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Land Your Dream Job: How to Find a Job After College 2024


Landing your first job after college can feel stressful, but it's definitely achievable!

There are two common areas recent grads find challenging: either feeling overwhelmed by the search itself, or not highlighting their strengths effectively in applications.

The good news is, the job search doesn't have to be a complex puzzle. With some focused effort and the right approach, you can absolutely find a great entry-level position in your field.

Here's the thing: your college grades or the prestige of your school don't define your potential. Recruiters are searching for talented individuals who are a good fit for their company culture. Focus on showcasing the skills and experiences that make you unique and valuable!

 Job After College!

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On finding what factors companies look for while hiring college graduates, we could see the following things were stressed in this same order, according to the findings of the “chronicle of higher education”.

What Employers Want from Graduates While Hiring:

 Job After College!

  • Internships
  • Employment during college (could be part-time projects or freelancing)
  • College major(specialization or core discipline)
  • Volunteering experience (any side gig)
  • Extracurricular activities (any sport or event)
  • Relevance of coursework (adding to your job)
  • College CGPA 
  • College Reputation

See, the two, CGPA and college reputation were found at the bottom of their priority list.

While the job market values well-rounded recent graduates, it's not all sunshine and rainbows.

Sure, companies appreciate candidates with strong skills (developed through training or experience), relevant certifications, and a positive problem-solving attitude. However, the hiring process can still be competitive.

If your resume hasn't been getting noticed, it doesn't necessarily mean there's something wrong with you. Here are some effective tips to help you stand out in the job search.

Additionally, we'll explore some career paths with good entry-level opportunities for college graduates. This will give you a broader view of your options, but remember, success often involves more than just the field you choose.

Before we delve into the tips, let's explore some common challenges recent grads face when searching for jobs. This will help us address any concerns you might have.

Hard-Hitting Facts Why You Can't Find a Job After College

The job market is constantly evolving, and employers seek skilled and qualified candidates. However, that doesn't mean recent graduates are excluded!

There might be reasons, within your control or external factors, that are making your job search challenging. Let's break down these reasons so you can navigate them effectively and find a great opportunity.

Some Controllable Factors When you Can’t Find a Job After College

How to deal with it?

Lack of company’s research

You should dig through the company’s profiles, look at their career section, you will have ample opportunities unfolded.

Lack of required skill or knowledge

You should build specialization in particular skills with professional, few-week upskilling courses. Say if you love data visualization, you can opt for Tableau Training, or some self-learning course.

Less or zero networking

As a college student, you should be energetic & all over the place. Try to socialize with peers, family, friends, and professionals over professional networking sites.

Poor or erratic resumes

Work on making professional resumes, separate for every company that looks experienced (through internships & projects), persuasive with rich words, and is very action-oriented (like what you achieved or could for the company)

Lack of Communication Skills

A great communicator can make anyone believe in them. So practice the art of communicating your vision & dedication well to recruiters.

Losing Hope & Confidence

Hope” & “Confidence” are two keywords that shouldn’t leave your sight. Always affirm & manifest positive outcomes.

Some Uncontrollable Factors When you can’t find a job after college

How to Control Them Beforehand?

High Competition

Focus on getting the best of the knowledge of that skill/technology through accredited online courses. 

Erratic demand for the chosen career

Switch to a career option whose growth curve is evident and has a consistent supply of jobs in near future as well. Like AWS computing, Salesforce,  Azure, Data Science, AI, Machine Learning, QA testing, Business Analytics are few areas that are not dying and falling short of demand.

Poor College Placement cell with lack of good companies turning in

Your college may not have that top-notch placement cell, and the companies that show up are not what you dreamt of, best is to turn towards online training platforms as they have good ties with the biggest brands.

JanBask Training has amazing collaboration with your dream companies. First, we train you, certify you, and then help you get call letters from the biggest brands like Google, Amazon, IBM, and more.

Now you know how to transform your challenges of  “why is it so hard to get a job after college” into opportunities, let’s have a quick dig at the best 11 tips on how to find a job after college that shouldn’t be missed, especially what’s at number 6.

How to Find a Job After College? Here are 11 Full-proof Things You Need to Do!

Now you know “why is it so hard to get a job after college”, let’s help you explore some smart, tactical ways that can help you in finding a job after college with ease.

