Where are Salesforce Functions?

 So, we hear all the noise about 'evergreen' / Salesforce Functions (or whatever the new name is) and we go wild with excitement.

Where is all this stuff? We (our organization) are on Spring '21. Is this functionality supposed to be out? I understand it to be in Beta.

There is no sfdx tooling available. There is no documentation. Links that 'used' to work to high level documentation now simply give a 404. Have I misunderstood something somewhere along the line? Is anyone using Salesforce Functions?

Answered by Angela Baker

As per the release notes docs here quoting the sentence

The Salesforce Functions beta is planning to open after the release of Salesforce Spring ’21. Look for further announcements and details on developer.salesforce.com and in the Salesforce Functions Trailblazer Community.

So we will have to wait for announcements from the team on developer.salesforce.com to see when this is available.

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