How can I evaluate “javaw” command for running the java based application?

24    Asked by ColemanGarvin in AWS , Asked on May 6, 2024

I am currently working on a Java-based application that involves processing a large amount of data from a database and generating reports based on this data. One of my team members suggests using the “javaw” command instead of the “java” command instead of “java” to run the application. How can I evaluate this suggestion, considering factors like memory management, user interface, and system resources? 

Answered by Colin Payne

 In the context of AWS, you can evaluate using “javaw” instead of “java” for running a java-based application by considering a few factors:-

User interface

Javaw is generally being used for graphical user interface applications in javaw. It can run in the background without console windows which can be beneficial for a user-friendly experience.

Memory management

Both javaw and java is same in terms of memory management. However, javaw doesn’t allocate a console window, potentially saving a small amount of memory.

System resources

The javaw can be advantageous in terms of system resources because it doesn’t open a console window which can reduce the overhead of managing console-related resources.

Here is an example given of how you can use “javaw” in a Java application:-

Import javax.swing.*;
Public class MyGUIApp {
    Public static void main(String[] args) {
        // Create a JFrame
        JFrame frame = new JFrame(“My GUI App”);
        // Create a JLabel
        JLabel label = new JLabel(“Welcome to My GUI App”);
        Label.setBounds(50, 50, 200, 30);
        // Add the label to the frame
        // Set frame properties
        Frame.setSize(300, 200);

Here is the example given of how you can create a simple GUI application in python by using the Tkinter library:-

Import tkinter as tk
From tkinter import messagebox
Def display_message():
    Messagebox.showinfo(“Message”, “Hello, Tkinter!”)
# Create the main window
Root = tk.Tk()
Root.title(“Simple GUI App”)
# Create a label widget
Label = tk.Label(root, text=”Welcome to Tkinter!”)
# Create a button widget
Button = tk.Button(root, text=”Click Me”, command=display_message)
# Run the Tkinter event loop

Here is an example given of a simple HTML page with a form that can Include a text input and a submit button:-

    <meta</span> charset=”UTF-8”>

    <meta</span> name=”viewport” content=”width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0”>

    Simple HTML Form

    Simple HTML Form






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