Why can’t I salesforce login as user?

209    Asked by darsh_6738 in Salesforce , Asked on Jun 6, 2023

I have a sysadmin profile. I don't understand why I am not able to log in as some users who have the same custom profile. For example in the image, "Analyst T.O" has the same profile as "Analyst, Credit" and "Dorado William" but the link "Login" does not exist.

Answered by Aashna Saito

Well, finally I found the answer to why you are not able to salesforce login as user. The reason for which "login" link is not available for some users, is because those users have not granted access permission to the admin. Those users must go to: My settings/Grant Account Login Access and select Access duration for Your Company's Administrator. After that you will be able to see "Login as " link:

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