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200+ Software Testing Interview Questions and Answers (A Comprehensive Interview Guide)


This blog for Software tester interview questions is a researched collection of frequently asked scenario-based software testing interview questions and answers for experienced and freshers to practice in 2023 and beyond. If you want to brush up on software testing concepts and want to learn something meaningful for your next interview, then you should definitely go through these Software testing interview questions. 

Here, we have given a maximum number of software testing questions to help you with the job interview at the intermediate and advanced levels. It will help you to maximize software testing career opportunities that are sure to come your way by taking online software testing training by JanBask Training and earn certification as well after the course.

The blog is divided into two categories for your reference, software testing questions for freshers, software testing interview questions for experienced. Let us discuss both the categories one by one.

Software Testing Interview Questions and Answers for Experienced

These questions are suitable for those professionals having two to three years of experience in the testing field. These questions will help you to explore more career options and increase your salary package too.

Q1). How can you define the relationship between test phases and environment reality?

When test phases are in progress stage, environment reality becomes more significant here. For unit testing, the environment is partly real. At the same time, for acceptance testing, the environment should be 100 percent real.

Q2). Should testing be done during execution or after the execution?

Well, it is great to perform testing at earlier phases. Earlier you catch the bug; there are better chances of resolving errors without issues. For example, if you catch a defect in the maintenance phase, it is ten times costlier to fix than the execution phase.

Q3). Take an example that defects that can be removed at the initial stage were removed in a later stage. So, how will it affect the costs?

It is obvious that if a defect is found at an earlier stage, then it should be removed at the same stage. In case, it is resolved in a later stage, then costs may increase up to 20 times that depends on when you fix it. The following figure will give you a perfect idea of cost evaluation at later stages. This is one of the frequent asked software tester interview questions and answers. 

If a defect is identified and fixed during requirements and design stage, then it is quite easy to afford. On the other hand, if the same defect is fixed during the maintenance phase, it becomes 20 times costlier.

Q4). How will you define the regression and confirmation testing?

Regression testing shows that changes made to the code will not affect the other functionalities of a software application. If a software product fails due to some errors, then a new version is launched where previous bugs were fixed gracefully, it is called the confirmation testing or retesting.

Q5). How to estimate the project cost? Tell us based on your past experiences?

This is how you should answer these types of software testing interview questions to be fully prepared for your interview.  

To estimate the project costs, the following facts should be considered by a quality engineer.

  • Divide the complete project into small chunks.
  • Allocate tasks to different team members.
  • Now estimate efforts required to complete each task.
  • In the last step, validates should be estimated.

Q6). Do you have any idea of Random testing?

For random testing, data is usually generated randomly with the help of a tool. Here is the diagram to show how random data is sent to the system.

Random data is collected with the help of a tool, or you can use any other mechanism too. The system is tested with randomly generated, and results are observed accordingly.

Q7). What is BVA (boundary value analysis)?

BVA is a black box testing technique that is applied to see if there are any defects at the boundary of the input domain.

Q8). Name the basic components in a report format.

If you are a fresher, this is how you should answer these types of software testing interview questions. 

The basic components in a report format can be given as:

  • Project Names
  • Module Name
  • Defect detected on, resolved on
  • Defect detected by, resolved by
  • Defect ID and Name
  • Snapshot of the defect
  • Priority and Severity status

Q9). Which test cases are written first, white boxes or black boxes?

Usually, black box test cases are written first, then white box test cases are written at the later stages. For writing black box test cases, we need requirements, design plan, and project plan. These details are easily available at the initial stage; at the same time, white box test cases demand high architectural details, so they are written later.

Q10). Is automation testing useful in agile methodology or not?

Yes, it is useful because it helps in maximizing test coverage in a shorter period.

Q11). What are the different phases involved in the software testing life cycle?

These are requirements analysis, test planning, test case development, environment set up, test execution, and test cycle closures. 

Q12). What are the different levels of testing?

These are Unit testing, Integration testing, System testing, and Acceptance testing.

Q13). What are the different testing methodologies?

These are White-box testing, Black-box testing, and Grey-box testing.

Q14). What is black-box testing?

This is a testing strategy based on requirements and specifications. It does not require knowledge of internal paths, coding structures, and the implementation of software being tested. Black box test cases are usually written at the early stages when the project is initiated.

Q15). What is white-box testing?

The white-box testing strategy requires knowledge of internal paths, coding structures, and the implementation of the software being tested. It requires detailed programming skills written in later stages.

Q16). What is grey-box testing?

This is how you should answer these types of software testing interview questions when you are at the beginning of the testing career. 

This is a software debugging testing strategy where the tester has limited knowledge of internal details of the program.

17). What is the defect life cycle or bug life cycle?

A defect life cycle is a process where a defect goes through multiple throughout the project development life cycle. It starts when a bug is detected and ends when the bug is fixed.

Q18). How to compare functional and non-functional testing?

  • Functional testing is performed before non-functional testing based on customer requirements, and it describes what a product does exactly.
  • Non-functional testing is performed after the functional testing based on customer expectations, and it describes how a product work.

