Developer Console is not loading

When I login to Salesforce and open Developer Console, a Window pops up but Says "Loading...". My Salesforce instance is na24. I am able to open Developer Console of my other Developer Edition in the browser. The same behavior is observed in Chrome, Firefox, and Internet Explorer. Don’t know how to open developer console in salesforce?

Developer Console menu may become non-functional sometimes, because of the workspace being in bad state. To restore the functionality, follow the following steps. ID of IDEWorkspace is "1dexxxxxxxxxxxxxx". 5.

 Below are the steps for how to open developer console provided by salesforce

1. login and open Developer Console by Chrome

2. open Developer tools and select Network

3. reload on Developer Console

Use the following query to get the IDEWorkspace

/services/data/v31.0/tooling/query/?q=SELECT id, name from IDEWorkspace

and you would get Id: 1de1a0000014sEWAAY

IsDeleted: false
CreatedDate: 2015-06-18T22:02:05 .000+0000
CreatedById: 0051a000000K7Y7AAK
LastModifiedDate: 2015-06-27T01:41:37.000+0000
LastModifiedById: 0051a000000K7Y7AAK
SystemModstamp: 2015-06-27T01:41:37.000+0000
UserId: 0051a000000K7Y7AAK

Name: Default


ID of IDEWorkspace is "1de1a0000014sEWAAY".

4. login to Workbench and go to REST Explorer

5. do GET for "/services/data/v29.0/tooling/sobjects/IDEWorkspace/1de1a0000014sEWAAY" You will see the content of IDEWorkspace 6. do DELETE

7. re-open Developer Console

You will see an error. And you will see that menus are available.

8. Create a new workspace as the old workspace as been deleted Then, Developer Console will work fine.

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