What should a person do if an established connection was aborted by the software in your host machine minecraft

2.7K    Asked by RickNovak in Java , Asked on Oct 13, 2022

 I'm trying to connect to a server that is used by a few of my friends. The server runs off FTB Direwolf. When I try to connect to the server (using an external IP address), the response from my computer says:

Internal Exception: java.io.IOException: An established connection was aborted by the software in your host machine

I have tried looking at my firewall settings, reinstalled Minecraft, and made sure everything I have is up to date. Any suggestions on how to fix this error?

Answered by ricslator

If an established connection was aborted by the software in your host machine minecraft then you should Restart the server, java exceptions are when the game uses too much memory and it crashes the server.

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