How to Create Stakeholder Personas?

Answered by Dipesh Bhardwaj

If you’ve never developed a persona before, to decide what type of personas will be most suitable for you. Do you want different personas for different roles within the organization – such as managers, senior leaders and academics – or do you want to group people instead by their motivations – brand champions, budget holders, technophobes, etc.?

You and your team will already have experience of dealing with stakeholders on a regular basis. Work collaboratively with your team to start developing the personas. You could run a discovery workshop, allowing everyone to get together and share their experiences of working with different types of stakeholders. Or you could create a collaborative document and ask your team members to contribute their thoughts.

If you’ve got a large enough pool of stakeholders at your institution, you’ll be able to send out a survey which will allow you to build your personas with more accurate quantitative research.

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