1. Get Upskilled in Any Specialized Skill or Technology

Upskilled in Any Specialized Skill

A strong academic record is a great accomplishment, but to stand out in today's job market, developing additional skills can be a major advantage!

Specializing in a particular technology or skill through professional upskilling courses gives you a deeper understanding and makes you a more attractive candidate to employers. Whether your degree is technical or non-technical, acquiring in-demand skills can give you a competitive edge.

The good news? There are many online training platforms offering short, project-based courses taught by industry professionals. If you have an interest in data analysis, consider Data Science courses. For those with a marketing focus, digital marketing training could be a great fit.

These courses can equip you with the practical knowledge and experience employers seek!

2. Grab Industry-Recognized Certifications

Grab Industry-Recognized Certifications

Adding certifications to your newbie portfolio does three things, it:

  • Builds a competitive advantage for you
  • Build your strongest skills & knowledge needed by employers
  • Builds credibility for hiring

After finishing the upskilling training, focus on taking the industry-recognized certifications around that skill/technology. IT, Manufacturing, and Healthcare are 3 core industries where they look for certified resources, who are exposed to real-time job knowledge, and have validation to their learnings. With certifications, you no longer stay novice and companies appreciate how you put in the effort to become Job-relevant.

Whatever technical or non-technical skill you chose for making a career, you would surely find some credible certifications around it. Supposedly if you choose Salesforce, you will find a good number of Salesforce certifications like almost 40+.

If You Can’t Decide What Skill or Certification Around It to Go For, Here Are Your Options:

Also Read - Top IT Certification Courses For Beginners in 2022

3. Work on Some Self-Created Quality Projects

Once you have upskilled and grabbed the certifications to validate your knowledge, after that it’s best if you invest in some self-design projects which can help you test your knowledge and will act as proof to showcase your skills to recruiting companies.


  • If you are choosing a career as a designer, you can create sample designs using required tools & applications based on some hypothetical requirements.
  • Or say if you have done your upskilling in Data Science, you can do a lot of self-created projects related to maybe coronavirus visualizations, Uber’s pickup analysis, the impact of climate change of global food supply, and so much more you can choose based on the domain you are trying to score a job in.

Just do as many projects as you can. These self-propelled initiatives will not only build your portfolio but also boost up your confidence to pursue your skill and real-time projects and will help you do well during your interviews eventually.

At JanBask, we let you work on plenty of real-time industry-focused projects from real multinational corporations and help you till you develop mastery of it.

4. Apply for Internships - Build Some Experience

Apply for Internships

If you missed applying for summer internships throughout your college journey, maybe it’s time you do it now for sure. Companies want to hire candidates who could show their professional commitment, aptitude, have the great application of skills to real work settings somehow, and have the potential to fit in real-time jobs. And internships are the best way to give you the broadest spectrum of all these.

You Can Actively Explore Work Gigs Related to Your Studied Discipline or Any Related Skill Over These Platforms, Suitable for Finding Paid or Unpaid Internships:

There Are a Variety of Other Portals, Wherein You Can Easily Find Some Good Internship Opportunities.

Pro Tip - Just go for any internship that adds value to your professional journey. Don’t think about paid or unpaid internships, choose one that could appear strong while sharing your candidature with recruiters. And do as many internships as you could spare time for while searching for job opportunities.

5. Set Up Your Resume Like Professionals

“Recruiters have hardly 6 seconds to dissect a professional resume, oh and since you are a fresher, they would hardly take 2 seconds to decide whether to put up your resume in a dustbin or in an interview invite pile.

Well, the only gap between you and others (who hit the goldmine of job offers) could be the lack of real-time work experience, since you are aiming for finding a job after college. And this might be the biggest reason why you can’t find a job after college. Hmmm… this may seem to limit but you can turn this into an opportunity by brushing your resume in such a way you seem to be an ideal candidate.

In Your Resume, Enlist:

  • Professional summary telling what you foresee for the company to achieve and how you can help them with your talent, see this for an example:

Professional Summary

Highly Motivated & self-driven Program Manager looking to absorb the new business analyst position at  ABC (name of the company applying at). Passionate about analyzing services & product lines to maximize revenue & efficiency. Have done B.A in Business Management. Can conduct skilled financial analysis, risk analysis by paying great attention to detail. 

