I reset my password at test. Salesforce login, why am I unable to access it now?

850    Asked by AlexanderCoxon in Salesforce , Asked on Sep 23, 2022
I tried to use Salesforce DX to create a Scratch Org and use the "sfdx force:org:open" command to open it.

Then I reset the password for this user. And success reset it. But I can't use test.salesforce.com to login to this Scratch Org, it always shows an error message: Please check your username and password. May I ask if there is any solution to fix this issue? 

I found the same issue in force.com GitHub but it did not help. https://github.com/forcedotcom/cli/issues/583

Answered by alex Duncan

You can't use test.salesforce login to a Scratch Org. They are not Sandboxes. Use the URL for the scratch org (e.g. random-name-1234.my.salesforce.com). Using force:org:open should bring you back to the org, and you'll want to bookmark that URL for later access.

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