testing: Performed by trained software test engineers
  • Informal Testing: Performed by a trained set of software developers
  • Black box Testing: Testing software with no information on the back-end of the framework, structure, or language of the module being tried. Discovery experiments are composed of an authoritative source report, for example, a particular or prerequisites record.
  • White box Testing: Testing in which the product tester knows about the back-end, structure, and language of the product, or if nothing else its purpose.
  • Unit Testing: Unit testing is the way toward testing a specific went along program, i.e., a window, a report, an interface, and so forth autonomously as an independent segment/program. The sorts and degrees of unit tests can shift among changed and recently made projects. Unit testing is for the most part performed by the software engineers who are likewise in charge of the making of the fundamental unit test information.
  • Incremental Testing: Incremental testing is halfway to trying an inadequate item. The objective of steady testing is to give early criticism to programming designers.
  • System Testing: System testing is a type of discovery testing. The reason for framework testing is to approve an application's exactness and fulfillment in playing out the functions as planned.
  • Integration Testing: Testing at least two modules or capacities together to discover interface surrenders between the modules/capacities. 

Career Path in Manual Testing

A manual tester plays a vital role in software development. If you are interested in becoming a Manual Tester, you should able to able to defect tracking, analyze and execute test cases. Hope you are clear about what is manual testing and how to do manual testing? Let’s further see the career path, skills, and educational qualifications required to be a Manual Tester.  

Want to check about the software tester career path? Check QA Career Path

Qualification & Skills Required to be a Software Tester

The basic educational requirement for a manual tester is having an academic background in computer science. A BTech/ B.E., MCA, BCA (Bachelor of Computer Applications), or BSc. the degree can help you land you a job quickly. In case, you do not have any of these degrees, then consider doing a software testing certification course like Manual Testing Training & Certification to kickstart your journey. There are several technical and non-technical skills that are essential to becoming a successful software tester. 

Below is the list of skills that are essential to becoming a good Software quality tester. Make sure to compare your skills set against the following checklist:

Technical Skills

  • Agile Testing
  • Automation Testing
  • Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC)
  • Technologies in Web and Mobile
  • Testing Tools & Techniques
  • Defect Tracking & Test Case Management Tools
  • Database or SQL
  • Knowledge of Linux Commands
  • Hands-on Experience of a Test Management Tool
  • Knowledge of Automation Tool & Defect Tracking Tool 

Non-Technical Skills

  • Analytical Skills 
  • Organization Skills 
  • Great Attitude 
  • Passion 
  • Excellent Communication Skills
  • Project Management

Salary of a Manual Tester

The salary of a manual tester varies from company to company. The average salary range of a software tester is $46,114 - $56,480.

While the salary of entry-level positions begins at the annual package of $62,500, the most experienced professional make up $105,000. 

Don’t forget to check the QA tester Salary in software testing!

Manual Tester Career Path

A manual tester plays a vital role in software development. If you are interested in becoming a Manual Tester, you should be able to defect tracking, analyze and execute test cases. Hope you are clear about what manual testing is and how to do manual testing?

Let’s further see the QA Software Career Path, skills, and educational qualifications required to be a Manual Tester.

Qualification & Skills Required to be a Software Tester

The basic educational requirement for a manual tester is having an academic background in computer science. A BTech/ B.E., MCA, BCA (Bachelor of Computer Applications), or BSc. the degree can help you land you a job quickly. In case, you do not have any of these degrees, then consider doing a software testing certification course like Manual Testing Training & Certification to kickstart your journey. There are several technical and non-technical skills that are essential to becoming a successful software tester. 

Below is the list of skills that are essential to becoming a good Software quality tester. Make sure to compare your skills set against the following checklist:

Technical Skills 

  • Agile Testing
  • Automation Testing
  • Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC)
  • Technologies in Web and Mobile
  • Testing Tools & Techniques
  • Defect Tracking & Test Case Management Tools
  • Database or SQL
  • Knowledge of Linux Commands
  • Hands-on Experience with a Test Management Tool
  • Knowledge of Automation Tool & Defect Tracking Tool 

Non-Technical Skills 

  • Analytical Skills 
  • Organization Skills 
  • Great Attitude 
  • Passion 
  • Excellent Communication Skills
  • Project Management

The Process to Become a Manual Tester

Begin your journey with the consideration of how much education your need after you got a complete understanding of what manual testing is. Over 73% of manual testers have a bachelor’s degree.  Even though you already hold a college degree, it is not possible to enter the field with only a high school degree. So choose your major smartly. Now, learn the basics of software testing, then apply for freelancing jobs. It will not help you get some practical knowledge but will also fortify the testing concepts you have learned so far. 

