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Machine Learning Tutorial For Beginners & Experienced: Propel Career Growth


Looking for good Machine Learning Tutorials? Want to explore Machine learning  career path? 

Do you know, the global Machine learning market size is expected to register a CAGR of 43.8% over the forecasted years, and reach USD 96.7 billion by 2025.

Well, there is no doubt Machine learning is the shining star of the moment. With every customer- centric organization or industry planning  to adopt Machine learning technology . Studying Machine learning opens a world of opportunities to develop cutting edge Machine learning applications/solutions in various verticals – such as cyber security, image recognition, face recognition and more.

Machine learning emerged as the next big thing paving opportunities for IT professionals.

If you are intrigued by the world of artificial intelligence and want to know more about Machine learning, then this Machine Learning online tutorial is for you! Actually this tutorial is Machine learning centric because it is quite a popular application of artificial intelligence (AI) that provides systems the ability to automatically learn and improve from experience without being explicitly programmed.

So, in the Machine learning tutorials, you will get a brief introduction to it, its applications

Machine Learning types, why we train Machines, Supervised & Unsupervised Learning with the help of Machine Learning youtube tutorials covering core concepts.

Let’s dive in!

Machine Learning Tutorials For Beginners & Experienced

In this JanBask Machine Learning Tutorials, you get an in-depth introduction into the world of Machine learning , specifically type of Machine learning- Supervised & Unsupervised Learning. This is one of the best Machine learning tutorials for beginners, who want to upscale to Machine learning skills. The tutorial will cover the following aspects-

  • Applications
  • Machine Learning types
  • Why Train Machines
  • Supervised Learning
  • Unsupervised Learning 

So tighten up your seat belts as you go on a ride!

Machine Learning Tutorials For Beginners : Introduction to Machine Learning 1:06

Let’s start this  Machine Learning Tutorials with the introduction to understanding what Machine learning is. Machine Learning is said to be a subset of artificial intelligence that is mainly concerned with the development of algorithms which allow a computer to learn automatically from the historical data and past experiences on their own. According to definition-

“Machine learning enables a Machine to automatically learn from historical data, improve performance from past experiences, and tends to predict things without being explicitly programmed.”

The Machine learning concept was first introduced by Arthur Samuel in 1959, logically amalgamates computer science and statistics together for creating predictive models with enhanced performance. As it is evident from the name, it gives the Machine (computer): The ability to learn. 

Machine Learning Tutorials For Beginners : What are the steps for Machine learning 3:45

Machine Learning Tutorials

The process starts with feeding good quality data and then training our Machines(computers) by building Machine learning models using the data and different algorithms. The choice of algorithms depends on what type of data we have and secondly, what kind of task we are trying to automate via Machine.

Let’s break down the Machine learning  process and understand the steps involved from its inception to its practical application.

Here are the steps on how Machine learning works-

  • Step 1: Gathering Data
  • Step 2: Preparing that Data
  • Step 3: Choosing a Model
  • Step 4: Train the Model
  • Step 5 :Evaluate the Model
  • Step 6 :Parameter Tuning
  • Step 7:Make Prediction

Machine learning works

Machine Learning Basics Tutorial, Step1: Gathering Data 

This step involved collection of data & Using pre-collected data, by way of datasets from Kaggle, UCI, etc. The outcome of this step is generally a representation of data which we will use for Machine training further.  The quantity & quality of our data gathered at this stage will dictate how accurate our model will be.

Machine Learning Basics Tutorial, Step2: Preparing that Data

Once you are done with data collection, you have to wrangle data and prepare it for training. This steps involved Cleaning of data, Randomize data, Visualize data & Split it into training and evaluation sets.

  • Data Cleaning  improves your data quality,removes  all outdated or incorrect information and leaves you with the highest quality information and doing so, increases overall productivity. Cleaning process may involve removing duplicates, correcting errors, dealing with missing values, normalization, data type conversions, etc.
  • Randomize data to erase the effects of the particular order so that we can use it the way we want.
  • Visualize data to help detect relevant relationships between variables or class imbalances (bias alert!), or perform other exploratory analysis.

