How can I solve and troubleshoot the issue of “unzipped size must be smaller than 262144000 bytes”?

280    Asked by DanielBAKER in AWS , Asked on Feb 13, 2024

There is a scenario where I am trying to deploy a serverless application on AWS Lambda which includes dependencies packaged as a zip file. However, while going through with the process I was getting an issue that was showing “unzipped size must be smaller than 262144000 bytes”. How can I troubleshoot and resolve this particular issue? 

Answered by Daniel BAKER

 In the context of AWS, you can troubleshoot and resolve the issue of “unzipped size must be smaller than 262144000 bytes” by using strategies related to reducing the size of the deployment package while maintaining the functionalities:-

Removing unused dependencies

Try to check the dependencies of your particular project and try to remove any libraries or even packages that are kit necessary for the functioning of lambda.

Optimization of dependencies

You can try to opt for a smaller or even more effective version of dependencies if possible. For example, you can try using lightweight alternatives or even minimizing the number of external libraries required.

Use lambda layers

You can try to use AWS Lambda layers for the task of separating large dependencies from your particular lambda function code. You can try to place common libraries or even resources in a lambda layer for the task of reducing the size of the package related to deployment.

Package only necessary files

Try to package only the required files for the smooth functioning of lambda. Try to exclude any extraneous files, documentation, or other non-essential resources that are harming the process.

Optimize images and assets:-

If your application has images or other assets then you can try to optimize them to reduce their sizes without harming the quality. You can use the tools such as ImageMagick or online image compressors for the task of minimising file size while maintaining visual fidelity.

Here is the example given of how you can optimize a node.js deployment package by using these strategies:-

# Remove unused dependencies
Npm uninstall
# Optimize dependencies
Npm install @
# Exclude development dependencies
Npm install –production
# Use Lambda Layers for common libraries
Aws lambda publish-layer-version –layer-name --zip-file fileb://
# Package only necessary files
Zip -r index.js lib/
# Compress resources (e.g., JavaScript)
Uglifyjs -c -m -- >

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