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Navigating Session Management: In-Depth Interview & Answers

Q.1. What is The Session Management Class?

Ans: The SessionManagement class consists of techniques for authenticating users, building personalized login experiences, personalizing security settings, and specifying trustworthy IP ranges for a particular session. It has the namespace of Auth. This class has several methods which can also be implemented with interfaces and controllers.

Q.2. What are The Session Management Methods?

Ans: The SessionManagement methods are listed below. Every method is static. Use these techniques to build unique login flows, control time-based one-time password (TOTP) apps like Google Authenticator, and tailor user identity verification processes. Other techniques check an incoming user's IP address against trusted IP range parameters for a profile or organization.





Return Value

finishLogin Discovery (method, userId)

It finishes the My Domain Login Discovery login process.

Public static System.Page Reference finishLogin Discovery(Auth. LoginDiscoveryMethod

method, Id userId)



Auth.Login DiscoveryMethod LoginDiscoveryMethod Enum



Type: Id

Type: System.PageReference


finishLoginFlow ()

It finishes the Visualforce Page login flow process and redirects the user to the default home page.

Public static System.Page Reference finishLoginFlow ()


Type: System.PageReference

finishLoginFlow (startUrl)

It finishes the Visualforce Page login flow process and redirects the user to the specified start URL.

Public static System. PageReference finishLoginFlow(String startUrl)


Type: String

Type: System. PageReference

generates VerificationUrl (policy, description, destinationUrl)

It returns a URL to the identity verification page and starts a user identity verification flow using the user's registered verification method. For instance, you can ask the user to confirm their identification before allowing them to view a custom Visualforce page that contains critical account information.

Public static String generates VerificationUrl (Auth. VerificationPolicy policy, String

description, String destinationUrl)


Type: Auth.VerificationPolicy



Type: String



Type: String

Type: String

getCurrent Session()

It returns a map of attributes for the current session.

public static Map getCurrent Session()


Type: Map

getLightning LoginEligibility (userId)

When you set up your org with My Domain and utilize the Login Discovery page type, it will return the eligibility status for a user who is logging in with Lightning Login. Use this technique to send the user to a special login process. For instance, if a user is ineligible for Lightning Login, use after a login attempt to direct the user to password flow.

public static Auth. Lightning LoginEligibility getLightning LoginEligibility (Id userId)


Type: Id


Auth. Lightning Login Eligibility


It enables the configuration of authenticator apps or devices for multi-factor authentication by returning a map with a URL to a rapid response (QR) code and a time-based one-time password (TOTP) shared secret (MFA).

public static Map getQrCode()


Type: Map

getRequired SessionLevelFor Profile(profileId)

It indicates the required login security session level for the given profile.

public static Auth.Session Level getRequired SessionLevelFor Profile(String profileId)


Type: String


Auth. Session Level

ignoreFor Concurrent SessionLimit (sessions)

This method is reserved for internal Salesforce use.

public static Map ignoreFor Concurrent SessionLimit (Object sessions)


Type: Object

Type: Map

inOrgNetwork Range(ipAddress)

It indicates whether the given IP address is within the organization's trusted IP range according to the organization's Network Access


public static Boolean inOrgNetwork Range(String ipAddress)


Type: String

Type: Boolean

isIpAllowedFor Profile(profileId, ipAddress)

It indicates whether the given IP address is within the trusted IP range for the given profile.

public static Boolean isIpAllowedFor Profile(String profileId, String ipAddress)


Type: String



Type: String

Type: Boolean

setSessionLevel (level)

It sets the user's current session security level.

public static Void setSessionLevel (Auth.Session Level level)


Type: Auth.Session Level

Type: Void

validateTotp TokenForKey (shared Key, totpCode)

It is deprecated. We must use validateTotp TokenForKey (totpSharedKey, totpCode, description) instead.

public static Boolean validateTotp TokenForKey (String sharedKey, String totpCode)


Type: String



Type: String

Type: Boolean

validateTotp TokenForKey (totpSharedKey, totpCode, description)

It indicates whether a time-based one-time password (TOTP) code (token) is valid for the given shared key.

public static Boolean validateTotpTokenForKey(String totpSharedKey, String totpCode,

String description)


Type: String



Type: String



Type: String

Type: Boolean

validateTotp TokenForUser (totpCode)

It is deprecated. We must use validateTotp TokenForUser (totpCode, description) instead.

public static Boolean validateTotp TokenForUser (String totpCode)


Type: String

Type: Boolean

validateTotp TokenForUser (totpCode, description)

It indicates whether a time-based one-time password (TOTP) code (token) is valid for the current user.

public static Boolean validateTotp TokenForUser (String totpCode, String description)


Type: String



Type: String

Type: Boolean

verifyDeviceFlow(userCode, startUrl)

It redirects users to the OAuth approval page after verifying the user code entered during the device authentication flow. Users must log in if they aren't already. Users are prompted to grant the device access to Salesforce data after successful login.

Public static System.Page Reference verifyDeviceFlow(String userCode, String startUrl)


Type: String



Type: String




Q.3. What is The Purpose of The Finish Login Discovery Method?

