How to avoid the issue of “fatal cannot do a partial commit during a merge” during merging branch in git?

430    Asked by Aashishchaursiya in Devops , Asked on Dec 14, 2023

When I was working on a project using the git repository I encountered an error message that said “ fatal cannot do a partial commit during a merge” while attempting to merge branches. How can I solve this particular issue to enjoy a seamless workflow of merging branches? 

Answered by Daniel Cameron

In the context of the DevOps environment when the error message “ fatal cannot do a partial commit during a merge” is found during the merging process of branches, there might be some conflicted files that are causing the trouble. To solve this error. Follow several steps:- Identify the conflicted files by using the query

  “ Git status’’

Resolve the conflicts

Open your conflicted files in your coding editor. The git will mark the conflicted file within the file automatically. Then you can manually resolve these conflicted files by editing.

Stage the resolved files by using the command or query

  “ git add ” to stage each resolved file.

Complete the merge

Once all conflicts are resolved try to merge branches again by running “ git commit”. This will finalize the merge process.

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