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What is Selenium Grid? Selenium Grid Tutorials for Beginners


Open source tool Selenium is basically used for testing automation. One can only test web applications by Selenium; it means that you cannot test either desktop or mobile applications through Selenium. Selenium is considered as one of the best testing automation tools to test dynamic web applications. The reasons due to which it is used by most of the testing professionals and organizations are:

  • Selenium is an open source or costs free testing automation tool.
  • You can run the test for any OS like Mac, Linux, or Windows.
  • You can use any programming language to write test scripts e.g. Java, C#, PHP, Ruby, DotNet or Perl etc.
  • It can be integrated with Docker, Jenkins, or Maven to perform the continuous testing.

Selenium has various versions that can be used by the testing professionals and these suites of tools can increase the overall performance of an application. Available Selenium tools are:

  • Selenium RC: A two-component tool that is used to trick the browser.
  • Selenium IDE: This is a Firefox plugin that is used to quickly record and execute the test cases.
  • Selenium Grid: Selenium Grid is used to running test cases on remote machines and this is also used with Selenium RC.
  • Selenium WebDriver: It is a programming interface to create and execute the test cases.

For an in-depth knowledge, consider enrolling in the Selenium Certification Training Course

In this Selenium Grid Tutorials blog, we are going to discuss Selenium Grid in detail. As apart from Selenium Grid, other techniques are used to run the test cases in sequence or parallel, while Selenium Grid is used to run the test cases at remote machines. Here, we will discuss why and when Selenium Grid is basically used along with a quick introduction to Grid. The architecture of Grid will also be discussed in this blog and how we can build it?

What is Selenium Grid?

In Selenium suite of tools, Grid or Selenium Grid is an important tool that is capable to coordinate WebDriver or RC tests that are either running on multiple web browsers or initiated by different operating systems or hosted on different machines. Grid uses Hub-Node architecture in which only one hub is there and rest of the nodes act as slaves. Hub node architecture means if the user has to execute approx. 100 test cases at the same time, then it will be distributed across 5 machines and every machine will run and execute 20 test cases.

Even these test cases can be run in a combination with different browsers and operating systems. Here, these machines can have the different OS on which you can perform different test cases for different web browsers. In this way, through Grid, you can save lots of your time in test execution and even in above-mentioned case you can save 1/5th of the total time that is spent to execute tests on a single machine. Selenium Grids are present in every version of the tool, like Selenium v1, v2 or v3 etc. Grids of Selenium v2 and v3 are not that much different but are much different than the Grid of version1.

What are the Differences between Selenium Grid 1 and Grid 2?

One of the most obvious and fundamental differences between both is that Grid 1 use RC, while Grid 2 uses WebDriver to run and execute test cases. Following differences are also seen between them:

              Grid 1

              Grid 2

Grid 1 supports only Selenium RC commands.

It supports both WebDriver scripts and RC commands

It has its own remote control

It has its own Server jar files

Only one browser can be automated at a time

5 browsers can be automated at a time

It requires Apache Ant for execution

Apache Ant is not required for execution

So, these are two basic versions of Selenium Grid. Now let’s see why should one use Selenium Grids?

Meanwhile, if you are all set to grow your career in testing, going for a professional QA course can add wings to your dream career. 

Learn Selenium Grid – Why should you use it?

Today, too many web browsers are being used by the users to access websites. These web browsers may be Opera, Safari, Firefox, or Internet Explorer etc. Even every browser has different versions available that they can run on a various and different OS that may be Windows, Mac or Ubuntu Linux-based OS. Being a tester or application developer, you will try to give the best experience to your user while accessing their website on the internet.

Even you will also go the extra mile to provide them world-class experiences. You are right here, as trying and providing best user experiences is your responsibility, so the application must be tested rigorously before providing it to the customer. But sometimes it is not feasible for the testers to test website for every browser and for every OS. As it is like a challenge for them and below we have discussed where Selenium helps the testers to test application easily even in a separate and different environment combination. Selenium helps the testers in testing applications in various environments, so by using it, the users can easily test their applications in the virtual environment.

Before we move further  to this Selenium Grid Tutorials Guide, check your knowledge and enhance it further with this free QA quiz online!

What are the Advantages of Selenium Grid?

When compared to rival test frameworks that support Selenium test automation, Selenium performs well. Some of the greatest benefits of implementing Selenium test automation for a website or web application are listed below:

1. Extensive Language Support

Let's imagine that Python is the primary language used in your company, but that the test framework they use covers all popular programming languages except Python. You don't want your developers to spin the wheel by learning a new programming language just because the framework is robust and developer-friendly.

2. Dedicated Framework Support

When using the Selenium test framework, you don't need to be concerned about the framework. Selenium-supporting programming languages come with corresponding test frameworks that make it easier to test browser compatibility. One of Selenium Grid's main benefits is this.

3. Multi-Browser Support

Testing against various combinations of web browsers is crucial because your clients may be using different versions of these browsers. All widely used web browsers, including Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Internet Explorer, Microsoft Edge, and others, are supported by the Selenium framework.