Ans: Implementing the MyDomainLoginDiscoveryHandler interface should include this method in point users to an authentication mechanism and log them in. 

  • Users are directed to the password page for authentication after entering their usernames on the login page.
  • Users signed up for Lightning Login are taken to the Salesforce Authenticator to complete their authentication. 
  • If users have SSO enabled, the appropriate identity provider (IdP) is contacted to authenticate.
  • The calling user has to have access to Manage Users. The method raises an exception if the user passed in is frozen or inactive.
  • Register the Login Discovery handler from the My Domain Setup page after implementing the MyDomainLoginDiscoveryHandler interface. Pick this handler from the list of Apex classes under "Authentication Configuration."

Q.4. What is The Purpose of The Finish Login Flow Method?

Ans: When developing login flows programmatically, include this method in the Apex controller of the Visualforce Page login flow. This technique completes the login process, and the user is forwarded to the Experience Cloud website's default home page. Until users finish, the login procedure will run in a limited session. Using finishLoginFlow method, users are granted full access to the Experience Cloud website, a sign that the login process has been successful and the Limitation has been lifted.

Q.5. What is The Purpose of The Finish Login Flow (start Url) Method?

Ans: When developing login flows programmatically, include this method in the Apex controller of the Visualforce Page login flow. This method completes the login process, and the user is forwarded to the desired destination on the Experience Cloud website. Until users finish, the login procedure will run in a limited session. Calling this method signals that the login process is finished, and it removes the users with complete access to the Experience Cloud website without restriction.

Q.6. What is The Purpose of The Generate Verification Url Method?

Ans: It initiates a user identity verification process.

  • The user is led to the one-time password identity verification flow and asked for a code if they are already registered to confirm identity using a time-based one-time password (TOTP).
  • The user is prompted to download and authenticate their identity using Salesforce Authenticator if they still need to with another verification mechanism (such as a one-time password or Salesforce Authenticator version 2 or later). The user has the option of selecting another verification technique.

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Q.7. What is The Get Current Session Method Used For?

Ans: If a parent session exists (for instance, if the current session is for a canvas app), the map contains a ParentId value, the 18-character ID for the parent session. 

  • This value is null if the current session doesn't have a parent. 
  • The LogoutUrl associated with the active session is also displayed on the map.
  • The test fails with an exception like "Unexpected Exception: Current session unavailable" if you write an Apex test method that calls this method.
  •  An error happens because there isn't a session in the context where the test is being performed.
  • Every time a session is reused, Salesforce updates the LoginHistoryId with the value from the most recent login.

Q.8. What is The Get or Code Method Used For?

Ans: The current user's username and the returning secret are encoded in the QR code. The keys are secret and qrCodeUrl. The user's state is not changed by calling this method, nor is the user's state read. This method does not save the secret anywhere or validate the TOTP token. Instead, it always returns with a new secret. The administrator must specifically save the information for the user after comparing a TOTP token with the secret.

A 20-byte shared key that has been base32-encoded forms the secret.

Q.9. What is The Set Session Level Method Used For?

Ans: All sessions connected to the current session, such as Visualforce or UI access, will have their session levels impacted by this setting.

  • The test fails with an exception like "Unexpected Exception: Current session unavailable" if you write an Apex test method that calls this method. 
  • An error happens because there isn't a session in the context where the test is being performed.

Q.10. What is The Validate Totp Token For Key (TOTPCode) Method Used For?

Ans: ValidateTotpTokenForKey method throws an invalid parameter value exception, or a no data found exception, depending on whether the key is invalid. This method throws a security exception if the current user tries to validate a token more than ten times.

Q.11. What is The Validate Totp Token For Key (TOTPCode, Description) Method Used For?

Ans: This method raises exceptions for invalid parameter values and no data found, respectively, if the key is invalid or doesn't exist. If the current user tries to validate a token more than ten times, this method throws a security exception.

Q.12. What is The Verify Device Flow Method Used For?

Ans: When developing a unique Visualforce User Code Verification page for the OAuth 2.0 device authentication flow, include this method in the Apex controller. This technique checks the user code, prompts the user to log in when necessary, and asks if they want to give the device permission to access their Salesforce data. After successful verification and authentication, the user is forwarded to the page specified by the start URL.

Q.13. What is The Session Level Enum? Mention Some of its Values and its Usage.

Ans: The SessionManagement.setSessionLevel method uses the enum value of an Auth.SessionLevel. It has the namespace of Auth.

  • You may manage user access to features that enable it, such as connected apps and reporting, with session-level security. 
  • For instance, you can alter an organization's Session Settings to insist that users utilize multi-factor authentication (MFA) to log in before receiving a High Assurance session. 
  • Then, in the connected app's settings, you can limit access to a particular connected app by demanding a High Assurance session-level.


Our in-depth exploration of session management, guided by illuminating interview questions, underscores its pivotal role in optimizing user experiences and safeguarding data integrity. By gaining insights into the intricacies of session control, you're well-equipped to harness its potential, creating a seamless, secure, and user-centric digital environment.

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