When Stakeholder Analysis needs to be done?

949    Asked by MaryHoward in Business Analyst , Asked on Jan 30, 2020
Answered by Dipesh Bhardwaj

Stakeholder analysis should always be done at the beginning of a project. Such analysis is helpful in the drafting of a log frame. Log frame is nothing but a general approach to project planning, monitoring, and evaluation in the form of a 'log frame matrix'. Whenever log frames are reconsidered during the life cycle of a project, a stakeholder analysis will be useful. Which means whenever mid-term reviews or annual monitoring is handled, stakeholder analysis should be the part of it. This moves beyond simply sending minutes to them but requires input and sign-off to any project of which the stakeholder holds an interest. From here, buyers can clearly demonstrate to the key stakeholder that their goals are being included in the supplier project.

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