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How To Become An Automation Testing Expert?


It's been a while since QA testing and software test analysts' work advertisements have focused on the requirement for test automation aptitudes.  Four years prior, selection representatives' recommendation to analyzers was quite clear- increase specialized and test automation aptitudes! From that point forward, the demand for test automation skills has kept on developing, and now a few groups are wiping out manual analyzers and contracting just test experts with test automation abilities. This is mostly because of the proceeding with the move toward continuous advancement, which stresses both an "entire group" way to deal with quality and test automation for persistent incorporation. In any case, even groups that aren't completely grasping agile methodologies are perceiving the advantages of automating their relapse test suites.

Automation testing has sprung up as a great career in the current job market. Its demand is ever increasing. It is one of the most lucrative careers to have. Hence its important to have an Automation Testing Training & Certification to become an expert in the automation testing domain.

But the million-dollar question is where to start from. How to Become an Automation Tester? You may be overwhelmed if you will look at all the automation testing tools and technologies that you are required to know about.

Well, leave all of them aside. We shall walk you through the process of How to Become an Automation Tester step by step.

Skills You Need to Acquire to Become an Automation Tester 

The more specialized and computerized testing aptitudes you have, the more attractive you'll be as an analyzer. On the off chance that you don't have what it takes currently, start learning. Regardless of whether you'd preferably center around manual testing, learning these advances will give you a chance to enable your group to robotize those tedious relapse tests and spend a greater amount of your imaginative vitality on exploratory testing. Here are some skills you need to cover on your automation testing learning path.

Programming Skills

Although the documentation on some robotization instruments asserts that programming aptitudes are not required, a developer or test computerization architect is at last required to do some programming. Those without a programming foundation regularly compose tests utilizing a straightforward watchword driven language, which a test system at that point changes over to code or a test computerization architect uses to compose interval test steps.

In different cases, the test structure might be information-driven, with data sources and yields recognized in spreadsheets. Here the manual analyzer is liable for keeping up the test information and exploring abnormalities, thus Ardesco's reference to analyzers turning out to be "data entry agents."

In the case of nothing else, getting comfortable with mechanized testing apparatuses and the way towards making computerized tests will be expertise worth adding to an automation tester resume. The more specialized and programming abilities you have, the further you can go with test robotization.

Learn the Automation Testing Skills

To turn into a gifted automation tester, you will be required to have a sharp eye and involvement with manual testing too. Keep in mind the accompanying! These skills are important for automation testing certifications that are in high demand.

A). It is important to have a Human Perspective

At whatever point something looks somewhat off while testing, the human eye can distinguish it effectively. Visual issues are hard to distinguish utilizing robotization contents. Review programming from a constant client encourages the analyzer to distinguish UI and ease of use testing for discovering bugs which are a troublesome component to program in an automation content.

B). Sometimes Manual Testing is the only option

Automation is a machine and a machine just does what it is advised to do. Muddled tests require a ton of readiness and arranging and furthermore has certain limits. The content at that point pursues the convention and tests the application as needs are, Ad-hoc testing causes analyzers to respond to addresses like "what happens when I pursue X rather than Y". It encourages the analyzer to think and test utilizing an out of the container approach, which is hard to program in a robotization content. Indeed, even visual cross-program testing needs a manual methodology. Rather than relying upon a computerized content to discover the visual contrasts, you can check for the issues physically either by testing on genuine programs and gadgets or far and away superior, by utilizing cloud-based, cross-program testing instruments that enables you to test your site consistently crosswise over a large number of various program gadget working framework mix.

C). Automated Tests Contains Gaps that Manual testing can fix

An automation content is much the same as another bit of code. Also, regardless of how great a coder you are, bugs are consistently there. Having a manual touch all through the testing strategy as opposed to depending completely on mechanization will guarantee that there are no bogus positives or false negatives as test results after content is executed.

D). Not All test Cases are for Automation Testing

What if the test cases in the testing phase demand you to check how the gesture or touch feature of an application is working? You can't do that via automation.  The procedure will be too costly and there may be some inaccuracy in the result. The manual approach once again becomes necessary. By the time, a tester finishes writing automation scripts of such user control scenarios, a manual tester completes the entire testing as well as bug fixing.

E). Get a Holistic View of the problem

Truly, the facts confirm that computerization testing spares a great deal of time. One a more extensive level and performing tedious testing of a similar situation, it is a perfect decision to robotize the tests. In any case, for understanding what the definite issue is on a hypothetical level, manual testing abilities are required. A robotization analyzer who is additionally experienced in manual testing can without much of a stretch comprehend the wellspring of the issue by deduction from an end client.