Q19). What do you understand by the term validation and verification in software engineering? 

  • Validation is a dynamic analysis technique where testing is performed by executing the code — for example, functional and non-functional testing techniques.
  • Verification is a static analysis technique where testing is performed without executing the code — for example, reviews, walkthrough, inspection, etc.

For the V model, testing starts from the requirements phase. The validation and verification testing processes go hand in hand.

Q20). What is the test case?

A test case is a set of conditions to verify a system under different requirements either it is working correctly or needs improvements. 

This is one of the frequently asked questions when it comes to the top software tester interview questions and answers. 

Q21). How will you define usability testing in software testing?

It is a testing methodology where end customers are asked if the product is easy to use and what changes can be added to make the product more useful and reliable. The accurate way for performing usability testing is designing a prototype or mock-up during the initial cycles.

Q22). Name different categories of defects in software engineering?

These are Wrong, Missing, and Extra. “Wrong” category implies that requirements are implemented wrongly from given specifications.

The missing category implies that requirements are not implemented well or left out by mistake. “Extra” category implies that few requirements are implemented extra that was not given by end customers.

Q23). How to prepare an acceptance plan during software testing?

In the below section, you will find how you should answer these types of software testing interview questions. 

An acceptance plan or document in software engineering can be prepared by following inputs. These are:

  • Requirements Document
  • Inputs from the customer
  • Project plan

Q24). What is test coverage?

A different set of parameters used in software testing to describe the extent to which source code can be tested is termed as the coverage. When you are looking to prepare for a testing interview, make sure not to miss these types of software test interview questions. 

Q25). Name different types of coverage techniques you have used in your last Company?

These are Statement Coverage, Decision Coverage, and the Path Coverage.

  • Statement Coverage: It makes sure that each line of the source code is tested and executed well.
  • Decision Coverage: It makes sure that every decision in the source code is tested and executed.
  • Path Coverage: It makes sure that every possible route through the given source code is tested and executed.

Q26). Why do you feel automation testing is beneficial for software testing?

Here are the benefits of automation testing I experienced in the last few years:

  • It supports execution for repeated test cases.
  • It helps in testing a large test matrix quickly.
  • It helps in enabling parallel execution.
  • It encourages unattended execution.
  • It improves accuracy and reduces human-generated to a large extent.
  • It saves the overall cost and time in application testing.

Q27). What is Selenium? Have you used it during your work experience?

Yes, I have worked on Selenium in my last Company. Selenium is a popular automated testing tool that is used for automating test scripts carried out on web browsers. Selenium is an open source testing tool, and no costs are involved when implementing Selenium. This is the biggest advantage that makes it even more powerful as compared to other automated testing tools.

Q28). What are the benefits of Selenium testing for a complex software project?

Here are a few highlighting benefits of selenium testing tool for your reference.

  • When you are using Selenium, test scripts can be written in multiple programming languages like C#, Python, PHP, Ruby, Java, etc.
  • Tests can be carried out on different operating systems like Windows, Linux, or Mac operating system, etc.
  • Tests can be carried out on different browsers like Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Safari or Opera, etc.
  • It can be integrated with many other testing tools and generating reports.
  • It can be integrated with Docker or Jenkins to achieve continuous testing.

Q29). Name different components of Selenium.

They can be given as:

Q30). What is a locator?

A locator is an address that identifies web elements uniquely and accurately within web pages.

Note: This is one of the frequently asked software tester interview questions and answers, make sure not to miss them. 

Q31). Name different types of locators in Selenium Testing.

Different types of locators in selenium testing can be given as:

  • ID, Name
  • ClassName
  • CSS Selector
  • TagName
  • linkText
  • PartialLinkText
  • Xpath, DOM

Q32). What is XPath?

XPath or XML path is an important strategy for locating elements in Selenium. It consists of path expressions along with some conditions. It is easy writing XPath query to locate elements within web pages.

Q33). How to compare the absolute path and relative path in software testing?

An “Absolute” path is a direct way of finding elements. If any changes are made in the absolute path, then the relative path fails. On the other hand, the “relative” path starts with double slashes, and it finds elements somewhere else on the web page.

When you are looking to prepare for a testing interview, make sure not to miss these types of software test interview questions since they are mostly asked. 

Q34). Are there any exceptions in Selenium WebDriver?

Go through the format to know how you should answer these types of software testing interview questions. 

The most common exception in Selenium are:

  • Timeout Exception
  • NoSuchElement Exception
  • ElementNotVisible Exception
  • StaleElement Exception

Q35). When to use Selenium Grid in software testing?

Selenium grid is used to execute the same or different scripts on different browsers or platforms when required to achieve the distributed test execution, test under different environments, and save execution times remarkably.

Q36). How will you launch the browser using WebDriver?

Here is the syntax to launch a browser using WebDriver.

  • WebDriver driver = new FirefoxDriver();
  • WebDriver driver = new ChromeDriver();
  • WebDriver driver = new InternetExplorerDriver();

Q37). Do you have any idea which test cases can be automated?