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  • Training or upskilling course you did, certifications you obtained, any internships or projects you worked on.
  • If you don’t have work experience, try pushing your education right after professional summary, and tell explicit things you did at college like joined a hackathon, was a student body president, participated in a tournament, or anything that can make you look like an active candidate who is well exposed and ventures out for new things.
  • Add an impressive cover letter, telling why and how you could be a worth-it choice for the organization you are trying for. You can also have a recommendation letter from your college dean or teachers, this can make your candidature look bright as well.

Some Quick Tips to Write an Effective Cover Letter for Entry-Level Positions:

1. In the first paragraph, explain who you are, how you got to hear about this job, and what position you are seeking. You can also mention any alumni or any known person through whom you got the opportunity, mention them in introductory lines.

For Instance:

For Instance:

For Instance:

2. In the second paragraph, discuss the job-relevant skills or any accomplishments you have. Use this section to highlight your caliber and explain how you gained that skill through real classroom or any student service experience.

“ I have found out that you’re looking for a candidate with strong verbal and written business communications skills, as well as experience with strategy development and event planning. As a vice president of the student body, I was responsible for planning and organizing students’ recreational events & programs. This engagement required me to plan and promote the event on social media, send broadcasts through marketing touchpoints to students across the campus. Through this association, I was able to learn various automated marketing tools.

3. In the third paragraph, toot your own horn & tell the hiring manager why you are an ideal fit. You need to mention real-life examples to show how you are a great fit for the job. You know it you are best fit but now you have to tell the recruiters.

For Instance:

afetr college 7

4. In the fourth paragraph, conclude the entire above letter, make it action-driven such that hiring managers are tempted to contact you or get in touch with you for further discussion.

For Instance:

Check out:

6. Bring your “Networking” Skills in Motion

Your networking has to be really strong in order to land your first job out of college. Networking is one of the surefire ways to get job leads, even better than your regular, old boring methods like posting on job portals where you apply and wait for a recruiter to respond, joining job seminars, sending bulky unsolicited resumes.

Do you know almost 87% of recruiters must be using Linkedin daily? There are 55 million companies listed on this networking platform, involving almost  14 million companies with job vacancies.

With networking sites like Linkedin, you can spruce up some powerful connections, directly with the top-level superiors or hiring managers. With a strong professional profile, adding job-related posts and sharing some insights about your skills, you can easily bag some good opportunities.

after college

  • Build connections with recruiters, people at a bigger role
  • Keep posting insightful content and job search-related content or comments
  • Like, share, comment on others posts to become visible
  • Have an impressive bio line, advertising yourself, infuse keywords recruiters would look for in it “Looking for Business Analyst job” or “Willing to join as Data Analyst”.
  • Ask for recommendations. Recommendations are your testimony kind where people who know you prescribe your skills and talent for other recruiters. You can ask your teachers at college or peers in a professional setting to write you a realistic recommendation, this will make you a promising candidate.


7. Sit For As Many Placement Drives As You Can

after college1

Campus recruitments or college placement drives are the best way to get important job leads. Sign up for your college placement cell. 

While you are in the middle of your degree, start sitting for the placement interviews as this gives you exposure, builds your professional skills, and helps you become prepared. This way, you might even get a good internship or part-time job opportunities, which you can pursue in your summer or autumn or any break.

8. Explore Career Sections of Biggest Brands

Don’t deplete yourself in waiting, visit the career section of the dream companies, after finishing your training. There you will know what job opportunities they have at present. 

  • Just make a list of top companies you are willing to work with, it could be Facebook, Google, Amazon, IBM, Accenture, Microsoft or so.
  • Individually apply to the different profiles at these companies’ career section based on your location, job title, product type (if any), and you are sorted.

Thinking about why should I directly apply for these big brands? Do these big sharks hire freshers like me?

“Well, dear friend, nothing is impossible. These big-shot companies are very welcoming towards the fresh talents, the recent graduates. However, to be able to crack their interviews, you have to have relevant skills, certifications to validate what you know, and strong conduct during the interview rounds. Even if you are not an alumnus of the biggest colleges, these three aspects, when prepared with an accredited training platform, can definitely help you gain an offer letter.