Machine Learning Basics Tutorial, Step3: Choose The Right Model

Once we are done with the data-centric steps, our next course of action will be the selection of the right model type. Since There are various existing models developed by data scientists which can be used for different purposes, choosing the right one is important.

Different algorithms are for different tasks, so getting the right one is our priority at this step. For instance, some models are more suited to dealing with texts while some other models may be better equipped to handle images.

Machine Learning Basics Tutorial, Step4: Train the Model

At this step, we begin with Machine training, bulk of the “learning” is done at this stage. The end goal of training is to answer a question or make a prediction correctly as often as possible. For instance, teach our model to differentiate between the 2 fruits. Each iteration of the process is a training step; here the algorithm would need to learn values for m (or W) and b (x is input, y is output).

After each iteration ,the achieved output is compared with actual output. Here we intend to minimize the difference by trying different values/metrics, In fruit scenarios we can vary  weights and biases. The iterations are repeated using different entries from previously collected training data sets until the model reaches the desired level of accuracy.

Machine Learning Basics Tutorial, Step5: Evaluate the Model

After getting trained, the model needs to be tested to see if it would operate well in real world situations. Core purpose of this step is to check the model’s proficiency. It puts the model in a scenario where it encounters situations that were not tested previously during training. 

So we use some metric or combination of metrics to "measure" objective performance of the model, against any previously unseen data.

Machine Learning Basics Tutorial, Step6: Parameter Tuning

If our evaluation is successful, then next we proceed to the step of hyperparameter tuning, which is an "artform" as opposed to a science. Tune model parameters for improved performance and tries to improve upon the positive results achieved during the evaluation step. A Simple model hyperparameters may include: number of training steps performed, Machine learning rate, initialization values and distribution, etc.

Machine Learning Basics Tutorial, Step7: Make Predictions

Here we come to the final step of the Machine learning process. This is the stage where we consider our model is ready for real world practical applications.

Hope this Machine Learning online tutorial helped you understand that, a complex but well-processed Machine learning model can improve the decision making process of their respective owners by gaining a unique insight which may not have been uncovered  by usual manual approach. The algorithms that you may use can be powerful, but without the right learning process, your system may fail to yield ideal results.

Join JanBask professional Machine learning training and get Machine learning online free tutorials today! Next Machine Learning tutorials, come up with applications of Machine learning…

Machine Learning Youtube Tutorial By JanBask Training

Machine Learning Tutorials : Applications Of Machine Learning 7:56

Did you know, we all are using Machine learning in our daily life even without knowing it. We use applications such as Google Maps, Google assistant, Alexa, and more, all of which are great examples of Machine learning.

Applications Of Machine Learning

1. Image Recognition

Image recognition is one of the most common and widely popular Machine learning  applications used to identify objects, persons, places, digital images, etc.

You can have a good example of face recognition while using Facebook. Whenever you upload a photo with your Facebook friends, then you automatically get a tagging suggestion with a name, and the technology behind this is Machine learning's face detection/recognition algorithm.

2. Speech Recognition

Speech recognition is a process of converting voice instructions into text.With growing digitization, Machine learning algorithms are widely used by various applications of speech recognition. Google assistant, Siri, Cortana, and Alexa are some great examples of speech recognition technology that follow the voice instructions.

3. Traffic prediction

Traffic prediction applications predict the traffic conditions such as whether traffic is cleared, slow-moving, or heavily congested with the help of two ways and get the correct path with the shortest route. A great example of traffic prediction is the “Google Map” to make it possible for us to reach the new place by showing us the correct and shortest route. 

4. Product recommendations

Have you ever noticed, Whenever you search for any product on Amazon or any other shopping app, then you start getting an advertisement for the same product while internet surfing on the same browser and all this done by Machine learning.

Google understands the user interest and preferences using various Machine learning

g algorithms and suggests the relevant product as per customer interest.And that’s the reason, Machine learning is widely used by various e-commerce and entertainment companies such as Amazon, Flipkart, Netflix, etc.

