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Effective Ways to Advance your Career

Career advancement in this era has become highly competitive. There is no shortcut to growth. The age when growth came with time is history, and so is the 30-year career in the same company. People work their way to the top by selling themselves and being available at each step. The trick is to develop a proactive attitude and make yourself seen in the office. You should be clear about the fact that gone are the days when people used to seek a comfortable, laid back job with some salary to work out their daily expenses and ultimately look towards a cushy retirement. The whole race is to make it big and not settle unless you get what you deserve. So, the first step for your career progress in a company will be to visualize your dream job and work day and night till you get it. 

Once you have figured out how to advance towards your dream career, you will see yourself accelerating your progress and shape your future at your own pace. Remember, just showing up for work and doing your assigned work will never win you the reputation of being the best person in the office. 

Pointers to Help you Progress Through your Career

  • Find a Mentor

It has been a proven fact that most people who were able to move up the corporate ladder or get frequent promotions had well-developed mentoring relationships with their bosses. These people often are seen as acting as your advocates as they spread the good word about your work to different levels and parts of the organization. You have to give your business connections thus more time and consideration and realize which person will be best suited to mentor you through your career path. Mentors are they usually belong to the higher echelons of the organizations have a great amount of experience backing their profile and can thus share mine of highly valuable information. They can not only fine-tune your approach towards your career but also help you win new promotions. At times they can also handle you some unadvertised positions based on your caliber and interest which they see.  However, just keep in mind you have to maintain serious relations with your mentor and not take it lightly. Also, it is not necessary to have only one mentor for your entire career, but instead you can one each for a specific role or niche.

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  • Walk an Extra Mile:

Many people expect that merely doing their assigned work on time is sufficient to bag them progress in their organization. But, most often such people are seen as aimless. You should always have a proactive approach and should look for such issues which have been facing your organization for a long time without any solution in sight. You should offer to help and put in sincere efforts by giving extra hours to resolve the issue. It is not just the end-result but your efforts which will ultimately be remembered by your seniors. Also, you may also ask for more work apart from the one assigned. This will always keep you in good books of your bosses who will ultimately be able to propose your name for promotion o without any hesitation. Thus, one extra mile will help you leap-frog through your career maze. 

  • Begin at a Young Firm:

It is a routine with the start-ups to hire young and ambitious people for their abilities and zeal to grow. They often give you much more work than what you were initially hired for. This initial grinding when it happens at the beginning of your career goes a long way with you to walk through any thick patches in your career. Start-ups prepare you for greater roles. There are certain things which you still need to keep in mind like you should be very clear about the goals for which you had joined the start-up, although you may stay flexible. It is quite possible that you will be assigned tasks which are completely divorced from your basic profile and be pulled in different directions. Keep upskilling along and take up projects or training, which will add more value to your CV and portfolio. Learn as you grow through this experience as it can leave you with very meaningful values for life.  Effective Ways to Advance your Career

  • Networking

Good networking always helps in more than one way. So you should seek to develop good relations with the top bosses of your company. It does not mean that you have to spend your work-time in striking new connections, but it is always through your work that you have to reach the best people. You may simply start by asking some thoughtful questions to merely giving true feedback on a particular project on which you had enjoyed working. It is the level of interest which you show in your work, your enthusiasm for extra responsibilities, your relations with your peers, etc. will all make you memorable. Just ensure that every encounter with your boss should be a positive and a highly memorable one. 

  • Smart Work

Speed is important. No one wants to work with slow workers. You should be able to work quickly and efficiently. This can happen by dividing your job tasks into small assignments. This will help you achieve your daily goals easily. This gives you time to reassess your progress, network, look for new challenges, and also learn new skills. Whenever you sit for work just remember to give your 100 percent to it leaving no room for a mistake. Always try to do something more than what is asked or expected and that so much before the submission time. This is definitely possible if you focus all your energies to the task at hand. 

