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PCEP Certification Guide: Entry-Level Python Programmer Certification


Python is one of the very popular object-oriented programming languages, which is leveraged & deployed for mainstream coding tasks of both, emerging start-ups as well as established industry giants such as - Facebook, IBM, Google & more.

As of now, there are 7 million Python developers worldwide. But are they all certified? Well, that’s a tough one to answer. But one thing we can answer is --- Is getting Python certified important? Having a sought-after Python certification is quite a positive add-on to your portfolio & candidature.

With Python certification, you can show your validation of skills for Python programming to the core. Especially, when you grab & win the popular Python certifications. 

Looking for Python certification for beginners with no prior coding experience? You can go for PCEP certified entry-level python programmer certification initially, and then move towards other advanced certifications as:

  • PCAP (Certified Associate in Python Programming)
  • PCPP1 (Certified Professional in Python Programming 1)
  • PCPP2 (Certified Professional in Python Programming 2)
  • CEPP – Certified Expert in Python Programming.

Here in the following guide, we will walk you around certified entry-level python programmer certification details: cost, delivery mode, passing score, exam structure, applying procedure, best tips to prepare for this Python PCEP certification for beginners.

Continue reading, to find your answers!

PCEP - Complete Exam Details

What is PCEP Certification?

PCEP certification

PCEP - Certified Entry-Level Python Programmer Certification is a highly-recognized primary credential that tests & validates your ability to code around the Python programming language. 

The credential aims to tests the individual’s capacity to understand:

  • Universal concepts of computer programming.
  • Universal programming concepts as containers, data types, syntax, loops, semantics, conditions, runtime environment & more.
  • For Solving typical implementation complexities by leveraging Python Standard Library.

The PCEP certification is a staircase to appearing for the further advanced Python certification PCAP – Certified Associate in Python Programming certification. By acing this primary PCEP certification, you can set yourself out from the crowd & establish a profound career in the software development or data processing & visualization world with Python programming.

PCEP Certification - Exam Details

PCEP Certification Exam Details

  • Name of the exam - PCEP Certified Entry Level Python Programmer Certification
  • Code of the exam - PCEP-30-01 
  • Further Associated certifications you can apply- PCAP | Certified Associate in Python Programming, PCPP-32-1 | Certified Professional in Python Programming 1, PCPP-32-2 – Certified Professional in Python Programming 2, CEPP – Certified Expert in Python Programming.
  • Delivery mode - Can be given in two ways - proctored exams (offline with Open EDG Academies & OpenEDG Testing Service Partners) and non-proctored exams (online with internet connection & web browser).
  • The time duration of the exam - 45 Minutes. Also, there are 5 mins additional for NDA.
  • Questions - You will be asked 30 questions in total.
  • Questions Type/format - You will be asked 4 types of questions - multiple-choice (MCQs), single choice, drag & drop, fill in the gaps types.
  • PCEP – certified entry-level python programmer certification cost - This exam costs USD 59
  • Language - It is written in English
  • Passing Score - You need to get at least 70% marks to pass the exam.
  • Exam Retake Policy - After failing, you should wait for 15 days to re-sit for the exam. There is no rule on the number of retakes. But you cannot take retakes of a passed exam.

Sample Questions To Get The Flavor of Real Certified Entry Level Python Programmer Certification Exam

Why Should I Take this Introductory Certified Entry Level Python Programmer Certification Exam?

This PCEP certification will help you establish a great foundation for career opportunities related to software development, computer system designing, software testing, data processing & visualization, or more.

This credential will develop your core understanding of designing, writing, debugging, and running programs surfaced on top of the Python language, and to entirely comprehend the concepts of software development technology.

This certification will establish you as a knowledgeable software developer who can fathom the best computer programming opportunities with any IT industry, after taking a quick accredited Python training online.

What you should learn for the PCEP exam?

The PCEP certification exam aims to test your comprehension around the following topics:

1. Fundamentals of Computer Programming:

  • How computer works
  • Program execution
  • Defining & constructing programming language
  • Compilation & interpretation difference
  • What is Python, how it is placed alongside other programming languages?
  • Difference between the versions of Python

2. Formatting & Outputting data using Python (with primary data & numerical operators with mutual relations & bindings). Variable concepts, rules for building expressions, inputting & converting of data.

3. Boolean values to compare different values & how to control the execution paths using the if and if-else instructions; how to utilize loops (while and for), how to control their behavior using the break & continue instructions; the logical and bitwise operations difference; lists & list processing concepts, slicing; the idea of multi-dimensional arrays.

4. Using & defining functions, their purpose, rationale, conventions, and traps; how to pass arguments in different ways and how to set their default values, with the mechanisms of returning the function’s results; name scope issues; new data aggregates: tuples & dictionaries, with their role in the data processing.

PCEP Exam Objectives

The PCEP (Certified Entry-Level Python Programmer) exam assesses your competency in fundamental programming concepts and Python's core functionalities. Here's a breakdown of the key objectives covered in the exam:

1. Programming Fundamentals (Approximately 18% of the exam):

  • Grasping core programming concepts like variables, data types (integers, floats, booleans, strings), operators (arithmetic, comparison, logical), and expressions.
  • Understanding control flow structures:
    • Conditional statements (if, else, elif) for making decisions based on conditions.
    • Loops (while, for) for repetitive tasks.

2. Control Flow - Conditional Blocks and Loops (Approximately 29% of the exam):

  • Using if statements for conditional branching and nesting them for complex decision-making (if-else, elif-else structures).
  • Building various types of loops with while and for statements, including iterating through sequences and using range() function.
  • Understanding break and continue statements to control loop execution.

3. Data Collections - Tuples, Dictionaries, Lists, and Strings (Approximately 25% of the exam):

  • Working with Python's built-in data structures:
    • Lists (ordered, mutable collections) for storing sequences of elements.
    • Tuples (ordered, immutable collections) for representing fixed data.
    • Dictionaries (unordered collections) for storing key-value pairs.
    • Strings (sequences of characters) for textual data.
  • Mastering operations on these data structures:
    • Indexing and slicing for accessing and manipulating elements.
    • Common methods like appendinsertremove, and pop for list manipulation.
    • String methods for character manipulation, searching, and formatting.

4. Functions and Exception Handling (Approximately 18% of the exam):

  • Defining and using functions to modularize code, improve readability, and promote reusability.
  • Understanding function arguments, return values, and local variables.
  • Implementing exception handling with try-except blocks to gracefully handle errors during program execution.

5. The Python Standard Library (Approximately 10% of the exam):

  • Familiarity with the Python Standard Library, a collection of pre-written modules and functions that provide functionalities for various tasks like input/output, file handling, data manipulation, and more.
  • Basic understanding of how to import and utilize modules from the Standard Library.

By solidifying your understanding of these core areas, you'll be well-prepared to tackle the PCEP exam and demonstrate your proficiency in entry-level Python programming.

PCEP - Complete Syllabus

Here are the topics/concepts you will be broadly evaluated around:

Basic Concepts - 17% 

  • Fundamental concepts: interpreting & interpreter, compilation & compiler, language elements, lexis, syntax & semantics, Python keywords, instructions, indenting
  • Literals: Boolean, integer, floating-point numbers, scientific notation, strings, comments
  • the print() function, the input() function
  • numeral systems (binary, octal, decimal, hexadecimal), numeric operators: ** * / % // + –
  • string operators: * +
  • assignments and shortcut operators

Data Types, Evaluations, and Basic I/O Operations – 20%

  • Basic input and output operations using the input(), print(), int(), float(), str(), len() functions
  • Formatting print() output with end= and sep= arguments
  • Typecasting
  • Basic calculations
  • Simple strings: constructing, assigning, indexing, immutability
  • Operators: unary and binary, priorities and binding
  • Bitwise operators: ~ & ^ | << >>
  • Boolean operators: not and or, Boolean expressions
  • Relational operators ( == != > >= < <= ), building complex Boolean expressions
  • Accuracy of floating-point numbers

Flow Control – loops and conditional blocks (20%)

  • Iterating through sequences
  • Expanding loops: while-else, for-else
  • Nesting loops and conditional statements
  • Controlling loop execution: break, continue
  • Conditional statements: if, if-else, if-elif, if-elif-else
  • Multiple conditional statements
  • The pass instruction
  • Building loops: while, for, range(), in

Data Collections – Lists, Tuples, and Dictionaries (23%)

  • tuples vs. lists: similarities and differences, lists inside tuples and tuples inside lists
  • dictionaries: building, indexing, adding and removing keys, iterating through dictionaries as well as their keys and values, checking key existence, keys(), items(), and values() methods
  • strings in detail: escaping using the \ character, quotes, and apostrophes inside strings, multiline strings, basic string functions.
  • Lists in detail: indexing, slicing, basic methods (append(), insert(), index()) and functions (len(), sorted(), etc.), del instruction, iterating lists with the for loop, initializing, in and not in operators, list comprehension, copying and cloning
  • Lists in lists: matrices and cubes
  • Tuples: indexing, slicing, building, immutability
  • Simple lists: constructing vectors, indexing and slicing, the len() function

Functions (20%)


  • Recursion
  • Parameters vs. arguments,
  • Positional keyword and mixed argument passing,
  • Default parameter values
  • Converting generator objects into lists using the list() function
  • Name scopes, name hiding (shadowing), the global keyword
  • Defining and invoking your own functions and generators
  • Return and yield keywords, returning results,
  • The None keyword

Who can Apply for PCEP Certification?

