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What Is Java Exponent And How To Do Exponents In Java?


Wondering what is Java exponent and how to do exponents in Java? 

There is nothing like an exponent in Java compared to other programming languages. You can add it using several methods, for instance, the Math.pow(), for-loop, and while loop. 

All of these methods could be used to find the power of a number, but the pow() method is most commonly used to calculate the Java exponent. Because the Math.pow() method can measure the power of any number, i.e., positive or negative. 

Furthermore, the Math.pow() method helps save a lot of time since there’s no need to define any user-defined logic, you need to import one static mathematics class i.e. java. util.Math. The operations supported by this math library include absolute value calculation, trigonometric value calculation, round value, exponent calculation, etc. In most cases, the output of all these mathematical operations is always “double,” but they can be converted to integers or floats when required. 

An online Java training course can also teach these core exponential Java concepts.

So, without further ado, let’s see how to do Java exponents. But before moving on to the topic, let’s first take a look at a brief overview of exponential Java.

Brief Overview of Java Exponents

Java exponents serves an instrumental role in mathematical concepts in programming. A base number and an exponent do the representation of power. The number that is being multiplied by itself is the base number. The number of times the base number is multiplied by itself is known as the exponent. It is a crucial mathematical concept that adds to calculating the powers of numbers in Java. 

Now that we’ve understood the exponents in Java carry out an excellent job in programming, but to complete this job, we’ve got a method that follows a similar algorithm, which we used in earlier days. 

To carry out this method, we must import one important package, Java.lang.Math. This package performs the exponents in Java as well as finds the max. and min. numbers, and the average of the given numbers. You can clearly understand Java Programming through Java tutorials or take up Java learning online classes.

Let’s explore more about Package for Java Exponent.

What is a Package for Exponents in Java?

A package is referred to as a container in Java that has a collection of classes, sub-packages, and interfaces. Packages are more like a namespace that keeps the interrelated classes and interfaces in a group. Are you wondering how to do exponents? Stay tuned!

How to do Exponents in Java?

Now that you have an idea of Java exponents let us know how to do exponents in Java!

  • First of all, you should open the NetBeans or Eclipse IDE or any other Java IDE you prefer.
  • Now you should open the existing Java file or create the new one as needed.
  • In the third step, add the math class by writing the command import java.util.Math at the top of the document.

You must know how to call a method in Java; if not, acquiring the knowledge related to it in one go might result in information overload. Therefore, it's important to learn each topic separately. 

Here we’re going to learn the pow() method in Java. 

pow () method in Java

  • This is the most important step, where you will learn how to calculate the exponent in Java.

Double result = Math.pow(number, exponent);

Now replace the number with a base value and the exponent with the power to be raised. For example –

Double result = Math.pow(4,2) i.e.

This result is 16, or 4^2

There are some special cases to consider when using the Pow () method in Java.

  • If the second number is zero, either positive or negative, then the output would be 1.0.
  • If the second number is one, the value would be the same as the first.
  • If the second parameter is N, the result would also be N.

So, this simple example taught you how to do exponent in Java. To learn more about this method, enroll in Java online classes.

Let us explore a few related concepts to make the concepts easier for you.

exp () method in Java

With this method, you can calculate the base value of natural logarithms i.e. the power of an argument. The basic syntax of this method could be written as – Double exp(doubled)

Here, d could be any primitive data type. Here is one example for your reference on using this method to find the exponent value.

How to Do Exponents In Java

Java code for Negative Exponents

Now that you have learned how to do exponents in Java let us learn how to find the value for negative exponents in Java. You can refer to the code below to better understand the concept.

import*; import java.util.Scanner; import java.lang.*; class NegativeExponents { public static void main(String[] args) { Scanner in = new Scanner(; double n,x=125,y=2; n=1.0/(Math.pow(x,y)); System.out.println("Negative Exponent of x is = "+n); } }

You just need to copy and paste the content on your IDE and can calculate the final output. You just have to change the values, and the code itself does the rest. If you have doubts, you can contact our expert in Java online classes.  