  • Smoke test cases
  • Regression test cases
  • Complex calculation test cases
  • Data-driven test cases
  • Non-functional test cases

Q38). Which parameters can be used to measure the success of automation testing?

Here is the set of parameters to measure the success of automation testing.

  • Defect Detection Ratio
  • Automation execution time and time savings to release the product
  • Reduction in Labour & other costs

This is one of the frequently asked software tester interview questions and answers you cannot afford to miss out.  

Q39). What do you understand by the term Load Testing for Websites?

Load testing checks the loading time of a website. When you send a request to the server, you have to measure how much time it takes in loading a particular web page. Thus, it helps in determining performance issues and server capacity, etc.

Q40). How to compare Selenium and Sikuli?



It does not automate the flash objects.

It can automate the flash objects.

It has a complicated API.

It has a simple API.

It can automate web apps only.

It can automate both Windows and web apps.

Software Testing Interview Questions and Answers for Freshers

Q41). How to click on a hyperlink using linkText () function?

Here is the command that can be used to find elements and click on that element. Hence, the user will be redirected to the desired page.

Driver.findElement (By.linktext(“Google”)).click();

Q42). How can you define TestNG?

It is an advanced framework designed for leveraging the benefits of both developers and testers. It has a built-in testing mechanism that lets the program run without terminating unexpectedly.

Q43). How to define priorities for test cases in TestNG?

Here is the process on how you can answer these types of software testing interview questions. 

Here is the syntax for defining the test case priority in TestNG:

package TestNG; import org.testng.annotations.*; public class SettingPriority { @Test(priority=0) public void method1() { } @Test(priority=1) public void method2() { } @Test(priority=2) public void method3() { } } Test Execution Sequence: Method1 Method2 Method3

Q44). What is an Object Repository, and how to create an Object Repository in Selenium?

Object Repository is the collection of web elements belonging to Application Under Test (AUT) along with their locator values. In respect to the Selenium, objects are stored in an excel sheet and populate then when necessary.

Q45). How to input text in the text box using Selenium WebDriver?

With the help of the sendKeys () method, we can input text in the text box using Selenium WebDriver.

Q46). How to compare Selenium and QTP (Quick Test Professional) in software testing? 

  • Selenium supports all possible browsers and QTP works on limited browsers only.
  • Selenium is a free open source tool and QTP is a licensed tool that is commercialized.
  • Selenium works on web-based apps only and QTP works on both web apps and Windows apps.

Q47). What is the workbench concept in software testing?

A workbench is the core way of documenting how one particular activity can be performed. It further referred to as phases, tasks, or steps, etc. 

Q48). What are the different tasks of a Workbench?

  • Input
  • Execute
  • Check
  • Production output
  • Rework

Q49). What are the different types of inputs we need from end users for the proper testing?

These are the acceptance test plan, requirements, risks, data, and scenarios for testing.

This is one of the frequently asked software tester interview questions and answers that must be in your bucket list. 

Q50). Define the defect cascading in software engineering?

Defect cascading is a defect caused by any other defect. Take an example, where defects are available at a particular stage but not identified or resolved at the same stage. It hides to other phases without any further notice and results in several defects in later stages.

Q51). What are the different stages to follow for rollout to end users?

Read: 21 Coolest Software Testing Tools With Their Features & Benefits

  • Pilot
  • Gradual Implementation
  • Phased Implementation
  • Parallel Implementation

Q52). How to find broken links within a web page using Selenium WebDriver?

There are practical questions where multiple broken links in a web page can be given to you by the interviewer, and you have to verify them. For an experienced workforce, it is just a matter of time to find broken links using different tools and techniques.

When you are looking to prepare for a testing interview, make sure not to miss these types of frequently asked  software test interview questions. 

Q53). If frame id and frame name are not given in the script then what other technique can be used by expert testers?

You should “frame by index” technique here when frame id and name are not given. Here is the syntax for your reference.

Drive.switchto().frame(int arg0);

Q54). How to login to a site if it shows the popup for ID and password?

If there is popup for login id and password, you should use explicit command here and verify if the alert is actually present or not. The code below can help you in understanding the explicit wait command.

WebDriverwait wait = new WebDriverwait(driver, 10);

Alert alert = wait.until(Expectedconditions.alertIsPresent());

Alert.authenticateUsing(new UserAndPassword(**username**, **password**));

Q55). What is the process for taking screenshots in Selenium WebDriver?

You should use the TakeScreenshot function for taking screenshots in Selenium WebDriver. Here is the syntax for a better understanding of the concept.

File scrFile = ((TakeScreenshot)driver).getScreenshotAs(outputType.FILE);

Q56). How to skip a method or call in TestNG?

To skip a call or method in TestNG, you can use the following annotation:

Q57). What is the meaning of the code snippet below?

WebElement sample = driver.findElement(By.xpath("//*[contains(text(), 'data')]"));

It uses web element as the variable and an XPath to initialize it with reference to an element that contains the text value data.