Anyone who wants to develop a profound understanding of the modern programming methods with Python can apply for this credential. This is an introductory certification that validates your fundamentals of Python scripting or complete programming.

To pursue this certification, you should be :

  • Someone aspiring to learn & implement Python programming from sheer basics for software development, testing, or data processing-related tasks.
  • A Python developer/programmer who has just finished his/her Python Certification Training from an accredited training platform online or offline.
  • A secondary school or university student, irrespective of technical or non-technical background.
  • A learner or student from vocational school or courses.
  • An advanced professional as a software programmer, data analyst, software testing professional working around Python or other robust programming languages, looking for validating skills for better pay & employability opportunities.

The preliminary requirement to take this PCEP certification - You should know how to use a computer & have a very basic knowledge of mathematics. You should know the basic syntax & semantics of Python. Implementation challenges using Python library. You can quickly learn all the prerequisites of PCEP certification, by taking a quick Python Certification Training online.

Where can you apply for PCEP Certified Entry Level Python Certification?

Check out these steps, with which you can easily schedule your prep certified entry-level python programmer certification exam.

Step 1 - 

Visit the link and there select the “Schedule the exam” option highlighted in mustard color.

PCEP Certified Entry Level Python Certification

Step 2 -

On clicking “schedule exam”, you will be redirected to a different page of OpenEDG Learning & Testing Platform at URL > and will see an elongated form asking your core details for signup as:

  • Your name
  • Your email
  • Password choice
  • Phone number
  • Address
  • Country
  • Gender
  • DOB
  • Terms of service agreement & captchaPCEP Certified Entry Level Python Certification

Fill in the form, where you can easily access a personalized login account & schedule your prep certification exam easily, either offline or online.


If you are looking for Python certification for beginners, PCEP certified entry-level python programmer certification might be your go-to choice. This PCEP certification is quite essential for students, learners, coders, professionals who are willing to ingrain & validate their basic Python skills & understanding. 

By obtaining the PCEP certification, you can:

  • Understand the programmer’s duty duly in the software development process.
  • Gain an algorithmic approach to solve real-time business problems associated with software development, data analytics, visualization, or even machine learning.
  • Gain knowledge on how a program is executed in the real-time computer environment.

Holding a PCEP Certification, you can validate your preliminary skills needed to perform coding-related tasks. Along with that, you can get sheer recognition amongst other candidates, better paychecks, promotion opportunities, and a staircase to apply for the more advanced python certification for great senior-level Python job opportunities.

No matter if you are a college student, graduate, or a working professional in any technology, you can still manage to make a profound career around Python. For that, gather the right knowledge from self-studying or via a Professional Python Certification Training and grab that PCEP Certified entry-level Python programmer certification, initially.

If we left any of your concerns & doubts unattended, feel free to spam us in the comments section down below!

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. Is python certification worth it?

Yes definitely,  if you want to jump ahead in your programming or analytics career with higher employability, paychecks, and growth opportunities, you must own Python certifications online. With a certification in hand, you will be also able to make your career around data visualization, machine learning, data analysis than just only software development or app development.

Q2. What is PCEP certification?

PCEP is Certified Entry Level Python Programmer Certification, a recognized credential for beginners, that validates your programming skills & knowledge for real-time business needs such as software development, data analysis, data visualization, machine learning & more.

Q3. Why should I go for PCEP Certified entry-level Programmer certification online?

The PCEP certification is a primary credential that sets your foot into the world of computer programming from sheer basics. Even without having a technical discipline or coding knowledge, you can easily sit for the exam by just taking a quick Python training online.

Q4. How to get PCEP certified?

  • Step 1 - After completing the Python Training online, Visit the 
  • Step 2 - Click on the scheduled exam & fill in the form.
  • Step 3 - Select exam delivery mode, offline or online based on your availability.

Q5.  How much is PCEP – certified entry-level python programmer certification cost?

The PCEP – certified entry-level python programmer certification cost is $59.

Q6. What is the time duration of the PCEP certification exam?

The PCEP certification is of 45 minutes that covers 30 questions in total.

Q7. What is the question format of the PCEP certification exam?

