You have a banking account on google pay, while making payment to one ofyour friends, payment gateway crashes. What would be severity and priority ofthis bug.

886    Asked by Jiten in QA Testing , Asked on Jan 29, 2020
Answered by Jiten Miglani

As we know the severity of the bug is defined based on the impact the

bug is causing in the application and the risks it poses to the business flow

and costs associated with it. However, priority has its own business values, if

this is frequent used feature or not and how much is its need in current

scenario. This will have high severity as the entire payment gateway goes

caput. This strongly affects the major feature of google pay and hence has high

severity. Also, this will have high priority as this needs to be fixed on urgent


Your Answer

Answer (1)


Jiten, your situation sounds like a real headache! I can totally relate – technology can be a blessing and a curse, right? Personally, I've had my fair share of tech glitches, and they're never fun.

In terms of the severity and priority of this bug, you hit the nail on the head. The severity is indeed all about the impact, and I'd say the collapse of the payment gateway is a pretty big deal. Not being able to make payments is a major hiccup that could spell disaster for users and Google Play's reputation.

Priority-wise, I absolutely agree that this should shoot up the list. The frequency of use and the essential nature of this feature make it a top contender for urgent fixing. Nobody wants to be stuck with payments in limbo!

Jiten, my advice is to definitely reach out to Google Pay's support while they work on fixing it. In the meantime, maybe have a backup payment option handy, just in case...

1 Year


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