Next proceed to a certification course, where you can learn things with real-life experience. All the while you're learning, it is better to keep applying for freelancing jobs. After you have your course certification, you are all set to apply for entry-level jobs. 

And, this is how you can begin your career in manual testing. Take the next step and prepare yourself for the interview round with Top QA Interview Questions & answers.

Conclusion on Manual Software Testing

Manual software testing may be an old type of testing technique, but it is still widely used because of several reasons and advantages as already discussed above. If you wish to learn more about manual testing, you can sign up for the Manual testing training course provided by JanBask Training and explore more areas of this field. Here are some frequently asked questions on manual software testing basics like what manual testing is, in brief, to understand the topic deeply.

FAQs on Software Manual Testing Tutorial

Q1). What is manual testing?

Ans:-  In simple words, you can understand what is manual testing – refers to a test process in which the tester manually tests the software application to identify bugs. In this process, QAs follow a written test plan, describing a set of unique test scenarios.

Q2). What are the different types of manual testing?

Ans:-As per the manual testing concepts tutorial, there are different types of testing:

  • Acceptance Testing
  • Black Box Testing
  • Integration Testing
  • System Testing
  • Unit Testing
  • White Box Testing

Q3). How to perform manual software testing?

Ans:- As explained in the software manual testing tutorial, here is the step-wise process to perform manual software testing:

  • Step 1: It begins by analyzing requirements from the software requirement specification document
  • Step 2: In the next step, a clear test plan is created
  • Step 3: Then test cases are written that cover all the requirements defined in the document

Q4). Why Is Manual Testing Still Important in Software Development?

Ans:- After you are clear about what is manual testing, the next step in the manual testing concepts tutorials is its importance. Manual testing allows the QA teams to work on elements immediately. Users can easily check the code and include an element on an experimental basis. Here,  a manual does not only seem less costly to implement, but it could also provide quicker feedback than an automated test.

Q5. What is the difference between Manual and Automated testing?

Ans:- As discussed on what is manual testing – manual testing, test cases are executed manually without the involvement of any tools or scripts. While in automated testing, test cases are executed with the assistance of tools, scripts, and software. 

Q6). What are the alpha and beta testing?

Ans:- Alpha Testing is a type of testing that is performed to find bugs before the product is released to the public. Beta Testing is a type of testing that is performed by real users of the software application.

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    Puja Bhardwaj

    This is Puja Bhardwaj, a creative writer, and content strategist. I’m passionate about storytelling through written and visual content, and market that content for cultivating a committed audience. I come to the table with 5 years of content writing and marketing experience (in the agency, in-house, and freelance writing).


  • R

    Rafael Lewis

    Great post, thanks for sharing this amazing information on Manual Testing. I’ll be sharing it with my friends who are looking to make a career in software testing!

    • Puja  User


      That would be a great favour for us. If you have any questions, feel free to comment below.

  • K

    Kyle Lee

    One of the best posts I have ever come across on Manual Testing. Not only did I learn a lot about software testing but also it took me hardly five minutes to go through the whole post.

  • R

    Riley Walker

    Hey, thanks a lot for sharing all the information on Manual Testing. I could know a lot about software testing and become ready to grow in my career. Please share this kind of post in the future also.

    • Puja  User


      Thank you too and sure, we will come up with more such posts.

  • J

    Jorge Hall

    Impressive, I must say. I have been following your blogs for a long time to increase my knowledge. Looking forward to your next post.

    • Puja  User


      Thanks a lot for your valuable comment, always visit our site to read more interesting content.

  • B

    Beckham Allen

    One of the best posts I have ever come across on Manual Testing. Not only did I learn a lot about the testing but also it took me hardly five minutes to go through the whole post.

  • J

    Jaden Hernandez

    Thank you for this interesting post. I was completely unaware about the career path in Manual Testing. I really like all this information and tips. Wish you all the best!

    • Puja  User


      Glad to hear that you found this post valuable. Often visit our website to read more such posts.

  • E

    Emerson King

    Impressive, I must say. I have been reading your blogs for a long time to increase my knowledge. Looking forward to your next post.

    • Puja  User


      Thanks a lot for your valuable comment, always visit our site to read more interesting content.

  • R

    Ronan Wright

    Great stuff, learnt a lot from this blog also, as always. Thanks a lot for sharing such amazing and informative content!

    • Puja  User


      It’s a pleasure to hear from you that you found the blog a valuable read.

  • K

    Karson Lopez

    Oh, such a mind-blowing post! Learned a lot about Manual Testing . I am very much looking forward to your next post. Keep sharing such content.

    • Puja  User


      Sure, we will soon come up with a new topic with a lot of information and interesting stuff.

  • H

    Hitek Computer School

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