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  • Self-Promotion:

This is essential. Nobody cares to know who you are and what you are capable of doing. This is not bragging, and there is no shame in telling people about your strong points. Being too modest or humble does not work anymore, and you are rather perceived as timid and a misfit for this fast-paced world where everything works at the speed of thought. One simple way to do this is to have a fix for every cure, to always have some advice for making things or processes better and faster. You should not hesitate to send out emails to your peers about some general recommendations. There is always ample reason if you look for deeply for you to write about. The information which you give should be enlightening and relevant to the company. It could be some breakthrough in some other part of the world in the same official setup which helped that company outperform others, some competitor analysis, etc. Such insightful pages do not take long to become the talk of the town and help you earn the reputation of a highly dedicated and forward-looking person. Such emails or social media posts are the best ways of self-promotion. Alternatively, you can also volunteer to organize an event in your organization. This will showcase your organization skills. 

  • Be Accountable for your Mistakes

Each one of us makes mistakes as it part of the growing process. Also, as Facebook CEO, Mark Zuckerberg has said, “if you do not make mistakes that means you are not trying anything new.” Thus whenever you introduce something new, bring about a change, take on a difficult task, you are bound to make mistakes. If you do not make mistakes, it means that you are doing routine, mediocre work, and not a risk-taker. If you plan to advance in your career, you have to be a risk-taker. Your bosses will not give you a promotion for being routine. But, at the same time, it is even more important to take accountability for your mistakes, especially when things go wrong or do not work out as expected. This shows how rich your character is. When you own up to your wrongs, you sound like a true leader. True leaders never pass their blame to some system failure or a colleague. Always remember, your boss knows where things went wrong as he or she has spent more years in that firm so you cannot fool him. So, be honest and step forward for every mistake you have made knowingly or unknowingly. Also, you should offer to correct the wrong by giving extra effort and time. 

  • Learn New Skills

You cannot expect to grow in future banking on your college certificates or degrees. This is a very rapidly changing world where new technologies are introduced every day. It is highly important to be well-versed with the changing scenarios and keep upgrading your skill-set to match the requirements of the world. Learning can be in the form of a short-training course taken in person or any online certification, but the fight to know more should always be on. Remember to stay relevant, although it is a good idea to be updated about newer trends which even fall outside your area of expertise. 

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  • Be Professional

This is one of the basic requirements but is often ignored. There is a clear line demarcating the professional and personal space which should never be crossed. It is a crime to act personally in professional spaces and even though people may not feel offended being your peers but the same laxity in your attitude will definitely show up in a million other ways and reach your boss. Professionalism is not just a way of life but is essential as it keeps the decorum of the workplaces. What may seem normal to you might not be acceptable to many others. Thus, it is important not to take people for granted and keep your personal views to yourself. You should rather strive to earn a reputation for being dependable and cooperative. Your etiquette and your dress speak a lot about your professionalism, make sure you do it right. Also never whine or complain or pass the blame on others. Rather be strong to face any tough situation like a leader and work out a plausible solution for the same. 

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  • Team-Work is Important: 

It is not a good idea to show that you are a loner and are not able to adjust in teams. You should have great team-spirit and should be able to work and lead in groups. It is important to portray yourself and be the most effective contributor to the team. This will boost your team, and they will want to associate with you in the future. It also happens when you offer self-less help to other team members to reach the common goal, which was assigned to your whole team. When successful, the most important part is to share it with your team and give recognition to each team member for their valuable contribution no matter how small it was. Alternatively, in times of failure or delay, never pass the blame to other members but step forward to take on collective responsibility. This highly enhances your value to the organization and of course, your team. It is essential for trust-building.


The pointers which have been mentioned above are useful in almost all situations. You should remember that your career progression should not be dictated by time or anyone else. You have to keep in control, and this is possible. There is no dream too big if you are determined to work your way to it. It is not just hard work but many other factors around it, which help you become the most likable person in your organization. Make sure you can add more value to the existing state of things and make them look better. Being proactive and zealous are two buzzwords which work in all work-cultures. Additionally, continually upskill yourself and be accountable for your mistakes. For better insights about how to design your career progression, you may visit our website

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