How can I use the navigation Mixin in LWC to achieve implementation of navigation functionality in the Salesforce

I am currently engaged in developing a Salesforce lightning web-based Components for a customer relationship management application. In this, I need to implement navigation functionality to allow users to navigate to different pages within the salesforce environment based on the specific user action. How can I use the navigation Mixin in LWC to achieve this? 

Answered by Carolyn Buckland

 In the context of Salesforce, you can use the navigation Mixin in Salesforce lightning web base Components to implement functionality and achieve seamless navigation within your CRM application by using the several steps which are given below:-

Import navigationMixin

You would first, need to import the navigation Mixin in your lightning web-based Components:-

Import { LightningElement } from ‘lwc’;
Import { NavigationMixin } from ‘lightning/navigation’;

Extend with navigation Mixin

You can extend your comment with the navigation Mixin to gain access to navigation methods:-

Export default class MyComponent extends NavigationMixin(LightningElement) {
    // Your component code goes here

Navigate to a record page

You can use the “navigateToRecord” method for the purpose bof navigating to a specific record page by providing the recordld.

navigateToRecordPage() {
    const recordId = ‘001XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX’; // Replace with the actual record Id
        type: ‘standard__recordPage’,
        attributes: {
            recordId: recordId,
            actionName: ‘view’ // Specify the action (view, edit, etc.)

Navigate to a URL

You can use the “navigate” method to navigate to a custom URL for a standard salesforce URL.

navigateToURL() {
    const url = ‘/lightning/r/Account/001XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX/view’; // Replace with your custom URL
        type: ‘standard__webPage’,
        attributes: {
            url: url

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