Viewing performance data with Nagios graph.

1.1K    Asked by NicolaYoung in Devops , Asked on Dec 30, 2019
Answered by Nicola Young

The graphical view representation of hosts/services can be viewed using Nagios graph. It’s one of the most popular tools used by Nagios for GUI based graph viewing.

This can be found at -

Nagiosgraph is written in perl language.

Nagiosgraph works with any plugins and forms data in graphical representation for the output.

To get this work, prerequisites need to be installed like - GD, RRD, Perl, RRD tool libraries.

For redhat/Centos -

yum install -y rrdtool perl perl-GD perl-CGI rrdtool-perl

After this download the tar for nagiosgraph and then,

# cd nagiosgraph-

# perl

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