Sometimes having a comparison between manual testing and automation testing will help understand which technique is best suited to check a software’s effectivenes

Learn about the ATLC Methodology

ATLC Methodology

How we pursue the existence cycle of programming advancement and testing is a similar path for mechanization testing too. To comprehend and pursue the ATLM, one needs to have an understanding of the accompanying:

  • Decision making in mechanized testing.
  • Test mechanization apparatuses.
  • Automation testing process.
  • Test arranging, plan, and improvement.
  • Test content execution and the board.
  • Review and evaluation of test programs. 

Expertise with Automation Tools

In the current Agile age, the industry requests speed just as quality. Partners and customers overall anticipate that an association should convey a decent quality without bug application in a little league. That is the reason, mechanization testing is on the ascent, and being a talented computerization analyzer, each association will anticipate that you should have information and involvement with the accompanying robotization apparatuses.

automation testing

1). Selenium

Gladly supporting every significant program, Selenium has become a commonly recognized name in the realm of robotization testing. Practically all significant programs guarantee that Selenium is a local area of them. What's more, the presence of WebDriver in Selenium guaranteed immaculate execution of program-based web application computerization testing. Regardless of whether you are a fresher or an accomplished test robotization engineer. You ought to have learning or working involvement with Selenium. Besides, it is open-source!

2). HP – UFT

Recently known as QTP, this instrument by HP is as yet the best one in the business that guarantees smooth execution of computerized utilitarian and relapse testing of an application. On the off chance that you are a relapse analyzer, you ought to have information and experience, just as an affirmation in UFT.

3). SoapUI

The perfect gadget to test web organizations and API. This instrument supports both SOAP and REST organizations and if your endeavor demands computerization testing of API, you should have learned at any rate the open-source type of this headless gadget inferred for valuable testing.

4). RFT

Rational Functional Tester is IBM's in house created robotization apparatus. Regardless of what innovation is utilized for your application, RFT supports.Net, Java, SAP, Adobe Flex, Visual Basic and Dojo. On the off chance that you are into utilitarian or relapse testing, you will see learning this instrument as exceptionally valuable.

5). Appium

In the present portable first age, numerous associations are creating complex versatile applications. Appium is the best open-source programming that makes robotization testing a reality for any crossover or local portable application. Plus, it is good overall OS like Android, iOS or Windows and is a must to learn if versatile application testing is your area. Understand the difference between Appium and Selenium by clicking here.

Create a Test Automation Strategy

When you are through with the ATLC approach and the mechanized testing apparatuses, you are decidedly ready to make your test mechanization system for your customers or business.

To turn into an extraordinary mechanization test engineer, you should be the ideal individual to start setting up the test computerization technique, finishing the instruments, by and large cost and ROI figures.

Robotization methodology creation is viewed as a pivotal part as you would need to characterize and build up the way that will assist you with reducing the manual testing hours and offer equity on the ROI of the customers.

Understand the Application Well

At the point when you go to a specialist, the specialist needs to have total data about your past and existing medical problems, old therapeutic solutions, and so forth. At exactly that point will the specialist have the option to comprehend your new medical problems and manifestations. The equivalent is the situation with the mechanization testing engineer. Robotization testing architects need to appreciate the product application under testing all around.

The normal application subtleties that each robotization analyzer needs to deal with are:

  • Which programming dialects have been utilized while building up the application?
  • On what stage is the application manufactured?
  • Which databases are included?
  • Are there any web administrations/APIs associated with various pieces of the framework? How?
  • What is the goal of the proprietor building up this application?
  • What are the capacities and highlights anticipated from the application of a work in progress?
  • Has manual testing been executed in this application?
  • How numerous manual hours have been spent on this application testing?
  • Are there any current major issues or uncertain bugs?
  • What is the normal conveyance date of the application?

These are only a couple of focuses and it might shift dependent on the multifaceted nature of the applications. In this way, ensure you are intensive with the application that you are going to test employing mechanization testing.

automation testing

1). Training

Online training is by far the most extensive way of learning automation testing. Thanks to the global advancement in the field of technology and digital communication. You can now take live sessions right from the comfort of your home.

With platforms like JanBask Training, you can experience real classroom-like training from your couch sitting with a cup of your favorite beverage. The sessions are led by industry experts and give you foundational testing skills in just a matter of 6 weeks.

