How to install python 3 in windows?

651    Asked by ArjunArora in Data Science , Asked on Jan 19, 2020
Answered by Arjun Arora

To install python in windows follow the below steps:

Go to and download the latest version of python.

Once the download is complete, click on the setup and you will see below screen:

Check both boxes and click on Install Now to proceed the installation

Once the installation is complete you will see below screen:

This will install python at below location:

C:usersusernameAppDataLocalProgramsPythonPythonXX, where XX is python version.

Now you can run python in command prompt but writing python scripts in cmd is a bit difficult because there is no user interface and we cannot see what variables, datasets, classes we are creating. So, we use spyder or Jupiter Notebook because of better UI and accessibility.

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