What do you mean by database testing?

Answered by Kaushik Chandra

A: Database testing includes checking the integrity of real information within the front end with the information present within the database. It includes validating the information within the database, checking that there are no vagrant records ("record with an outside key to a parent record that has been deleted”), no junk records are display overhauling records within the database and confirm the esteem within the front end.

Main Objective of Database Testing is,

Ensure Data Mapping: It checks whether Ensure Data Mapping: It checks whether the areas within the client interface or front end shapes are mapped reliably by comparing areas to within Database table.

It has to stick to the below four properties:

1. Atomicity

2. Consistency

3. Confinement

4. Durability

Ensure Information Integrity: It foremost later value of shared information that ought to show up on all the forms and screens and it should not be upgraded on one screen but show older value on another one. The status also to be overhauled simultaneously.

Ensure the Exactness of the Business Rules: Complex databases leads to most complex components like social limitations, trigger & stored procedures. Consequently, in arranging the testers team to come up with suitable SQL inquiries to validate the complex objects.the areas within the client interface or front end shapes are mapped reliably by comparing areas to within Database table.

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