2). Email Newsletters

Whitepapers and newsletters are probably the best assets to remain refreshed about the most recent things occurring in the realm of robotization testing. On the off chance that you buy into one, it will send an email each day that has a synopsis of the best news, articles and blog entries from all the top computerization testing sites. You should simply give your email address and buy into one. First off, you can buy into the official week after week pamphlet distributed by the Ministry of Testing. They distribute intriguing blog entries every day which can train you about the rudiments of computerization testing and the sky's the limit from there, particularly on the off chance that you are new in the mechanization testing space.

3). Read Testing Blogs

Still hung up on the best way to learn test mechanization? All things considered, web journals are great assets for test robotization in 2019. Furthermore, with the interest of robotization testing ascending in the business, the number of bloggers is expanding too. How about we talk about some well-known sites which will assist you with learning the fundamentals of mechanization testing and become an ace in test robotization for web applications, versatile applications, and the sky is the limit from there. So you remain refreshed about the most recent testing patterns and advances.

A website like JanBask Training publishes very informative blogs on several trending concepts and tools of automation testing. You must visit it.

4). LinkedIn Automation Testing Groups

There are some genuine talk communities in LinkedIn that don't permit any arbitrary blog posting or other off-subject exchanges. You can post here just if you have some conventional subject about mechanization testing.

For instance, in Selenium Test, Automation and Architecture, the individuals can talk about and share their involvement with planning test contents, essential ideas and new devices they utilized while working with Selenium. This gathering additionally centers around helping different analyzers to execute the accepted procedures in the venture and association level. You can examine and take in everything from the nuts and bolts of computerization testing to regular issues, qualities, and modules of Selenium in this gathering.

5). Follow Popular Podcasts

Digital recordings are astounding assets to learn test computerization. They will help you by empowering you to download the sound or video substance and hear it out at whatever point you have time, regardless of whether you do not have a working web association. We should discuss probably the best digital broadcasts identified with automation testing.

i). A good podcast to follow- Ministry of Testing

The Ministry of Testing has an immense network of talented testing experts, and you can see their aptitudes reflected in their authority digital recording. You won't require any earlier information or scripting aptitudes to tune in to these web recordings. A wide scope of characters have those digital recordings and spread different themes in every session. If you love narrating and need to know the experience and work story of an analyzer, how to perform testing in a quicker, better and increasingly prudent way, start tuning in to these digital recordings.

6). Video Recording Tutorials

The most ideal way a few people gain proficiency with any innovation is through various media interfaces. There are bunches of channels on YouTube that offers courses in different computerization testing apparatuses and advances.

JanBask Training regularly posts videos on YouTube about automation testing tutorials. You can subscribe to it. You can also refer to Top Automation Testing Interview Questions With Answers by JanBask Training to get you ready for an automation tester's interview.

What next?

Now that you’ve understood how to become an automation testing expert along with the skills, ATLC methodology, automation tools, automation test case strategy, and ways to learn automation testing, start your journey toward becoming an automation tester now. Join the live training classes of JanBask Training and make the most of your time and money.

Register now to book a seat in the new batch.


Q1. Overview of JanBask Training’s Automation Testing Training & Certification Program.

This Automation Testing Training & Certification Program is designed to provide you with complete knowledge of software testing technologies like Selenium Web Driver, TestNG, Maven, Selenium Grid, and Appium, to help you build a robust testing framework.

Q2. What are the key features of this program?

Ans: Following are the key features of this program -

  • Our expert team of mentors will share interview tips and how to perform the best in the workplace. And also tell you how to build an appealing resume and showcase your skill set for the automation testing profile. 
  • Provide the best study materials.
  • JanBask team will help you to go through the selection process with ease.

Q3. What are the benefits of this Automation Testing Certification?

Ans: JanBask Training’s Automation Testing Training & Certification Program provides extensive hands-on training in software development, testing, and quality assurance technology skills, including phase-end and capstone projects based on real business scenarios.

You can fast-track your automation tester career with our comprehensive curriculum that covers more than 12 automation testing tools and techniques in order to stand out from other profiles. 

Q4. Explain the Automation Testing Course Details.

Ans: This Automation testing course offers a comprehensive curriculum along with a uniquely blended learning approach to make you career-ready as an Automation Tester upon successful completion of this certification.

Q5. Which skills will be covered in this course? 

Ans: The following skills will be covered - 

  • Agile
  • Java
  • API Testing with Postman
  • TDD with TestNG
  • AWS
  • JDBC

Q6. Which tools will be covered in this program?

  • Selenium WebDriver
  • Protractor
  • JMeter
  • Appium 
  • Travis CI
  • Cucumber
  • Work Soft
  • Telerik Test Studio
  • IBM Rational Functional Tester

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