How can I use the selenium Interface in selenium with Java for managing interactions?

130    Asked by ConnorPeake in QA Testing , Asked on Apr 12, 2024

 I am currently working on the task of automation of a web-based application by using Selenium and Java programming language. The application has a complex form with multiple sections, each containing various and different input fields, drop-downs, and checkboxes. Explain to me how can I use the selenium interface effectively to organize and even manage the interactions with different sections of the form. 

Answered by David WHITE

 In the context of selenium, here are the appropriate approaches given:-

Defining Interface for Form Section

You can start by creating Interfaces that would represent the different sections of the form. Each interface should declare methods for interacting with the elements specific to that section.

Implement Interface in the page object

You can create the page Object that can implement this Interface. Each page should provide the implementation for the method which is declared in the corresponding Interface.

Use interface in test script

In your test scripts, you can create an Instance of the page object and you can use the method from the Interface to interact with elements in different sections of the form.

Here is the combined coding which includes the interface page object and the test script by using Selenium with java programming language:-

Import org.openqa.selenium.By;
Import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver;
Import org.openqa.selenium.WebElement;
Import org.testng.annotations.*;
Public class FormSubmissionTest {
    WebDriver driver;
    PersonalInformationSection personalInfoSection;
    AddressSection addressSection;
    Public void setup() {
        // Set the path to the chromedriver executable
        System.setProperty(“”, “path/to/chromedriver”);
        // Initialize WebDriver (assuming Chrome for this example)
        Driver = new ChromeDriver();
        personalInfoSection = new PersonalInformationPage(driver);
        addressSection = new AddressPage(driver);
    Public void fillOutForm() {
        // Fill out personal information section
        // Fill out address section
        addressSection.getAddressLine1Input().sendKeys(“123 Main St”);
        addressSection.getCityInput().sendKeys(“New York”);
        Select stateDropdown = new Select(addressSection.getStateDropdown());
        stateDropdown.selectByVisibleText(“New York”);
        // Other test steps and assertions
    Public void tearDown() {
Interface PersonalInformationSection {
    WebElement getFirstNameInput();
    WebElement getLastNameInput();
    WebElement getEmailInput();
    // Other methods as needed
Interface AddressSection {
    WebElement getAddressLine1Input();
    WebElement getAddressLine2Input();
    WebElement getCityInput();
    WebElement getStateDropdown();
    // Other methods as needed
Class PersonalInformationPage implements PersonalInformationSection {
    Private WebDriver driver;
    Public PersonalInformationPage(WebDriver driver) {
        This.driver = driver;
    Public WebElement getFirstNameInput() {
        Return driver.findElement(“firstName”));
    Public WebElement getLastNameInput() {
        Return driver.findElement(“lastName”));
    Public WebElement getEmailInput() {
        Return driver.findElement(“email”));
Class AddressPage implements AddressSection {
    Private WebDriver driver;
    Public AddressPage(WebDriver driver) {
        This.driver = driver;
    Public WebElement getAddressLine1Input() {
        Return driver.findElement(“addressLine1”));
    Public WebElement getAddressLine2Input() {
        Return driver.findElement(“addressLine2”));
    Public WebElement getCityInput() {
        Return driver.findElement(“city”));
    Public WebElement getStateDropdown() {
        Return driver.findElement(“state”));

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