What is a semantic gap?

 I was reading DT-LET: Deep transfer learning by exploring where to transfer, and it contains the following: It should be noted direct use of labelled source domain data on a new scene of target domain would result in poor performance due to the semantic gap between the two domains, even if they are representing the same objects. Can you please explain what the semantic gap is?

Answered by Al German

In terms of transfer learning, semantic gap means different meanings and purposes behind the same syntax between two or more domains. For example, suppose that we have a deep learning application to detect and label a sequence of actions/words a1,a2,…,an in a video/text as a "greeting" in a society A. However, this knowledge in Society A cannot be transferred to another society B that the same sequence of actions in that society means "criticising"! Although the example is very abstract, it shows the semantic gap between the two domains. You can see the different meanings behind the same syntax or sequence of actions in two domains: Societies A and B. This phenomenon is called the "semantic gap"

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