How do I find long running queries in SQL server with process ID, process name , login time, user , start time and duration?
Can anyone help me to find a below given details for long running query. ProcessID, process name, database, host ,user ,process login time, query start time and query duration. How to find long running queries in sql server?I am looking for a query or an SP which gives me this data.
Their is a tool sp_whoIsActive by Adam Machanic used for several purpose like to see what is running at the moment you launch the script or you can run it in loops to monitor some specific action, as slow queries for example. To run in a loop take a look here: How to Log Activity Using sp_whoisactive in a Loop To detect slow queries: How to Use sp_WhoIsActive to Find Slow SQL Server Queries You can directly use DMV's to get your slowest queries and act from there. Check Glenn Berry's diagnostic queries. And finally you can use this query to find most time consuming queries. You can play around with the dm_exec_query_stats to add more data or join with other ones to get more information. Be aware that dmv's gets flushed away and refreshed each time the server is restarted.
SELECT creation_time ,last_execution_time ,total_physical_reads ,total_logical_reads ,total_logical_writes , execution_count , total_worker_time , total_elapsed_time , total_elapsed_time / execution_count avg_elapsed_time ,SUBSTRING(st.text, (qs.statement_start_offset/2) + 1, ((CASE statement_end_offset WHEN -1 THEN DATALENGTH(st.text) ELSE qs.statement_end_offset END - qs.statement_start_offset)/2) + 1) AS statement_text FROM sys.dm_exec_query_stats AS qs CROSS APPLY sys.dm_exec_sql_text(qs.sql_handle) st ORDER BY total_elapsed_time / execution_count DESC;
EDIT A new option is available from some time already, First Reponder Kit. Is a set of scripts, freely provided under MIT license by BrentOzar team, that will help on various tasks, including the one asked by the OP. Mainly sp_BlitzFirst and sp_BlitzWho scripts for this case.
Here are the steps to find the long running query in SQL Server
- Db_name(dbid),
- eqs.execution_count AS EXEC_CNT,
- eqs.max_elapsed_time AS MAX_ELAPSED_TIME,
- ISNULL (eqs.total_elapsed_time / NULLIF (eqs.execution_count,0), 0) AS AVG_ELAPSED_TIME,
- eqs.creation_time AS CREATION_TIME,