What remarketing audience cannot be defined by default?

 I am currently managing an online advertising campaign for a famous fashion brand that wants to create specific remarketing users based on the behavior of users. In this particular context, what attributes cannot be defined by default for remarketing users? How can I address these limitations during the process of designing the strategy of the campaign? 

In the context of digital marketing, the answer for what remarketing audience cannot be defined by default is that remarketing strategy is a useful strategy that can lead your company to new heights. The default limitations of the remarketing audience can include the behavior of users or attributes that cannot be defined out of the box. Here are the limitations could be:-

Granular User Actions

It is possible that some of the behavior within a website might not be captured automatically. For resolving this issue you can use Custom Event Tracking.

Custom User Data

Personalized the data of the users Whose data is not directly captured by the remarketing platform. Fir resolve this particular issue utilise data integration and data enrichment tools.

Offline interactions

It is often challenging to track the user actions that occur offline such as phone calls, or Interactions across physical touch points. For this, you can utilize again custom event tracking tool to get rid of this issue.

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