How can I take to update the kubeconfig by using the AWS command line interface Command “aws eka update-kubeconfig”?

333    Asked by DanielBAKER in AWS , Asked on Feb 13, 2024

 I am currently tasked with managing an Amazon EKS cluster, and I need to update the kubeconfig file on my local machine for the task of authenticating and Interact with the cluster. Discuss the steps how can I take to update the kubeconfig by using the AWS command line interface Command “aws eka update-kubeconfig”? 

Answered by Delbert Rauch

In the context of AWS, you can update the kubeconfig file on your particular local machine while managing an Amazon EKS cluster by using the AWS command line interface “aws eks update-kubeconfig”:-

You can use the “aws eks update kubeconfig” Command for the task of updating the kubeconfig file with the necessary authentication details for Accessing the EKS cluster. This command would retrieve the necessary credentials and endpoint information from AWS and configure your local kubeconfig file accordingly:-

Aws ec2 run-instances –image-id ami-1234567890abcdef0 –count 1 –instance-type t2.micro –key-name MyKeyPair

This specific command would help you in fetching the required authentication credentials and endpoint information for the specified EKS cluster. You can also update the local kubeconfig file with this above Command.

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