Q58). How to compare static and dynamic testing?

Static testing involves reviewing documents and identifying defects at the early stages of SDLC. Dynamic testing involves code execution and validating output with the expected outcome.

It is one of the most important software test interview questions. 

Q59). How to compare quality assurance and quality control?

Quality assurance is a process-oriented approach and quality control is a product-oriented approach. Quality assurance is all about defects prevention and quality control deals with defects identification.

Q60). Define the meaning of software testing as per your understanding.

Follow the answer given below to understand how you can answer these types of software testing interview questions. 

It is the process of analyzing software defects and comparing available requirements with the given requirements.

Software Testing Job Interview Questions and Answers

Q61). What is a Test Plan?

A Test Plan is a document that contains all testing activities to be performed to deliver high-quality software. It is taking the SRS (system requirement specifications) document as a base.

Q62). What are the possible contents for a Test Plan? 

  • Test plan identifier

  • References, Introduction

  • Test items (functions)

  • Software risk issues

  • Features to be/not to be tested

  • Approach,

  • Items pass/fail criteria

  • Suspension criteria

  • Test deliverables

  • Remaining test tasks

  • Environmental needs

  • Staff and training needs

  • Responsibility and Schedule

  • Plan risks and contingencies

  • Approvals, Glossaries

  • Resolution requirements

Q63). What is positive testing?

It helps in determining what a system is expected to do. It checks either a system meets exact requirements or not.

Q64). What is negative testing?

It is used for checking what a system is not expected to do. It helps in identifying defects from particular software.

This is one of the frequently  asked software tester interview questions and answers that you must not miss to prepare for. 

Q65). How will you define the test strategy?

It is a high-level document prepared by the project manager that explains the approach on how to perform the testing to achieve the final goals. It is taking the BRS (business requirement specifications) document as a base.

Q66). What do you understand by the term Test Scenario?

It is a high-level test case that gives an idea of what should be tested.

Q67). What do you understand by the term Test Suite?

It is a collection of test cases that are intended for testing an application. Always include these types of interview questions about software testing in your preparation list, as they are mostly asked during the interview. 

Q68). What do you understand by the term Test Environment?

A test environment is a perfect combination of hardware and software where testers perform the testing.

Q69). What do you understand by the term Test Bed?

It is an environment configured for the testing that contains hardware, software, AUT, network configurations, etc.

Q70). What do you understand by the term Test Harness?

A test harness can be defined as the collection of test data and software configured to test a program by running it under different conditions and monitoring the actual outcome with the expected outcomes.

Q71). What do you understand by the term Test Data?

Test data is used by quality engineers for testing or running the test cases. When running test cases, testers should add some input first. Test data is prepared by tester either manually, or they can use tools for the same purpose. When you are looking to prepare for a testing interview, make sure not to miss these types of frequently asked software test interview questions. 

Q72). What is Test Closure?

A test closure is the formal note prepared by testers before they are completing the testing process.

Q73). Define the test closure activities in software testing.

The test closure activities in software engineering are divided into four major categories. These are:

  • Check for test completion
  • Test artifacts handover
  • Lessons learned
  • Archiving Data

Q74). What do you understand by the term code coverage?

Code coverage is all about unit test practices that target all areas of code at least once. It can be done either by unit testers or developers.

Q75). Is the code coverage technique different from the test coverage?

Yes, they are different.

Q76). What is Unit Testing?

Unit testing is performed for checking individual components of an application whether they work properly or not. It is done by developers in the development environment.

Q77). What do you understand by the integration testing?

It is the process of testing an interface between different software units. It is done in three ways, a Big Bang Approach, a Top-down approach, bottom-up approach.

Q78). What is system testing?

This is how you can answer these types of software testing interview questions. 

System testing is a practice of evaluating fully integrated software with its specific requirements. Sometimes, it is named as the end to end testing too.

Q79). Define the big bang approach.

When all modules are combined and tested individually, a big band approach is used to test them together how they work when connected with each other. Here, top-down and bottom-up testing techniques are carried out simultaneously.

Q80). What is the top-down testing approach?

It takes place from top to bottom where high-level modules are tested first, and low-level modules are tested later.

Q81). What is the bottom-up testing approach?

It is performed from bottom to up where low-level modules are tested first, and high-level modules are tested later.

Q82). What do you understand by Alpha Testing?

Alpha testing is done by developers, clients, or the outsourcing team as per the requirement. This is one of the top software testing interview question and answers. 

Q83). What do you understand by Beta Testing?

Beta testing is done by a limited number of end users before the final deployment. It is generally done in the client space.  Make sure to cover these types of interview questions about software testing in your preparation list, as they are mostly asked during the interview. 

Q84). What do you understand by Gamma Testing?

Gamma testing is done when the software is ready for the release with specific requirements. It is usually done at the client space by skipping all in-house activities.

Q85). What do you understand by Smoke Testing?

Smoke testing is done to make sure that either build is testable or not. It is performed at the building level to check the whole application when key features don’t work.

Q86). What do you understand by Sanity Testing?