9. Look For Entry-Level Jobs, First

The other broad reason why you can't find a job after college is that you don’t search for the right kind of job. As a college pass out, with no experience, don’t expect to jump a big ladder. Look for jobs which are suitable for inexperienced students like you. Like read the description and see if they have training protocols to shape you for the job.

Companies who are into fresh talent will specify what kind of resources they are looking for and will also mention whether they are up for on-board training or not. So look for such companies and career options where your skills can be nurtured with time.

10 . Attend the Course-Relevant Webinars

Now before you scream in the comments section about “how the heck webinars will help us in getting the first job out of college”, hey wait, hold your horses.

Webinars by online training institutes are one of the popular sources to help students like you navigate a career path around a certain technology. And since they are conducted by some industry-specialist speakers, who have been in that technology for years, they can help you unfold some dos and don’ts around the talent market or that particular technology’s talent market, which will really come in handy for your interview preparation.

At JanBask, we conduct insightful webinars around the trending IT technologies & skills with renowned speakers from the real-time industry. To schedule a spot for yourself and get to know the job opportunities, enquire for our upcoming webinars now!

11. Don’t Lose Hope, Something Good is Waiting For You

In the end, do not feel disheartened, just keep aiming your arrow higher and soon you will hit the target. Practice great positivity, exuberant great confidence, and explore & prepare for a career where growth traces are higher and higher.

Don’t give yourself unrealistic expectations, just do the hard work of learning the skill and some smart work of unlocking sources to finding a job after college.

In case you feel you have tried enough and are still struggling to hit to a right aim, connect with our level-headed expert career counselors for free, who would expose you to solutions to your every career-related challenge and show you some uncomplicated career path and strategies,  where you will land up in an amazingly-paying and growing career, super soon.

What is the Average Time to Get a Job After Graduation?

There is nothing like a fixed average time to get a job out of college. The probability of how soon you break into a dream opportunity depends on a lot of factors like:

  • How Soon You Start to Find a Job After College - The more delay you do in your job hunt, the more delay it will cause you to grab the next-best opportunity. As the hiring market is quite predictable & can take a good 3-5 months of your time. It’s best to start applying for jobs when you are due for results or are about to get your degree. Like 2-3 months before you get the degree.
  • How Long You Take to Train in Specialized Technology or Skill - If you start the upskilling or training after the degree, this will also cause you to land up a job opportunity a little later than others. As a rule of thumb, sign up for upskilling courses in your final year itself. If you see our courses, they are just as short as 6 weeks and have weekend batches with your preferred time slots, and we also have self-learning courses, which you can easily manage along with your semester.
  • Type of Career Path You Choose - If you choose a very complex career path whose upskilling is a long-haul process and would take a lot of time, then expect a delay in finding a job. Supposedly, if you plan a crossover in your career, you studied something and are willing to switch to a completely different career, requiring hard and fast prerequisites, then you will find it difficult to land a job. So choose a job that matches your passion and is feasible to approach.

If you don’t know what careers to choose at entry-level positions, which are welcoming to fresh talent, here are options that won’t disappoint you.

Career Options Where You Won’t Have to Have Necessary Experience

Here are the few career options that you without any experience at hand can pursue, right after finishing your college and taking a quick training around them.

Read: How to Get a Job in Any Field With no Experience - 10 Ways to Swear By

Career Options

Skills You Need

Entry-Level Salary for Such Roles

  1. Salesforce Developer

If you have an analytical mindset, are willing to learn new things, solution enablers & have excellent communication & representation skills, with quick Salesforce developer training, you can bag jobs.

Entry-level Salesforce developers salary on average can be $85069 per year.

  1. Data Scientist

If you are good with communication, are skeptical, have perseverance, call yourself creative, and have business acumen, with quick upskilling and without much experience, you can bag this career.

Entry-level Data Scientist Salary on average can be 91,529 per year

  1. AWS/Azure Cloud Engineer

If you are creative, analytical, problem-solver, and enthusiastic at learning new things then with quick upskilling and without much experience you can turn out to be an AWS or Azure cloud engineer.

An entry-level AWS cloud engineer salary is $94778 per year.

An entry-level Azure cloud engineer’s salary is $105,000 per year.

  1. Business Analyst 

If you are good at conflict resolution, have great communication, elicitation, speaking, and negotiation skills then with quick upskilling you can transform your career as a business analyst.

