
951    Asked by AndrewJenkins in Salesforce , Asked on Nov 16, 2022

 I have created a new sandbox from production in my org. The sandbox is ready and when I am trying to login using test.salesforce.com, it says that it has sent a verification to the email address but that email address has *********.com.invalid at the end and I did not get any email with verification code. Can you please help me why this happens and please provide me with a solution for the login issue into my SandBox. How can I login using test.login.salesforce?Any help would be appreciated.

Answered by Anil Jha

The easiest and the most convenient way is to go to the Salesforce test login page and provide your login data; the username and password. If you want to stay logged in, just check the “Remember me” option. Click “Log In” and you’re there!

How to login to the Salesforce sandbox?

It all depends on your system administrator and the internal requirements, but we will not dive into the details here. The test login Salesforce information in some rare cases can be the same but it would likely be different to avoid confusion and may contain the hints that it’s a testing environment, so don’t think there is a mistake when you see test.username or test.email@youremail as a login. Usually, this is done to avoid mixing between the testing and production environments. So, make sure to clarify the correct set of details to the sandbox with your administrator.

3. Salesforce.com login as another user

If you cannot handle the Salesforce login as a user procedure, your system administrator might need to perform the Salesforce login procedure to see what the problem is.

This option is not available in all Salesforce solutions, but only in:

In order to log in as another user, user permission is required. But even this is not all. If another user logs in, some functions will be disabled for security purposes, for instance: OAuth data access. This is aimed at providing access to third-party applications. And a self-explanatory one: you don’t want to face issues when someone is trying to cause a malicious attack from a third-party app on your behalf. So there is no way, this function may be granted in logins from other user accounts. Username change. If a user is logged in as another user, this option is blocked to prevent a further lockdown. No emails. Once you are logged in as a certain user, it will not be possible to initiate any email sending on behalf of the Salesforce application. The only exception is given to users whose email addresses are verified.

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