How can I execute a function that gives a message to users before proceeding with the program?

208    Asked by DeirdreCameron in Python , Asked on Jan 12, 2024

I am currently developing a simple Python console application in which I require user interaction. For this, I need to execute a function that can wait for the input or press any key by the users before proceeding with the program execution. My code should look like this:-

Def wait_for_keypress():
    # Your implementation here
# Test the wait_for_keypress function
Print(“Press any key to continue…”)
Print(“Continuing program execution after key press.”)

Answered by bhagwati dubey

 In the context of Python programming language, you can design a function of Python wait for keypress by using the function of “input()” on Windows or the “tty” module on a Unix-based system. Here is the example given to showcase the methods:-

For Windows:

Import msvcrt
Def wait_for_keypress():
    Print(“Press any key to continue…”)
# Test the wait_for_keypress function
Print(“Continuing program execution after key press.”)
For UNIX-based system:
Import tty
Import sys
Import termios
Def wait_for_keypress():
    Print(“Press any key to continue…”)
    Fd = sys.stdin.fileno()
    Old_settings = termios.tcgetattr(fd)


        Termios.tcsetattr(fd, termios.TCSADRAIN, old_settings)
# Test the wait_for_keypress function
Print(“Continuing program execution after key press.”)

 Both the above methods would help in displaying a message prompting the user to press any key before proceeding with the program further.

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