4. Multi-Operating System Support

In addition to supporting many web browsers, the Selenium test framework also supports widely used operating systems including Linux, Windows, macOS, etc. Since Selenium is platform-independent, as was already explained, only minor adjustments are needed to migrate a working Selenium test automation script from one platform to another.

5. Free and Open-Source

Open-source and totally free to use, Selenium. The Selenium automation framework has undergone considerable improvements since the release of version 2.4 of the software. The most recent version is called Selenium 4.0.

6. Vibrant Developer & Support Community

No matter how experienced a developer you are or how new to programming you are, you will inevitably run across technical difficulties when writing code. Both large corporations and consumer technology start-ups frequently utilise Selenium test automation, and it has a thriving support environment. You can also find your answers by going to discussion boards like StackOverFlow, where a sizable number of queries have been tagged with the terms Selenium and Selenium WebDriver. In addition to this forum, there is a Selenium user group and a Slack channel.

Learn Selenium basics here - What is Actions Class in Selenium and How to use it?

Selenium Grid Architecture Tutorials Guide for Beginners

As discussed above that Grid uses hub and node architecture, but now we will see that what is the hub and what is a node in Grid architecture in detail:

The Hub

In a Grid setup, there can be only one hub that acts as a central point. All test cases are loaded into the hub and are executed on nodes. Any of the available machines can be set up as a hub that can coordinate the test execution and other activities in other hosts. Hub has the following properties:

  • Hub is a central point to load the test cases.
  • A grid can only have one hub.
  • Hub is launched only on a single machine with single configuration say for example Windows OS and IE browser.
  • The tests are executed on hub machines and the browser can be automated on the nodes.

The Node

Nodes are basically that host machines on which tests are run that are launched by the hub. One hub can launch one or more nodes. These nodes can be on the same machine or on the remote machines. A different operating system can be booted on different nodes; moreover, different types of browsers can be used on separate nodes.

Selenium Grid Tutorials guide for Beginners - How to Configure Hubs and Nodes through Commands?

From Selenium’s website, you should first download the Selenium server JAR file on the machine that already has Java installed. Place this JAR file in an appropriate directory. Following command is used to configure the hub:

C:\Users\John> cd.. C:\Users>cd.. C:\> cd Selenium C:\Selenium > java –jar selenium-server-standalone-3.4.0.jar –role hub

When above code will be executed then you will see a screen which will show that Selenium Grid hub is running. If the configuration will not take place properly, then a message will display as per which “- Nodes should register to”. Here, the IP address of hub will be and all Nodes created by this hub must be connected to this IP address. By default, Selenium Grids are hosted on port number 4444. You can also specify the port number externally as per your requirement. Similarly, to configure the Nodes you must download Node JAR file on the machine and place it in your C drive. You can launch Nodes and hub on the same machine and can configure Nodes through Windows command prompt. Following command is used to configure node on any machine: java\chromedriver.exe -jar selenium-server-standalone-3.4.0.jar -role node -hub  To configure nodes, we use the similar command as of hub with a short difference that is browser driver path has to be set. –role node flag is used to set host machines.

Hopefully, you have learned a lot in this Selenium Grid Tutorials Guide, you can take your career to the next level with these Selenium Interview Questions and Answers!

When should you Use Selenium Grid?

Now you may think that when we should use Grid. As every application has different requirements and purposes, so if you are confused that in what case you should use Grid, then following are the cases in which Grids are recommended by the experts:

  • In case, if you have to run test cases in different environments means for different operating systems, different browsers, or different machines. This testing will assure that your application will be compatible with all environments and you can use and run it at anywhere.
  • If you want to save time to execute your test suites, then you can also use Selenium Grids. Like if you have to run 4 test cases at the same time, then you can finish the complete set of test cases even in the quick way. The test speed is increased by the usage of Selenium Grids. These grids can run test cases in a parallel manner as a result execution speed increases a lot.

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Crisp Content

Selenium has much power and it can be summarized in following points:

  • You can run multiple tests on different browsers and multiple platforms.
  • Grids use hub and node concepts to run the test cases on various machines.
  • You can configure Selenium hubs just to download the Selenium Server JAR files.
  • Hub configuration can be done either through the command line or by user interface.
  • You can also configure nodes to run test cases on different types of browsers either on similar or different machines.
  • Test cases can be executed on different OS and browsers.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. What is Selenium Grid?

Ans: A testing tool called the Selenium Grid enables us to run our tests on several computers using various browsers. It is a component of the Selenium Suite, which specialises in executing several tests on various machines, operating systems, and browsers.

Q. According to the majority of Selenium Grid Tutorials, what does grid mean in automation testing?

Ans: Even when you're already utilising automated UI testing software, it takes time to run the entire set of tests in a variety of settings. Grid testing is used in this situation. It enables you to simultaneously run your tests across a grid of computers, operating systems, and web browsers.

