Ow can I use the “keyword Test” to add a new event with a reminder in a particular calendar application?

41    Asked by CsabaToth in Salesforce , Asked on Feb 29, 2024

There is a scenario where I have a “schedule” class that can manage appointments and events for a particular calendar application. How can I use the “keyword Test” class to test the functionality of adding a new event with a reminder, and adding an event with conflicting time slots? How can I verify that the “keyword Test” class is handling these scenarios accurately? 

Answered by Dadhija raj

 In the context of Salesforce, to test the “KeywordTest” class for the “schedule” class you can create test cases by using the various keywords that would represent different scenarios. Here is how you can approach it:-

Adding a regular event:-

KeywordTest testRegularEventAddition = new KeywordTest();
testRegularEventAddition.addEvent(“Meeting”, “2024-03-01 10:00”, “2024-03-01 11:00”);
Adding an event with a reminder according to your needs and requirements:-
KeywordTest testEventWithReminder = new KeywordTest();
testEventWithReminder.addEventWithReminder(“Appointment”, “2024-03-02 14:00”, “2024-03-02 15:00”, “2024-03-02 13:30”);
Adding an event with conflicting time slots
KeywordTest testConflictingEvent = new KeywordTest();
Try {
    testConflictingEvent.addEvent(“Conference”, “2024-03-01 10:30”, “2024-03-01 12:00”);
    fail(“Expected a scheduling conflict exception”);
} catch (SchedulingConflictException e) {
    // Expected exception

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