You are asked 4 types of question format, MCQs, single choice questions, fill in the gaps, drag & drop type.

Q8. What is the passing score for PCEP certification?

To clear the PCEP certification exam, you need to score a minimum of 70%.

Q9. Can I get jobs with Python Certification?

Yes, you can get a job by owning the popular Python certifications online, given if you have a great hold on programming skills to build software or conduct data processing-related tasks. Let alone, don’t take Python certificates as the milestone to get you a job, focus on getting the right Python training for skill building of real-time job fields.

Q10. Can you retake the PCEP certification exam?

Yes, after failing the exam (i.e. scoring less than 70%), you can easily retake the exam, provided there should be a gap of 15 days to re-appear for the exam. Also, there is no limit on the number of retakes. Also, you cannot retake the passed or cleared exam for score improvement or any other reason.

Q11. How to pass the PCEP Certification exam?

To pass the PCEP certification exam:

  • Analyze the PCEP Certification Exam Objective & Details
  • Discover the Mode of Learning & Study Materials
  • Prepare a Dedicated Study Timetable
  • Keep on Taking the PCEP Certification Dumps
  • Join Study Groups or Official Python Communities
  • Take good nutrients & sleep
  • Believe in yourself & your learnings


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  • S


    The syllabus which you have mentioned is up to date? I think it has been revised. Kindly share the correct answers to the Q4 &5.

  • D


    I am just curious to know if your Python training is suitable for this particular PCEP Certification. Like do you cover all these topics asked in this exam, if not can you please refer me to some great whitepapers or learning resources?

  • D

    Danny D

    Actually, I have a doubt. I am not from a technical background, but this coding fascinates me. I am wanting to learn the Python language, can I do so? Is there any prerequisite to learn & prepare for Python certification?

  • R


    How long will it take to get prepared for this certification? Is it worth taking your complete Python training for this entry-level certification?

  • P


    Does a coding job require such certifications? I mean, can’t you get done with the training alone & apply for a job with leading corporations?

  • E

    Ethan Hunt

    Thanks for this guide. Do all companies hire certified Python programmers or this is a mere choice? What difference having certifications can create in the job hunt?

    • logo16


      Hello, JanBask Training offers online training to nurture your skills and make you ready for an amazing career run. Please write to us in detail at Thanks!

  • M

    Mr. Singh

    Your blog just inspired me. I am working as a data analyst with a firm, where they require coding tasks. I might take this certification & add more to my skills & growth.

  • K


    I solved your question number 3, I am learning Python, so I think the answer is 13.5, the third option.

    • logo16


      Hello, JanBask Training offers online training to nurture your skills and make you ready for an amazing career run. Please write to us in detail at Thanks!

  • R


    I have just finished my degree. I am just curious to know if this certification needs any prerequisite or job experience, or can I straightaway apply.

    • logo16


      Hello, JanBask Training offers online training to nurture your skills and make you ready for an amazing career run. Please write to us in detail at Thanks!

  • R


    Is your Python demo class free? Actually, I am not sure about taking a complete training course to clear this certification, so I would just want to first have a quick run-through of your course first.

    • logo16


      Glad you found this useful! For more such insights on your favourite topics, do check out JanBask Training Blogs and keep learning with us!

  • D


    Will it be easy to get the jobs after clearing any of these PCEP certification? Like how do they help with employability? Is just having a technical degree & Python Training from a premier online institute isn’t just enough to get the job?

    • logo16


      Glad you found this useful! For more such insights on your favourite topics, do check out JanBask Training Blogs and keep learning with us!

  • D


    It is very difficult to prepare for Python PCEP certification on your own. Like the resources are paid & diverse. You have to have oceans of time to discover the right study resources. Saying this from my personal experience. I would recommend everyone to take accredited Python training to get a clear PCEP cert.

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      Glad you found this useful! For more such insights on your favourite topics, do check out JanBask Training Blogs and keep learning with us!

  • G


    I am looking for some credible institute to help me with Python PCEP exam training. I would want to know complete details about your course online. Can you help me with the same?

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      Glad you found this useful! For more such insights on your favourite topics, do check out JanBask Training Blogs and keep learning with us!

  • M


    What job role can I target, after clearing the Python PCEP certification online? Will I become a Python developer or programmer?

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      Glad you found this useful! For more such insights on your favourite topics, do check out JanBask Training Blogs and keep learning with us!

  • A


    Is this PCEP certification easy to prepare? Can I easily prepare it via self-studying, or should I just take a quick training online?

    • logo16


      Glad you found this useful! For more such insights on your favourite topics, do check out JanBask Training Blogs and keep learning with us!

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