An entry-level business analyst’s salary is $74141 per year.

Final Thoughts on How to Find a Job After College!

Landing your first job after college can be exciting, but it also requires preparation and focus.

Here are some key strategies to help you transform your job search from "I can't find anything" to "I'm getting interview requests!"

  • Boost your skills: Developing in-demand IT or management skills through online courses can give you a competitive edge.
  • Consider certifications: Earning certifications can validate your knowledge and commitment to a particular field.
  • Craft a compelling resume: Even with limited experience, you can build a strong resume by highlighting relevant projects, coursework, and volunteer work.
  • Network strategically: Build connections with professionals in your field through online platforms or industry events.
  • Develop your confidence: Believe in your abilities and focus on the value you can bring to an employer.

Remember, your job search success depends largely on your proactive approach. While these tips can be very helpful, it's also important to choose a career path that aligns with your interests and skills.

We'll explore some in-demand fields with strong entry-level opportunities for recent graduates. These fields are constantly evolving, and many online resources offer industry-specific training modules to prepare you for success.

Focus on your strengths, take action, and explore the possibilities!

FAQs on Finding a Job After College!

Q1. What CGPA is good to crack your first job out of college?

Ans: CGPA requirements can vary depending on the company and the specific role. While some companies might have a minimum CGPA threshold, many prioritize well-rounded candidates with relevant skills and experience. Focus on building a strong portfolio that showcases your practical abilities through projects, internships, and volunteer work. A good CGPA can be a plus, but it won't guarantee a job offer on its own.

Q2. What do employers look for in college graduates?

Ans: Employers look for a combination of hard skills (technical abilities) and soft skills (interpersonal skills). Here are some key things they value:

  • Relevant skills and experience: Demonstrate proficiency in the skills required for the job description. This could involve coursework, projects, internships, or online courses.
  • Communication and interpersonal skills: The ability to communicate effectively, both verbally and in writing, is crucial for teamwork and collaboration in any workplace.
  • Problem-solving skills: Employers value candidates who can think critically and creatively to solve problems and overcome challenges.
  • Work ethic and a positive attitude: A strong work ethic, a willingness to learn, and a positive attitude are essential qualities employers look for.
  • Passion and enthusiasm: Show genuine interest in the field and the company you're applying to.

Q3. How can I write a strong resume with no experience?

Ans: Even without formal job experience, you can create a compelling resume by highlighting relevant coursework, projects, volunteer work, and any awards or recognitions you've received. Focus on the skills you've gained and quantify your accomplishments whenever possible.

Q4. Where can I find entry-level job opportunities?

Ans: There are many resources available to help you find entry-level jobs. Here are a few suggestions:

  • Company websites: Many companies post job openings directly on their careers pages.
  • Job boards: Popular job boards like Indeed, Glassdoor, and Monster list a wide range of entry-level positions.
  • College career centers: Your college career center can offer valuable guidance and resources for your job search.
  • Professional networking sites: Build your network on LinkedIn and connect with professionals in your field.

Q5. What should I do if I'm not getting any interview calls?

Ans: If you're not getting interview requests, there could be a few reasons. Here are some tips:

  • Review your resume and cover letter: Ensure your resume is tailored to each job you apply for and highlights the most relevant skills and experiences.
  • Practice your interviewing skills: Prepare for common interview questions and practice your answers beforehand.
  • Expand your network: Connect with people in your field to learn about potential job openings and gain insights into the industry.

By following these tips and utilizing the resources available, you can increase your chances of landing a great job after college!


    JanBask Training

    A dynamic, highly professional, and a global online training course provider committed to propelling the next generation of technology learners with a whole new way of training experience.

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  • J

    Jax Williams

    This is the major concern of every college going student, and this post explained too well what to do, if You Can't Get a Job After College. It is a must read post blog for every student doing graduation courses or recent college pass out struggling for getting a job.

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    Emilio Davis

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    Adonis Smith

    Must read blogs for job seekers and college students.

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    Omar Moore

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    Holden White

    I am a graduate and I am nervous about which course should I opt for a good and successful career. My confidence has decreased and I was unable to clear my interviews. But all thanks to your motivational blog. It really helped me in boosting my confidence back. Thanks Team!