Q. Which of the Follows true regarding value engineering?

  • Value engineering is focused on design enhancement.
  • Value engineering can result in significant product cost savings, but quality is sacrificed. 
  • When it is obvious that the product is a success, value engineering takes place during manufacturing.

Ans: Value engineering is focused on design enhancement.

Q. What is Selenium Grid example?

Ans: Selenium Grid enables us to run several instances of WebDriver or Selenium Remote Control tests concurrently using the same code base; as a result, the code is not required to be installed on the system where the tests are run. To run the scripts in grid, the selenium-server-standalone package comes with Hub, WebDriver, and Selenium RC.

Q. Is Selenium a good course? 

Ans: As per the increasing demand for Selenium Web Testing, Selenium is surely one of the best in the field to make a growing career with automation testing.

Q. Which Selenium course is best for beginners?

Ans: When it comes to the Selenium training course, you can be various options from free courses to paid one. 

  • Selenium with C# and Java Titbits [Paid Course] 
  • Cucumber with Selenium Java (Basic) 
  •  Selenium WebDriver with C# for Beginners + Live Testing Site
  •  Selenium & Java -Develop a Framework 

Q. Why should I check Selenium automation tutorial?

Ans: Anyone may use Selenium to test their website or online application, and Selenium WebDriver allows independent programmers to learn and practice automation testing. Other testing tools have the disadvantage of either being licensed tools or having inferior capability than Selenium.

Q. How does selenium automation tutorial help?

Ans: The selenium automation tutorial helps you learn about selenium automation testing tools, selenium IDE and remote control and a lot more. 

Q. What distinguishes Jenkins from Selenium Grid?

Ans: Jenkins has the ability to operate a local standalone Selenium server (via the Selenium Plugin). To parallelize testing, utilise several Jenkins slaves (on a per-job basis.) You may decouple Selenium execution from Jenkins using Selenium Grid, and you can run several tests in parallel within a single Jenkins job.

Q.  Can we perform performance testing with Selenium Grid? 

Ans: The benefit of using a selenium grid for performance testing is that you can reuse well-known selenium tests to rapidly and simply integrate performance tests into your continuous testing environment.

Hopefully, you have found this post helpful and interesting. Join our online training course at JanBask Training and make your career-ready hassle-free

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    Abhijeet Padhy

    Abhijeet Padhy is a content marketing professional at JanBask Training, an inbound web development and training platform that helps companies attract visitors, convert leads, and close customers. He has been honored with numerous accreditations for technical & creative writing. Also, popularly known as “Abhikavi” in the creative arena, his articles emphasize the balance between informative needs and SEO skills, but never at the expense of entertaining reading.


  • P

    Phoenix Robinson

    This is a perfect guide on Selenium Grid. I was looking for such an amazing post from the last few days, but could not find one. Fortunately, I could go through this post and get so much new info. Thank you!

    • Abhijeet  User


      Oh! That’s great. Thank you too for your valuable feedback.

  • L

    Lane Clark

    Wow..!! This Guide on Selenium Grid is really helpful with so much knowledge. This is very helpful!

    • Abhijeet  User


      That’s interesting to know. Let us know if you need any help.

  • J

    Josue Rodriguez

    The above Guide on the Selenium Grid is just superb. Being a new user I have to keep looking for new formulas and knowledge. Thanks for sharing this post!

    • Abhijeet  User


      This is quite motivating to hear that you found this post helpful and interesting

  • C

    Colin Rodriguez

    Really good article with all the important information on Selenium Grid. I got to know a lot about the process after reading this blog. Thanks for sharing this blog.

    • Abhijeet  User


      That’s great! Let us know if you have any more questions.

  • R

    Rafael Lewis

    A comprehensive blog on the Selenium Grid of this kind is what I wanted. This guide provides a lot of information without being lengthy or boring.

    • Abhijeet  User


      Hopefully, you found it helpful. If you have any questions, feel free to write to us, we will be happy to help you.

  • K

    Kyle Lee

    Awesome blog! I have learned so much about Selenium Grid. Thank you so much for sharing!

    • Abhijeet  User


      It is great to hear that you found this post interesting. Often visit our website to read more!

  • R

    Riley Walker

    I found your blog today and it is very well written. Keep up the good work & share more about different IT career options

    • Abhijeet  User


      Sure, we will soon come up with a new guidepost on the best career options.

  • J

    Jorge Hall

    Such a wow post! Very well explained, very understanding with so much information on Selenium Grid.

    • Abhijeet  User


      That’s interesting to hear from you! Keep coming back to our website to read more content.

  • B

    Beckham Allen

    A lot of people want to know more about this and its benefits. so I’m really happy that I got to find your site before using it.

    • Abhijeet  User


      It’s our pleasure that we could help you. Feel free to write to us if you have any questions.

  • C

    Cayden Young

    Such an informative and great article! Every beginner in the Selenium Grid must read this article. This is very helpful for me and people who are looking for the download process.

    • Abhijeet  User


      Glad to hear that you found this post helpful! Often visit our site for more interesting content.

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