How to convert string to Date in apex?

2.5K    Asked by ChrisDyer in Salesforce , Asked on Apr 24, 2021

What is wrong with this format while am upserting the date in an object?

Route__c r =new Route_c(); r.Plan_Date__c = date.parse(strDate); upsert r;

In the debug log, I get the error as |FATAL_ERROR|System.TypeException: Invalid date: Test123

Here Test123 is the different text to be inserted which accepts as Date and throws an error.

How to convert a string into apex date?

Answered by Crowny Hasegawa

This error is coming as system is not able to understand Test123 while parsing into date.

The format of the String depends on the local date format, like mm/dd/yyyy. If the parameter is not of this format, date.parse will throw error.


    r.Plan_Date__c = date.parse('12/27/2015');

You can also use date.valueOf(strDate) to parse string of format yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss in the local time zone. You can use this link to read about more date properties

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