Let’s understand how to do performance analysis using Math operators in Java.

Performance analysis with Math Operators in Java

Performance analysis is usually based on numbers, so a Java developer must know how to perform different mathematical calculations in Java. Working with addition, subtraction, division, multiplication, etc, is easy in all programming languages. Still, you must put more effort and knowledge together to calculate roots, exponential in Java, and percentages. 

Math operators in Java are the symbols that represent which operation to execute in a mathematical expression. In other words, these are different symbols that carry out arithmetic operations on two operands. 

An operand could be a constant, a variable or an expression. When a mathematical expression is calculated, the resultant’s data type depends upon the data type of operands in the expression. 

So, let us see how to calculate the aggregated performance data or how it works with averages with Math operators in Java for enterprises.

  • Working with Averages

If you want to work with averages, you’ll notice that this is the most common performance tool for statistical data representation. It can usually provide the first impression of data and is used when a few values are very low, and a few are very high. So, the average may be good, but it sometimes lacks to identify the actual performance problems. When you have to analyse data over a long period of time for fluctuations, then the average does not generally work well in those cases. At the same time, when values are pretty small, the average is statistically imprecise.

If you’re planning to make a career in Java development, but don’t know how to start a career in Java development, click here.

Here’s a simple program for your reference:

Ex: Write a Java program to calculate and print the average (or mean) of the stream of given numbers.

Java Code:
import java.util.*;

class solution {   

    // Prints average of a stream of numbers 

    static void streamAvg(float arr[]) 


        int n = arr.length; 

float avg = 0; 

        for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)  


            //avg = getAvg(avg, arr[i], i); 

avg = (avg * i + arr[i]) / (i + 1);

            System.out.printf("Average of %d numbers is %f \n", 

                                                   i + 1, avg); 




    // Calculate the new average

    static float getAvg(float prev_avg, float x, int n) 


        return (prev_avg * n + x) / (n + 1); 


      public static void main(String[] args) 


        float arr[] = {10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100}; 




How to Find the Minimum or Maximum Values?

With the minimum or maximum values in Java, you generally find the extremes or how these extremes are spread around. But they are not so meaningful for outliers. The data is rarely used in practice and does not accurately measure how often data was used. In a few cases, the occurrence could be one; for others, it could be hundreds or even thousands. 

So, you should calculate the threshold value here and check that performance of an app should not move beyond the threshold values.

Still, have confusion? You can learn & grow with the popular Java eLearning community of JanBask Training, where you can meet the trailblazers who go above and beyond to help the community.

For example: 

Use Java Math min() to find the smallest number of three.

public class Main


  public static void main( String[] args )

  {/*from w w w . j av a 2s . c o m*/

    java.util.Scanner input = new java.util.Scanner( );

        System.out.print( "Enter to first number: " );

    int number1 = input.nextInt();

        System.out.print( "Enter to seconde number: " );

    int number2 = input.nextInt();

        System.out.print( "Enter to third number: " );

    int number3 = input.nextInt();

        System.out.printf( "The menimum number is: %d%n", minimumTree( number1, number2, number3 ) );


    public static int minimumTree( int number1, int number2, int number3 )


    return Math.min( number1, Math.min( number2, number3 ) );



Work with Averages

If you want to work with averages then you will notice that this is the most common performance tool for the statistical representation of the data. It can provide the first impression of data usually and it is used when a few values are very low and a few of them are very high. So, the average may be good but it sometimes lacks in identifying the actual performance problems. When you have to analyze data over a long period of time for fluctuations then the average does not work generally well in those cases. At the same time, when values are pretty small, the average is statistically imprecise.

How to Find the Minimum or Maximum Values?

With the minimum or maximum values in Java, you generally find out the extremes or how these extremes are spread around. But they are not so meaningful for outliers. The data is rarely used in practice and it does not give an accurate measure of how many times was data used actually. In a few cases, the occurrence could be one and for others, it could be hundreds or even thousands. So, you should calculate the threshold value here and check that performance of an app should not move beyond the threshold values.