5. Virtual Personal Assistance

Nowadays,we have various virtual personal assistants such as Google assistant, Alexa, Cortana, Siri. All they help us in finding the information using our voice note by leveraging voice recognition technology. These assistants made life even easier, they  helped us in various ways just by our voice instructions such as playing music, calling someone, opening an email, Scheduling an appointment, etc.

6. Email Spam and Malware Filtering

Our mailbox is now automatically filtered, we find important mail in our inbox with the important symbol and spam emails in our spam box. Did you ever think how? The technology behind this is Machine learning.

Machine Learning Tutorials : Machine Learning Types 13:51

In ML, errands are commonly grouped into general classifications. These classes depend on how learning is obtained or how criticism on the learning is given to the framework created. 

Two of the most broadly received ML strategies are regulated realizing which trains calculations dependent on model information and yield information that is named by people, and solo realizing which gives the calculation no marked information to enable it to discover structure inside its information. How about we investigate these techniques in more detail.

(a) Unsupervised Learning 20 :37

Unsupervised learning is a Machine learning technique in which the algorithm is not provided with any pre-assigned labels for the training data. As a result, unsupervised learning algorithms must first self-discover any naturally occurring undetected pattern or information in that training data set. It mainly deals with the unlabelled data.

Unsupervised Learning Algorithms allow users to perform more complex processing tasks compared to supervised learning generally including clustering, anomaly detection, neural networks, etc.

In unsupervised Machine learning, information is unlabelled, so the learning calculation is left to discover shared traits among its info information. As unlabelled information is more inexhaustible than named information, ML strategies that encourage unsupervised learning are especially significant. 

Read: Artificial Intelligence Learning Path - Future Scope & Career Growth

The objective of unsupervised learning might be as direct as finding concealed designs inside a dataset, yet it might likewise have an objective of highlight realizing, which enables the computational Machine to naturally find the portrayals that are expected to characterize crude information. 

unsupervised learning is usually utilized for value-based information. You may have a huge dataset of clients and their buys, however, as a human, you will probably not have the option to understand what comparable characteristics can be drawn from client profiles and their kinds of buys. With this information nourished into a solo learning calculation, it might be resolved that ladies of a specific age run who purchase unscented cleansers are probably going to be pregnant, and along these lines a promoting effort identified with pregnancy and child items can be focused to this group of spectators so as to build their number of buys.

In Machine learning the Unsupervised learning problems can be grouped into the following problems.

Clustering: A clustering problem is usually where you wish to discover the prevalent inherent groupings of the data, Eg- grouping of the clients  by their purchasing behavior.

Association:  An association Machine learning problem is when you want to find out the rules that elucidate the large portions of your given set of data, such as clients that buy Oranges also tend to buy Melons.

A classic way of explaining this can be as follows-

This is just the opposite of the supervised learning situation. There are situations when the output is not known. It’s like when a pre-primary student clusters the same geometric shapes together. He most of the time has no idea what that is called. But is able to align the same shapes together. This is unsupervised learning. Here, the output of the dataset is not known. Algorithms under this category are able to perform clustering and allied tasks and exploit the hidden pattern in the dataset in the absence of outputs.

Want more Machine learning tutorials free of cost or Machine Learning tutorial pdf free download explaining core concepts, feel free to reach our consultant!

(b) Supervised Learning 28:57

In supervised learning, the PC is furnished with model data sources that are marked with their ideal yields. The motivation behind this technique is for the calculation to have the option to "learn" by contrasting its genuine yield and the "instructed" yields to discover blunders, and change the model in a similar manner. Directed adapting accordingly utilizes examples to foresee name esteems on extra unlabelled information. 

For instance, with managed learning, a calculation might be nourished with pictures of sharks named as fish and pictures of seas marked as water. By being prepared on this information, the regulated learning calculation ought to have the option to later recognize unlabelled shark pictures as fish and unlabelled sea pictures as water. 

A typical use instance of administered learning is to utilize authentic information to anticipate factually likely future occasions. It might utilize authentic financial exchange data to foresee up and coming vacillations, or be utilized to sift through spam messages. In directed learning, labeled photographs of canines can be utilized as info information to arrange untagged photographs of pooches.

In Machine Learning the Supervised learning problems can be further classified into two popular algorithms as follows;

  • Classification: A usual classification algorithm problem is when the category of output variable is “red” or “blue” or “disease” and “no disease”.
  • Regression: A usual regression algorithm is when the output variable is indeed a real value that is measurable, such as “dollars” or “weight”.

A classic way of explaining this can be as follows-

Going back to my initial days in school, I remember the 1st thing I learned as A for Apple and 2nd was B for a ball. This forms a case of typical supervised learning as I was being instructed to recognize a particular word with a particular alphabet. Same is the case with Machines. 

(c) Semi Supervised Learning 31:50

Semi-supervised learning, as its name indicates, falls between unsupervised learning and supervised learning. It is a technique  for Machine learning that combines a small amount of labeled data with a large amount of unlabeled data during training. Semi supervised learning allows the algorithm to learn from a small amount of labeled text documents while still classifying a large amount of unlabeled text documents in the training data. 

Machine Learning Tutorials : Why Machine Learning is Required 16:58

Machine learning tools enable organizations to more quickly identify profitable potential opportunities and possible risks. Today every Industry depends on vast quantities of data—and needs a smart and automated system to analyze it efficiently and accurately. Machine learning tools enable organizations to more quickly identify profitable potential opportunities and possible risks. Moreover it provides the best way to build models, strategize, and plan. 

Machine Learning Tutorials : Types & Source of Data 19:39

In Machine learning, it is very important to know appropriate data types, as it provides the basis for selecting classification or regression models.

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A. Structured Data:

In a Machine learning context, structured data is the data that makes it  easier to train a Machine learning system on, because the patterns within the data are more explicit. It is quantitative data that consists of numbers and values that drives Machine learning algorithms. Structured data is stored in tabular formats like in excel sheets or SQL databases.

B. Unstructured Data:

Unstructured data, as its name sounds, is the information that is not organized into a uniform format, and thus, it is hard to operate.This type of data does not have the proper format and can include text, images, video, and audio material. Unstructured data is majorly used in natural language processing and text mining. 

Now, let's move on to the Machine learning career outlook with this best Machine Learning tutorial for beginners …

Machine Learning Career Path: Salary Trends, Job Outlook & Certifications

Since you got the brief introduction to Machine learning through the best Machine Learning tutorial for beginners & experienced, let’s now discuss the career growth and job opportunities in Machine learning. So if you are wondering whether you should pursue Machine learning or not, then let us share some good facts. A simple Google search reveals that as of November 10th 2021, currently there are over 122k+ job opportunities available for Machine learning professionals. 

Machine learning can unlock tremendous business value, whether it is entertainment or ecommerce organizations or any other industry focusing on adapting ever-changing market conditions. Improve & automate business operations, they are seeking for qualified and certified Machine learning professionals. 

Once you hone yourself with the right industry demanded ML skills, here are the top five promising Machine Learning career paths that you can aspire for:

  1. Machine Learning Engineer
  2. Data Scientist
  3. NLP Scientist
  4. Software Developer/Engineer (AI/ML)
  5. Human-Centered Machine Learning Designer

To explore top salaries of  Machine learning  experts, with our insightful salary based Machine Learning basics tutorial blog!

Machine Learning Tutorials : But why Machine learning? Read below the reasons for its popularity: 

Forward-looking retailers, automotive players, financial services firms, game developers, researchers, etc. from almost all industries have taken to this AI technology like a duck to water. As per a research report, the global ML market is expected to  reach Rs 543 billion valuation by 2023. Moreover, here are the following benefits of pursuing Machine learning career-

Secured career- Despite the exponential growth in Machine learning, the market is struggling with a high shortage of skilled talent. If you can meet the demands of large organizations by gaining expertise in ML, you will have a highly secure and bright career in a technology which is on the rise. 

Lucrative Salary-High salary packages of an ML professional is one of the top reasons why ML seems a lucrative career to a lot of us. In the US, a top-level Machine learning engineer can make between $175,000 to $245,000 per year. Since the industry is on the rise, this figure can be expected to grow further with years pass by.