Sanity testing is done at the release phase to check the main functionalities of a product without going deeper. It is a subset of the regression testing.

Q87). How will you define the retesting?

To make sure that defects that were found earlier were fixed and don’t exist in the current build.

Q88). What is Regression Testing?

It is done repeatedly by testers every time new changes are made to the software product and ensuring existing functionalities don’t get disturbed due to extra features.

While preparing to crack your interview, go for these types of  interview questions for software testing. 

Q89). What is GUI testing?

GUI testing is performed to test the interface between end users and an application.

Q90). Define globalization testing.

It is the process of designing a software application adaptable to multiple languages and regions without making any modifications.

Q91). Define recovery testing.

It is the process to check how quickly a system can be recovered after the system crash. It comes under non-functional testing.

Q92). What is internationalization testing?

It is another name for globalization testing where a particular application is adaptable to multiple languages and regions without making any modifications.

Q93). How will you define the Installation testing?

It is used to check either software is installed properly and working as expected.

Q94). How will you define the localization testing?

It is a process for adapting globalization software for a particular language or region with the addition of local specific components.

Q95). How will you define Formal testing?

This is how you should answer these types of software testing interview questions whether you are a fresher or an experienced professional.

It is a process for testing an application on the basis of pre-defined procedures and proper documentation.

Q96). How will you define compatibility testing?

It is used to check whether an application is working as expected in compliance with different environmental components.

Q97). How will you define risk-based testing?

It is used to check and identify several modules that may cause failures when testing specific functionalities.  Always include these types of in-demand interview questions about software testing in your preparation list, as they are mostly asked during the interview. 

Q98). How will you define Monkey testing?

It is used to apply abnormal actions on an application deliberately to check its stability.

Q99). How will you define Exploratory testing?

It is performed by the domain expert by exploring functionalities of an application without having proper knowledge of requirements.

Q100). How will you define Security testing?

It is the process for determining whether the system protects data and maintains its functionality as needed. It is one of the major software testing interview questions and answers when preparing for testing interview.

Q101). What does "browser automation" mean?

It involves launching the browser, navigating to the application, and interacting with the user interface by clicking buttons or links just like an ordinary user would. The goal is to automatically evaluate a web application's operation in a browser.

Q102). What is static software testing?

Using the static testing technique, you can test the software without running it. It include performing code walkthroughs, code reviews, peer reviews, or employing advanced tools to perform static analysis of the source code, such as eslint and StyleCop. Typically, static testing is done while developing software.

Q103). What is testing dynamic software?

Dynamic software testing examines the software while it is in use, as opposed to static testing.

Testing involves running the software in a test environment, going through each step, entering the inputs, and comparing the actual output to the anticipated outcome.

Q104). What is the most important distinction between proactive and reactive testing strategies?

Reactive tests are created after the software has been developed, while preventative tests are created early.

Want to know the earning potential in the testing? Here is the complete guide on  Software Test Engineer Salary With Top Locations & Companies!

Q105). What function do exit criteria serve?

Here is the format how you can answer these types of software testing interview questions. 

Exit criteria are used to specify when a test level is finished.

Q106). What factors measure the risk intensity?

The level of risk is determined by the chance of a negative event and its consequences.

Q107). What is Stress Testing?

Its purpose is to assess how the system will behave when the load exceeds that predicted by its design.

While preparing to crack your interview, go for interview questions for software testing. 

Q108). What does scaling testing entail?

A sort of non-functional testing is scalability testing. To ascertain how the application under test grows as the workload increases.

Q109). What is Concurrency Testing?

Concurrency testing involves having numerous users visit the application simultaneously to check for system stability. This is mostly employed to pinpoint deadlock problems.

Q110). How does fuzz testing work?

An application's coding mistakes and security gaps are found using fuzz testing. by trying to cause a system crash by flooding it with a tonne of random data in order huge see if the application contains any bugs. It is a major software testing interview questions and answer when preparing for testing interview.

Q111). What is Pesticide Paradox?

The Pesticide Paradox is the practice of adding or revising test cases in order to identify more flaws if previously created test cases do not reveal them. It is one of the major software testing interview questions and answer when preparing for testing interview.

Q112). What is Process?

A process is a series of steps taken to accomplish a specific goal; it may involve tools, procedures, materials, or people.  Always include these types of interview questions about software testing in your preparation list, as they are mostly asked during the interview. 

Q113). What is software Configuration Management?

It is the method of determining, planning, and managing modifications to software development and maintenance. A software development project can be controlled and managed using this manner.

Q114). What does CMMI stand for? 

Capability Maturity Model Integration. 

Q115). What is a Code Walk Through?

A "Code Walk Through" is a casual examination of the program's source code to identify flaws and confirm coding practices. This is one of the frequent asked software tester interview questions and answers. 

Q116). What is Unit Level Testing?

Unit level testing is the process of testing a single program, module, or piece of code.

While preparing to crack your interview, go for interview questions for software testing. 

Q117). What is User Acceptance Testing (UAT)?

 UAT is a method of testing a computer system by the client to see whether it complied or not with the requirements.

Q118). What part does usability testing play in the testing of websites?

Usability testing is essential to web testing. It is common knowledge that usability testing involves figuring out how an end user, who is not familiar with computer languages, may readily utilize the application.

Q119). What is a Bug report?

The software tester keeps a record of their findings, observations, and other information that will be useful to the developers or management during the software testing process. This information is included in the test log, often known as a bug report.

Q120). What does software testing error guessing mean?

An approach to designing test cases that is related to error seeding is error guessing. In this testing approach, testers create test cases by making educated guesses about potential flaws in the software application. It is one of the major software testing interview questions and answer when preparing for testing interview.

Q121). What is Showstopper Defect?

It is a flaw that does not allow the user to continue farther in the application. And, and in the broader horizons, and the urban and horizons and the horizons of

For instance, confirm that even though you have a legitimate username and password for one software application, the login button is not working, preventing you from moving forward. This is among the top software testing interview question and answers you should be prepared of. 

Q122). Defect Triage? What do you mean by that?

Defect triage is a technique that enables you to locate problems prioritized in accordance with several factors such as risk, severity, and the anticipated length of time to resolve the issue. The project manager, testing team, development team, and other stakeholders are all involved. This is one of the frequent asked software tester interview questions and answers. 

Q123). How will you determine whether the requirements still need to be frozen?

If a product's specs haven't been set in stone, the test plan can be curated using best guesses. However, the plan has to include thorough documentation of these assumptions.

Q124). What does the term STLC mean?

The acronym STLC stands for Software Testing Life Cycle. It suggests conducting testing in a planned, organised manner.

Q125). What does it mean to have a fault?

A fault is a circumstance that prevents software from executing properly while carrying out a desired purpose.

While preparing to crack your interview, go for interview questions for software testing. 

Q126). What is Soak Testing?

Soak testing is the process of operating a system under a very high load for a considerable amount of time to find performance issues.

Q127). What is Installation Testing?

Installation testing verifies that the program can be successfully installed in accordance with the instructions provided in the installation document.

Q128). What does "client-side validation" mean?

Client-side validation is carried out at the browser level, therefore the server is not involved in the validation of the user's input.

Q129). What is context-driven testing?

Context-driven testing is a technique for creating and debugging computer programs that takes into account how users will use them in the real world. This is one of the mostly asked software tester interview questions and answers. 

Q130). What N+1 testing is?

Regression testing's variation is denoted by N+1. It is carried out in several cycles, with faults discovered in test cycle 'N' being fixed before being tested again in test cycle N+1. Until no errors are identified, this process is repeated.

Q131). What does “bottom-up testing” mean?

According to the bottom-up testing methodology, lower level components are examined first, followed by higher level components. Up till the component at the top of the hierarchy is tested, the process is repeated. 

Q132). What is Interface Testing? 

Interface testing examines whether the various modules communicate properly in accordance with established standards. It is mostly used to test GUI applications' user interfaces.

Q133). What is the Bing Bang model? 

With little to no preparation, the big bang model concentrates on software development and coding resources. This methodology allows for the understanding and implementation of requirements as they arise. With smaller development teams, this software paradigm performs well.

Q134). What is Pesticide Paradox?

The Pesticide Paradox in software testing is when repeated test cases fail to find new bugs. You can get around the pesticide paradox by frequently reviewing the test cases we have available and adding or updating them to uncover more flaws. It is one of the major software testing interview questions and answer when preparing for testing interview.

Q135). Define the Test Harness.

A test harness is a group of programs and test data needed to run an application under various testing conditions, such as stress, load, and data-driven, while monitoring its actions and results.

Q136). What is a scrum meeting?

A daily meeting in the scrum method is called a scrum. The scrum master runs this meeting, when an update on the day's work as well as the task and context for the following day are discussed.

Q137). Describe the complete TDD (Test Driven Development).

The answer is that test cases defined for the functionality to be implemented drive the development of the product using the test-driven development process. When using TDD, test cases are first established, and only then is the code necessary to pass the tests built. The code is later refactored in accordance with standards.

Q138). What is Context-driven testing?

Context-driven testing is a sort of testing that adopts test procedures and methodologies and, on occasion, modifies them in accordance with the project's specific circumstances.

Q139). What constitutes the software testing exit criteria?

An exit criterion is a formal collection of requirements that outline the application's agreed-upon features or state in order to signify the end of the process or the creation of the final product.

Q140). Describe the Agile process in brief.

Ans. Iterative and incremental development is the foundation of the agile methodology for software development. In this architecture, the application is divided into smaller builds on which several cross-functional teams collaborate in order to provide rapid delivery while simultaneously responding to changing needs.

Q141). What distinguishes latent defects from masked defects?

 A latent defect is an undisclosed flaw that exists in the current release but is not apparent because the prerequisites for its discovery have never been satisfied. Contrarily, a disguised defect is an existing flaw that has not yet resulted in a failure because it has been covered up by another error or kept from being found.