Working with Exponents in Java

The median value is another popular way of presenting data and defining performance. The best part of why it is preferred is because it is higher closer to the real-world data representation, not calculated artificially like averages. Further, the impact of outliers is almost negligible on the median compared to the averages. 

A middle value for sorted data is referred to as a Median, and the data can be sorted in ascending or descending order. A median also divides the data into two halves. Learn more about medians by taking up a professional Java online course.

Working with median instead of average

The median value is another popular way of presenting data and defining performance. The best part of why it is preferred is because it is higher closer to the real-world data representation not calculated artificially like averages. Further, the impact of outliers is almost negligible on the median when compared to the averages.

Read: What is the difference between JavaScript and JQuery?

Working with Standard Deviation

Today, the average has limited significance only, but the median, Standard deviation, and Java exponents are considered more significant than other mathematical operations. The SD will give you an idea of the spread of actual values. The greater would be the standard deviation value, the larger would be the difference among measurement data. In most cases, the values are distributed normally; if your data does not follow this format, the application of standard deviation could be useless. It means we have to understand the underlying concepts first before we actually apply the concept.

In order to calculate the SD (Standard Deviation), the calculateSD () function is used. If an array of 10 nos. is sent to the function, it’ll calculate the SD and return it to the main() function. Java print arraylist also handles the intersection order internally.

Working with Percentiles

Percentiles is one of the most absolute techniques to calculate data representation. It will give you the maximum value for a percentage of the overall measurements. Higher percentile values mean chances of success are greater than 95 percent. The outliers do not impact them and give an accurate presentation of the raw data. Further, they are also easy to calculate and measure when compared to averages or medians. The problem lies in calculating the real values because you need more data for the same. Try using it whenever it is possible to apply percentiles because it is faster and results in accurate analysis.

Here, you can see that there is a need to use different values together. Still, a depth idea of concept or mathematical operators in Java can always give you the best result and help in designing an amazing app applicable for real-time computations.

Did you know that approximately more than 3 billion devices use Java for software development? And there are a lot of job opportunities available for Java Developers. Therefore, if you are also preparing for a Java developer interview, here are the top Java interview questions and answers for beginners and professionals that will help you gain a deeper understanding of Java and be well-prepared for your job interview. 

Let’s now look at the following example to understand how to work with Percentiles.  

For example, 

Input: arr[] = { 12, 60, 80, 71, 30 }

Output: { 0, 50, 100, 75, 25 }


Percentile of Student 1 = 0/4*100 = 0 (out of other 4 students no one has marks less than this student) 

Percentile of Student 2 = 2/4*100 = 50 (out of other 4 students, 2 have marks less than this student) 

Percentile of Student 3 = 4/4*100 = 100 (out of other 4 students, all 4 have marks less than this student) 

Percentile of Student 4 = 3/4*100 = 75 (out of other 4 students, 3 have marks less than this student) 

Percentile of Student 5 = 1/4*100 = 25 (out of other 4 students only 1 has marks less than this student) 


  • So primarily, the percentile is a no. where a specific percentage of scores falls below that number.
  • For instance: Suppose, in an examination, a student’s percentile is 75 then it means that the student has scored more than 75% of students who took the test.
  • Now, to calculate percentile we’ve the following formula:

Below is the implementation of the above approach:

// Java program to calculate Percentile of Students

class GFG


     // Function to calculate the percentile

    static void percentile(int arr[], int n)


        int i, count, percent;

         // Start of the loop that calculates percentile

        for (i = 0; i < n; i++)


             count = 0;

            for (int j = 0; j < n; j++)


                 // Comparing the marks of student i

                // with all other students

                if (arr[i] > arr[j])





            percent = (count * 100) / (n - 1);

             System.out.print("\nPercentile of Student "

            + (i + 1) + " = " + percent);



     // