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How to List Technical Skills On Resume (Get Hired Faster)


Do you know 75% of the resumes are rejected before they can even reach the hiring manager?

One of the primary reasons for such a high rejection rate is poor resume skills. Yes, you could lose a chance of getting your dream job, if you do not prepare a well-composed, informative and error-free, and professional-looking resume. It boosts your chances of getting the job by 7% than those who do not!

I know, searching for a job in itself is a daunting task and on top of that adds the stress of creating a good resume, especially if you’re someone from a technical background. You just do not understand which technical skills you should emphasize or if you should include your soft skills at all? There are so many aspects to a good resume: it not only needs to be carefully crafted, should be well-documented, but also it has to speak the hiring manager's language. 

A well-crafted resume not only reports your skills, but also it determines how far you will advance in the hiring process. Additionally, if you reach the hiring panel, then your resume skills section can also influence the salary figure you wish for.

So how do you do that?

Relax, whether you are searching for your first job, looking for a career change, or are somewhere in between, I have got you covered. In this blog, I will share the best tech skills to put on a resume and also help you find answers to:

  • What are technical skills on a resume?
  • Why should you list technical skills on your resume?
  • How to improve your resume with technical skills?
  • Technical skills list that is trending in 2021 
  • Best ways to weave your tech skills into the rest of the resume
  • Name some technical skills and soft skills to get a job

What are Technical Skills?

Technical skills refer to the knowledge, expertise, or abilities that one needs to perform specific tasks or roles or when you are using your skills to work with a certain technology, language, technique, or equipment. It is not just limited to the IT industry and is beyond algorithms or computer programming.

What separates technical skills from soft skills is that soft skills are mostly your personal characteristics that you work upon and reflect your ability to work hard with good communication skills and problem-solving problems ability. While technical skills often require certain IT Certifications, Training, experience or education and allow you to show your expertise over certain technology, language, or subject matter.

Here’s Why You Should Include Technical Skills On Resume?

So you know what are technical skills, now you must be wondering why do they matter? Here we are sharing the reasons as to why you should list technical skills on your resume:

=> Boost Your Confidence During Interviews

If you possess a certification or training over Python, you will obviously be more confident to show your skills on it. With sufficient knowledge and expertise, you will be able to handle complex situations more easily and naturally.  

=> Tech Skills Help You Work More Efficiently

When you possess certain technical skills you tend to perform better than your peers who do not possess those skills. They give you the ability to fit into a company work culture and propel you to handle tasks and reflect your expertise, knowledge more clearly and efficiently. 

=> Makes you a more valuable candidate for the companies 

Which company does not want a professional that possesses tech skills, as it helps them to overcome their competitors? Having a professional with tech skills helps the company present itself as knowledge to handle client’s requirements, effectively and efficiently. 

=> In-demand Skills

If you possess some of the popular tech skills like programming languages such as Python or have certification in Data Analysis or Azure, chances are you have given your career a jumpstart already! After all, we live in a digital world and we all need professionals who speak data.

Top 15+ Technical Skills On Resume That Gets You Noticed!

Job hunting is not only a tough task but the competition among job seekers is steep so it is quite important that you are equipped with skills that make you stand out. Then if you are in the tech field you have an added challenge of keeping yourself up to date with the IT industry’s ever-evolving skills demand. So, not only you need to keep your skills sharp but also up to date if you are aiming for that dream job of yours. But there are certain skills that always stay relevant and in-demand no matter how much the IT or tech industry advances or goes through change. 

A study by PayScale’s data team reported that knowing high-demand technologies and key fundamentals concepts boosts your compensation by 14% to 26%! So, if you are wondering what new technical skills or certifications you need in order to advance your career, here are over 15+ of the hottest technical skills you may want your resume with technical skills to look like:

  1. Project Management
  2. Programming (SQL, Python, C#, etc)
  3. Software Development
  4. Big Data Analysis (Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning)
  5. Business Analysis
  6. Business Intelligence
  7. Data Management
  8. Cybersecurity
  9. Cloud Computing (Microsoft Azure, AWS)
  10. Digital Marketing
  11. Social Media Expertise (SEO or SMO)
  12. Experience With Emerging Technologies (Drupal, Java,)
  13. Technical Writing
  14. Software Development (Coding, Debugging, Design or Testing)
  15. User Experience Design (UX/UI, HTML/CSS, JavaScript)
  16. Productivity Software Applications (Google Suite, JIRA, Salesforce)
  17. Product Management (SCRUM, Agile)

You need both technical skills and soft skills to land the job of your dream, so after the technical skills list, here is the list of soft skills that makes you stand out:

  • Communication
  • Organization
  • Analytical Abilities
  • Creativity
  • Perseverance
  • Problem Solving
  • Resourcefulness
  • Patience
  • Curiosity
  • Interpersonal skills

Is technical interview preparation a daunting experience for you and you don’t know how to ace your next interview? Well, read this blog to know some amazing tips to display your experience and knowledge to the hiring manager and grab that dream job!

How to List Technical Skills on Resume: 7 Effective Steps to Follow

You have the tech skills that make you job-ready and you are ready to land your dream job but do you know you could still lose the chance to display your skills? How? If you do not know how to present your skills on your resume or if you do not have a resume with technical skills, then for sure you can! Whatever technical skills you have, it is very important that you always position them in a way so that a hiring manager can quickly scan and evaluate them. Here we are listing 7 steps to help you display your technical skills on your resume like a pro:

1. Golden Rule: Never Lie on Your Resume

It is true that most recruiters run after candidates that have a resume with technical skills or expertise but that does not mean you will lie about having a technical skill just to get that job. Such tactics always backfire, when you have to showcase your knowledge of the particular skill or tech. Even, try avoiding exaggeration of your said knowledge, remember the people who are interviewing you are most probably industry experts so they will catch your bluff if you do not stay moderate with your skill ratings. 

2. Make a Resume With the Technical Skills Section

Both soft skills and technical skills are important elements of your resume, however, if you want to emphasize your technical skills, then you need to place them somewhere they can be quickly seen. So, put them at the top of your resume, just below where you have given your introduction and above your professional experience and present them in a bulleted list for easy reading.

3. Most Important Technical Skills Come First

The chronology of your technical skills also plays an important role in whether the recruiter will select you or not. So, ensure that the required or needed technical skills are not only number one on your list but also you can put them under a specific category to highlight your achievements or expertise.

4. Use a Strong Resume Summary

A resume summary basically highlights your most impressive skills and qualifications. So, using them ensures that the first thing a hiring manager will see on your resume is the list of your technical skills and how you excel at them. This also makes it easy for you not only to display your most relevant technical skills but also in branding yourself to your potential employer.

5. Keep Your Resume Updated With Technical Skills

With technology evolving rapidly, you have to stay up-to-date with the trending technical skills. You should also avoid putting obsolete skills on your resume. Meaning, it is great that you know SQL Server but which version? The latest one is SQL Server 2019 but if you are still going with SQL 2016, there is really no point in displaying that when the hiring manager wants a SQL Server 2019!

6. Compare Your Skills to What Employers Want

There are certain technical skills that a hiring manager requires or are desirable that he is actively looking for. So it makes sense that whenever you come across a job posting, you should go through it cares about what the employer actually wants. Assess your ability in each skill as honestly and accurately as you can and then only put them in your resume by writing a sentence about how you could use the technical skills in the job you opted for.

7. Customize Your Resume

Not only staying up-to-date with the list of your technical skills is important but also it is essential for you to not repeat the same resume for different jobs. Since all jobs require a different technical skills list, make sure that you are only listing and keeping those technical skills list on your resume at the top that the recruiter or your potential employer has explicitly asked for. No need to tell them you have an excellent working knowledge of the Azure platform when they are emphasizing that they need a Salesforce Consultant.

So go ahead, use these tips and get your dream job with your amazing resume skills!

6 Technical Skills that Hiring Managers are Looking for in 2021!

You cannot just put any random technical skills on resume if you want to be noticed by the hiring managers. The competition is tough in the job market, so putting relevant and trending technical skills will not only make you stand out from the rest but also it will present you as a valuable asset to your potential employers. So, here are some of the top technical skills that hiring managers are looking for in 2021:

A. Cloud Computing

These are the most sought-out technical skills that employers these days look for and include:

  • Database Skills 
  • Programming Skills
  • Linux
  • AI/Machine Learning
  • Networking Skills
  • Cloud Service Providers
  • Web Services & APIs
  • Information Security

B. Big Data Analysis

Data analysis skills that are most valued by employers include:

  • Algorithms
  • Analytical Skills
  • Big Data
  • Data Analytics
  • Data Mining
  • Database Design
  • Database Management
  • Documentation
  • Modeling
  • Modification
  • Needs Analysis
  • Quantitative Research
  • Quantitative Reports
  • Statistical Analysis

C. Coding and Programming

Several of the key technical skills sought in IT job candidates include:

  • Applications
  • Certifications
  • Coding
  • Configuration
  • Customer Support
  • Debugging
  • Design
  • Development
  • Hardware
  • HTML
  • Implementation
  • ICT (Information and Communications Technology)
  • Infrastructure
  • Languages
  • Maintenance
  • Operating Systems
  • Programming
  • Security
  • Servers
  • Software
  • Technical Support
  • Testing
  • Tools
  • Training
  • Troubleshooting

D. Project Management

Some of the highly desirable project manager skills include:

  • Benchmarking
  • Budget Planning
  • Engineering
  • Fabrication
  • Following Specifications
  • Operations
  • Performance Review
  • Project Planning
  • Quality Assurance
  • Quality Control
  • Scheduling
  • Task Management

E. Social Media Management & Digital Marketing

Experience in these skills makes you stand out as an IT professional with a solid base in content marketing or social media marketing:

  • Content Management Systems (CMS)
  • Blogging
  • Digital Photography
  • Digital Media
  • Networking
  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
  • Social Media Platforms (Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, TikTok, Medium, etc.)
  • Web Analytics
  • Automated Marketing Software

F. Technical Writing

If you have got experience in these skills you are the go-to-person for many organizations who want to convey complex ideas or concepts in a simpler and readable manner: 

  • Client Relations
  • Email
  • Requirements Gathering
  • Research
  • Subject Matter Experts (SMEs)
  • Technical Documentation

Crash Course for Freshers In How to Write a Resume With Little or No Experience!

We understand as a fresher you rarely have the experience to show on your resume unless you have attended a few workshops or worked as an intern. But relax, there are still ways through which you can make your resume worthy of checking once! It all depends on the format of the resume you go for to highlight your resume skills. There are three types of resume that are: 

Functional Resume: This resume format will help you when you have little to no work or internship experience as in this format you primarily focus on what you have learned in school, college or through other experiences, focusing on skills rather than employment dates. 

Combination Resume: As the name suggests, this format has the elements of both the chronological and functional formats. This means you can show off your limited experience and highlight the skills you have got through them in one document.

Chronological Format: This resume format helps a steady work history on your resume, so if you do not have any of it, then you should choose from the above two for your first resume. This is mostly used by students or graduates with enough experience or work history to show. 


Your resume is your first impression that you give to the hiring managers, so ensure you leave a positive one. Both technical skills and soft skills play a crucial role in getting you your dream job, so it is important to display your skills in the most effective and proficient way. However, you should understand that it is not only your skills that matter to your potential employer but it is also your wholesome personality that counts. After all, having just a solid resume is not going to land you your job, if you do not know how to show show your technical skills with confidence and pride!

We hope this blog has helped you in finding effective ways to list your technical skills on your resume and also cleared your doubts on what to do and what not to do when you write your technical skills sections. But if you have any doubts or queries regarding any of the steps discussed in the blog, you can always reach out to us. At JanBask, we will resolve your issues in real-time and make you ready for an amazing career run!

Did we include all technical skills that should be put on a resume? Have you recently landed a job because of a unique set of technical skills? Do you need help in preparing for any of the technical skills? We'd love to get to know your opinion. Give us a shout out in the comments below.


    Shubham Singh

    With his detailed research and unique insights into IT and Technological trends, Shubham has been producing high-quality and engaging content that meets the standards of its end-users.


  • G


    Earlier I have faced so many interview rejections, all just because of my badly drafted resume. Few very good points are highlighted in this post.

    • logo16


      Hi, Thank you for reaching out to us with your query. Drop us your email id here and we will get back to you shortly!

  • E


    Really helpful for freshers struggling for jobs must read!

    • logo16


      Hello, JanBask Training offers online training to nurture your skills and make you ready for an amazing career run. Please write to us in detail at Thanks!

  • S


    I am preparing for interviews, thanks for such a nice blog. Now I will definitely upgrade my resume with all technical skills.

    • logo16


      Hi, Thank you for reaching out to us with your query. Drop us your email id here and we will get back to you shortly!

  • J


    Is there any motivational post for overcoming interview fear?

    • logo16


      Thank you so much for your comment, we appreciate your time. Keep coming back for more such informative insights. Cheers :)

  • J


    Nice blog, being an interviewer I even don't know about all such different resume formats mentioned in this post.

    • logo16


      Glad you found this useful! For more such insights on your favourite topics, do check out JanBask Training Blogs and keep learning with us!

  • R


    Hi! Thanks for the article, As I was thinking of updating my resume as per latest resume formats. It really helped me.

    • logo16


      Hi, Thank you for reaching out to us with your query. Drop us your email id here and we will get back to you shortly!

  • R


    I am a fresher and was very nervous about my resume but then I got your blog link. Can you pls share some.

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      Thank you so much for your comment, we appreciate your time. Keep coming back for more such informative insights. Cheers :)

  • L

    Lee Sharon

    Are there any reference links available so that I can make a better resume?

    • logo16


      Hello, JanBask Training offers online training to nurture your skills and make you ready for an amazing career run. Please write to us in detail at Thanks!

  • L

    Lam Jones

    Good and informative blog, I didn’t know that there are various types of resume design available.

    • logo16


      Glad you found this useful! For more such insights on your favourite topics, do check out JanBask Training Blogs and keep learning with us!

  • V


    Earlier when I used to go for interviews then I read your article and made some changes to my resume. Thanks!!

    • logo16


      Hello, JanBask Training offers online training to nurture your skills and make you ready for an amazing career run. Please write to us in detail at Thanks!

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