How can I attach a selenium based java doc file in eclipse?

253    Asked by AnishaDalal in Cyber Security , Asked on Apr 21, 2022

 I want to attach a java doc file that contains selenium commands & functions so that by hovering them in my code, i can easily learn about & can use them in a better way. I tried with multiple solutions still found such error, Open Declaration WebElement org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver.findElement(By arg0)

Note: This element neither has attached source nor attached Javadoc and hence no Javadoc could be found

Answered by Anil Jha

Navigate To:

project properties => Java Build Path => Libraries => Selenium-java-2.42.2.jar
Select Selenium-java-2.xx.x.jar & Expand it.
You will see the selenium Javadocs location option. Select it and click on the Edit button.
On the next window add link in javadoc location path textbox and click on Ok button.

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