How can setting aws_sdk_load_config=1” when using “aws_config_file” can resolve the issue of “missing credentials in config”?

203    Asked by DanielCameron in AWS , Asked on Feb 13, 2024

I am currently trying to configure an AWS SDK for my particular application, however when I am attempting to run it, I am encountering an issue message that shows “missing credentials in config”. Discuss the possible scenarios that can lead to this error message and explain to me how the setting of “aws_sdk_load_config=1” when using “aws_config_file” can resolve the issue. 

Answered by Charles Parr

 In the context of AWS, if you are getting the issue of “missing credentials in config” during the time of configuring an AWS SDK, then it typically indicates that the SDK is unable to locate the necessary credentials for the task of authenticate with the service of AWS.

The setting of “aws_sdk_load_cinfig=1” when using “aws_config_file” is the best way to instruct the AWS SDK to load additional configuration settings from the AWS Command line interface configuration file. This particular Configuration file can specify various options such as the region of AWS, output format, and even Credentials profiles.

Here is the example given of how you can set “aws_sdk_load_config=1” in a node.js application by using the AWS SDK:

// Set environment variable to load AWS SDK configuration from AWS CLI config file
Process.env.AWS_SDK_LOAD_CONFIG = 1;
// Load AWS SDK
Const AWS = require(‘aws-sdk’);
// Now AWS SDK will load additional configuration from the AWS CLI config file

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