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    Anna Abram

    I am pursuing my post graduation, and now I want to start my career a little bit but I am confused in selecting a suitable course for me. Can your professional help me with this?

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      Hello, JanBask Training offers online training to nurture your skills and make you ready for an amazing career run. Please write to us in detail at Thanks!

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    Simon Martinez

    Hi! Team I am writing this to appreciate your efforts, I have been following your motivational blogs from the beginning. And I think what you write is commendable.

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      Glad you found this useful! For more such insights on your favourite topics, do check out JanBask Training Blogs and keep learning with us!

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    Phoenix Robinson

    My morale was very low when I completed my graduation but then my friend recommended this blog link. And trust me, it really helped me boost my confidence back!

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    Lane Clark

    I appreciate your efforts, there are very few people who think about others. And your team is doing a great job by posting motivational blogs for the needy person. Keep up the good work team!

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      Thank you so much for your comment, we appreciate your time. Keep coming back for more such informative insights. Cheers :)

  • T

    Tanner Patterson

    This is the major concern of every college going student, and this post explained too well what to do, if You Can't Get a Job After College. It is a must read post blog for every student doing graduation courses or recent college passout struggling for getting a job.

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      Glad you found this useful! For more such insights on your favourite topics, do check out JanBask Training Blogs and keep learning with us!

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    Malcolm Hughes

    What a nice blog! It's truly like someone helping us individually. Thanks team!

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      Glad you found this useful! For more such insights on your favourite topics, do check out JanBask Training Blogs and keep learning with us!

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    Raymond Flores

    Must read blogs for job seekers and college students.

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      Glad you found this useful! For more such insights on your favourite topics, do check out JanBask Training Blogs and keep learning with us!

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    Odin Washington

    Listed some most trending career options that don’t require any experience and apart from also listed some good tips to upskill yourself.

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      Glad you found this useful! For more such insights on your favourite topics, do check out JanBask Training Blogs and keep learning with us!

  • C

    Cesar Butler

    You have listed some IT courses that require no previous experience but all that need science background, are there any more courses that anyone from commerce background can join.

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    Lennox Simmons

    I am a graduate and I am nervous about which course should I opt for a good and successful career. My confidence has decreased and I was unable to clear my interviews. But all thanks to your motivational blog. It really helped me in boosting my confidence back. Thanks Team!

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      Glad you found this useful! For more such insights on your favourite topics, do check out JanBask Training Blogs and keep learning with us!

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    Joaquin Foster

    I am pursuing my post graduation, and now I want to start my career a little bit but I am confused in selecting a suitable course for me. Can your professional help me with this?

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      Hello, JanBask Training offers online training to nurture your skills and make you ready for an amazing career run. Please write to us in detail at Thanks!

    • logo16


      Hello, JanBask Training offers online training to nurture your skills and make you ready for an amazing career run. Please write to us in detail at Thanks!

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    Joaquin Foster

    Hi! Team I am writing this to appreciate your efforts, I have been following your motivational blogs from the beginning. And I think what you write is commendable.

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      Hello, JanBask Training offers online training to nurture your skills and make you ready for an amazing career run. Please write to us in detail at Thanks!

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    Hayes Bell

    My morale was very low when I completed my graduation but then my friend recommended this blog link. And trust me, it really helped me boost my confidence back!

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      Hello, JanBask Training offers online training to nurture your skills and make you ready for an amazing career run. Please write to us in detail at Thanks!

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    Manuel Murphy

    I appreciate your efforts, there are very few people who think about others. And your team is doing a great job by posting motivational blogs for the needy person. Keep up the good work team!

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      Hello, JanBask Training offers online training to nurture your skills and make you ready for an amazing career run. Please write to us in detail at Thanks!

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-0 day 07 Feb 2025


Artificial Intelligence

  • Components of AI
  • Categories of Machine Learning
  • Recurrent Neural Networks
  • Recurrent Neural Networks

Upcoming Class

8 days 15 Feb 2025


Machine Learning

  • Introduction to Machine Learning & Python
  • Machine Learning: Supervised Learning
  • Machine Learning: Unsupervised Learning

Upcoming Class

-0 day 07 Feb 2025



  • Introduction to Tableau Desktop
  • Data Transformation Methods
  • Configuring tableau server
  • Integration with R & Hadoop

Upcoming Class

1 day 08 Feb 2025