Exponential Career Graph-Machine learning is still in its nascent stage. And with the expanding market demand as the technology matures and advances, you will have a great opportunity to experience and expertise to obtain an upward career graph and approach your ideal employers.

Machine Learning Tutorials : Propel Your Machine Learning  Career with Right Qualifications & certifications

This Machine Learning tutorial point gives you an idea about what it takes to be an ML Engineer in any big organization. let’s have a look at the eligibility criteria to become an ML engineer at Amazon:

  • B.S./M.Sc in Computer Science, statistics,  or related field, or equivalent experience
  • 5+ Years experience in Machine learning/artificial intelligence, fairness, data quality, data science, or information integration research
  • Sound knowledge in general-purpose programming languages such as Scala, Python, Java, or C++

Get Professional ML Engineer exam guidance & explore Machine learning career path from Machine Learning tutorial Google .

Machine Learning Tutorials For Beginners : Choose Professional  Training & Certification

  • It is a widely accepted fact that if you want to build a career in AI or ML you must go for formal training for the same. Numerous specialists additionally think it is the most ideal approach to gain ground towards human-level ML. 
  • JanBask Training is offering a great course in AI and Data Science. You must give it a try. In this class, you will find out about the best ML systems, and increase work on executing them and getting them to work for yourself. All the more critically, you'll find out about the hypothetical underpinnings of adapting, yet also gain the reasonable ability expected to rapidly and capably apply these methods to new issues. At long last, you'll find out about some of Silicon Valley's prescribed procedures in advancement by ML and ML. 
  • This course gives a wide prologue to ML, data mining, and measurable example acknowledgment. Points include: (I) Supervised learning (parametric/non-parametric calculations, bolster vector Machines, bits, neural systems). (ii) Unsupervised getting the hang of (grouping, dimensionality decrease, recommender frameworks, profound learning). (iii) Best rehearses in ML (inclination/change hypothesis; development process in ML and AI).
  • The course will likewise draw from various contextual investigations and applications, with the goal that you'll additionally figure out how to apply learning calculations to building keen robots (observation, control), content comprehension (web search, hostile to spam), PC vision, restorative informatics, sound, database mining, and different zones.

If  you want a Machine learning tutorial for beginners free or Machine Learning tutorials pdf explaining core and advanced concepts, feel free to reach JanBask Training Machine Learning tutorials point !!

Final Thoughts On Machine Learning Tutorials

Now with growing technology, Machine learning has made a great advancement in its research, and it is present everywhere around us, such as self-driving cars, Amazon Alexa, Catboats, recommender systems, and many more. Even modern Machine learning models can be used for making various predictions, including weather prediction, disease prediction, stock market analysis, and more so you can imagine how fruitful this career would be.

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In this Machine learning tutorials, we provided a detailed look into the world of Machine learning. If you want to start Machine learning, we hope you will take important insights from the career path we shared with you and will help you take necessary steps to be a part of such a lucrative and exciting Machine learning career!  Moreover, you can go through JanBask’s best Machine Learning tutorial on youtube, to help you understand core concepts for free !

If you’re interested in launching your career as an Machine learning engineer or want to know more about how you can hone your ML skills then drop us a comment, we love to respond! 

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  • P

    Priyavart Rohilla

    This tutorial is very useful for seekers. if anyone wants to learn Machine Learning Course in Warangal

  • B

    Brian Taylor

    I have gone through that tutorial , and found it very informative, easy to understand. I would like to recommend to my friends seeking to learn the fundamentals of machine learning.

  • L

    Louis Anderson

    What a nice written blog, after going through this blog, feeling very confident about my fundamentals know of machine learning.

  • H

    Holden White

    Very nice video, concepts explained very well and simple language, anyone from non technical background can understand it so easily.

  • K

    Kyle Lee

    Does janbask have videos explaining different concepts of salesforce lightning?

  • R

    Riley Walker

    Earlier I thought machine learning was a very difficult concept, but after going through it I felt it is quite understandable. Thanks team


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