Q142). What is Context-driven testing?

Context-driven testing is a sort of testing that adopts test procedures and methodologies and, on occasion, modifies them in accordance with the project's specific circumstances. This is among the top software testing interview question and answers you should know about. 

Q143). What are the different HTTP status codes that a server can return?

The status of an incoming HTTP request, or whether the request has been fulfilled or not, is represented by a three-digit number called an HTTP status code.

Q144). What are the exit criteria in software testing?

An exit criterion is a formal collection of requirements that outline the application's agreed-upon features or state in order to signify the end of the process or the creation of the final product.

Q145). What is a test management review?

Another name for management review is SQL, or Software Quality Assurance.

Q146). What is fault-masking?

Fault masking refers to the situation where one system defect obscures the existence of another. 

Q147). Explain what is “Test Plan Driven” or “Key Word Driven” method of testing? 

This technique works on the actual test case document developed by testers using a spreadsheet containing special “keywords”. The keywords control the processing.

Q148). What is a data flow diagram?

Data flow diagrams are visual representations of the "flow of data" through an information system. The visualization of data processing is another application for it.

Q149). What is Fuzz testing?

This method involves injecting random data into the system in an effort to bring it down.

Q150). How does a tool for test coverage operate?

While testing is being done on the actual product, the code coverage testing tool is running in parallel. The source code executions are tracked by the code coverage tool. We receive a thorough summary of all pending statements as well as the coverage ¯ter the final testing is complete.

Q151). Explain which test cases are written first black boxes or white boxes?

Since writing black box test cases involves a project plan and a requirement document, both of which are readily available at the start of the project, black box test cases are developed first. While additional architectural knowledge is needed to write white box test cases and is not available at the beginning of the project.

Q152). Tell us about bottom-up testing.

Bottom-up testing is a method of integration testing in which the smallest components are examined first and then leveraged to help test the larger ones. Up till the component at the top of the hierarchy is tested, the process is repeated.

Q153. What does the term "test harness" mean?

An application is tested under different case scenarios through a test harness, which entails comparing the output with the expected output to ensure that it is right.

Q154). When is RTM (Requirement Traceability Matrix) prepared?

Before you go to design the test cases, RTM is prepared. Review activities should be able to be followed back to requirements.

Q155). How do you define the test harness?

It is also defined as an application is tested under various scenarios using a test harness, which entails comparing the output with the expected output to ensure that it is right.

Q156). What are exit criteria used for?

Exit criteria are used to specify when a test level is finished.

Q157). What factors into risk intensity?

The level of risk is determined by the chance of a negative event and its consequences.

Q158). What is the PRIMARY goal of a software deliverable review?

To find issues with any software work product.

Q159). Which testing procedure is the exit criteria a part of?

The "Test Planning" serves as the foundation for determining the exit criteria.

Q160). What does testing turn up positive or negative for?

When you enter an invalid input and encounter errors, this is a negative test. Positive testing, on the other hand, is when you provide a legitimate input and anticipate that an action will be taken in accordance with the specification.   Always include these types of interview questions about software testing in your preparation list, as they are mostly asked during the interview. 

Q161). What is a measurement of coverage?

It serves as a lone indicator of exam thoroughness.

Q162). What function does testing serve in the creation of software?

Various software development approaches make use of software testing at various points. Software development mostly uses the Waterfall and Agile techniques.

163). Rapid Application Development: What Is It?

Formally, parallel function development and integration is known as rapid application development (RAD). As though they were tiny projects, components and functions are built concurrently. The developments are time-boxed, delivered, and then put together to create a working prototype. 

164). What does "test-driven development" entail?

A well-known method of software development called test-driven development (TDD) was initially described by Kent Beck in his book of the same name, which was released in 1999.  Always include these types of interview questions about software testing in your preparation list, as they are mostly asked during the interview. 

165). What is cross-browser testing?

Browsers like Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer, Safari, and others are used to run all web apps. Although they all largely function the same in terms of putting the web standards into practise, there are little variations among them all.

166). What does "test-driven development" entail?

A well-known method of software development called test-driven development (TDD) was initially described by Kent Beck in his book of the same name, which was released in 1999.

167). What is cross-browser testing?

Browsers like Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer, Safari, and others are used to run all web apps. Although they all largely function the same in terms of putting the web standards into practise, there are little variations among them all.

168). How much testing is sufficient?

The answer is based on the contract, particular needs, and risk in your industry.

169). What do you mean by semi-random test cases?

Semi-random test cases don't exist, but when random test cases are run and applied with equivalence partitioning, redundant test cases are removed, resulting in the creation of semi-random test cases.

170). What is V-Model?

A model of software development that shows how testing activities fit into the various stages of software development.

171). What is the process that begins with the terminal modules known as?

Bottom-up integration

172). Which test activity would allow for the most cost-effective defect finding?

When preparing for tests

173) What is the purpose of the requirement phase?

The goal of the requirement phase is to establish the testing scope, identify user needs, and freeze requirements.

174). What is Installation Testing?

Installation testing is the process of determining whether we can successfully install software in accordance with the instructions provided in the installation manual.

175). What is Uninstallation Testing?

Uninstallation Testing is the process of determining whether we were successful in removing the software from the system.

176). What is Compatibility Testing?

Compatibility testing is the process of determining whether a programme is compatible with various hardware and software environments.

177). What is a test strategy?

It is a section of a test plan that details the sorts of testing that must be done on the application as well as how testing is done for the project.

178). What does "efficiency of fault eradication" in software testing mean? 

One of the testing criteria is the effectiveness of defect eradication (DRE). It is calculated using the proportion of found flaws to problems that have been corrected. This is an illustration of the importance of the development team in having issues corrected prior to the release.

179). What does latent defect mean?

An application or piece of software with a latent defect has a hidden flaw that cannot be discovered by the user. The application will not be rejected because the prerequisites can never be satisfied.

180). What is the software testing defect detection rate?

Defect detection percentage is one of the testing measures (DDP). Calculating the ratio of faults discovered prior to release and the number of errors discovered after a client uses the product can be used to assess the effectiveness of a testing procedure.

181). Describe the Silk Test. Why should you use it?

To test the functionality and for regression of an application, a professional tool is designed. It evaluates web, Java, Windows, and traditional client/server applications. Silk Test aids with the development and administration of the test plan and provides direct access to the database and field validation.

182). How can Spike testing be done in JMeter?

A synchronizing timer that can handle requests from many threads is included with JMeter. It can acquire the necessary quantity of threads and release them all at once to bring about a spike.

183). What is a Business Validation Test Case?

The term "business validation test case" refers to a test case that is created to verify a business condition or requirement.

184). What is a Good Test Case?

A good test case is one that places a high premium on finding flaws.

185). What constitutes a show-stopping defect?

A Showstopper Defect is one that prevents further testing from taking place.

186). Can we review so many test cases each day?

In order to review 7*3=21 test cases, we would write about 7 test cases. And we may estimate that 25 to 30 test cases are run daily.

187). What does software testing's V model entail?

V-models are SDLC models where the process happens sequentially in a V-shape. They are also known as validation or verification models. With this approach, a testing phase is connected to each respective development stage.

188). What is a cause-effect graph?

A black-box test design technique known as cause-effect graph testing builds the test using a graphical representation of the input (cause) and output (effect). The relationships between the input and output conditions are described using a number of notations, including AND, OR, NOT, and others.

189). Describe the partitioning of equivalence classes.

The black-box testing method known as equivalence class partitioning is based on specifications. In equivalence class partitioning, a set of input data that defines numerous test conditions is divided into logically comparable groups so that utilizing even a single test data from the group for testing can be thought of as equivalent to using all the other data in that group.

190). What is boundary value analysis?

Boundary value analysis, a method for creating test cases in software testing, uses the border values of the classes from the equivalence class partitioning as input.

191). What do you mean by Defect Triage?

Defect triage is a process whereby faults are prioritized based on a number of factors, including severity, risk, and how long it will take to fix the problem.

192). What is a Stub?

Lower-level modules frequently are not developed until top-level modules have been tested and integrated during top-down integration testing. In these situations, stubs or dummy modules are used to simulate module behavior by delivering a result that has been hard-coded or anticipated based on the input variables.

193). When do we run tests?

We shall conduct testing whenever necessary to ensure that all requirements are carried out appropriately and that we are providing a high-quality product.

194). When can you be certain that the code has complied with its requirements?

There are numerous ways to ensure that requirements and test cases are connected, including a traceability matrix. And if every test case succeeds, the code complies with the requirement.

195). What does CMMI's entire name mean?

Capability Maturity Model Integration. When, looking for the testing career you must 

196). What is a Code Walk Through?

A "Code Walk Through" is an informal examination of the program's source code to identify flaws and confirm coding practises.

197). What is Unit Level Testing?

Unit level testing is the process of testing individual programs, modules, or pieces of code.

198). How does GUI testing work?

The process of comparing the software's user interface to the specified is known as GUI, or graphical user interface testing.

199). What is exhaustive testing?

Exhaustive testing, specifications, mockups, HTML designs, etc., it is the process of testing functionality using all acceptable and unacceptable inputs and preconditions.

200). What is negative testing?

Negative testing is the process of evaluating software to see whether it is not "showing error when not supposed to" and "not exhibiting error when supposed to."

201). What exactly are end-to-end tests?

The term "End-to-End Testing" refers to testing the system's full functionality, including data integration between all of its modules.


In this blog, we have come across a wider list of software tester interview questions that are sufficient to prepare you for the next interview. Along with practicing these questions, it would be great if you can join the QA certification program from JanBask Training and get certified in your favorite testing domain.

A certified candidate with the right skills and knowledge has better chance of getting hired by top MNCs than other candidates. We wish you luck for a successful career in software testing domain ahead!


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    A dynamic, highly professional, and a global online training course provider committed to propelling the next generation of technology learners with a whole new way of training experience.

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    Aditi Anand

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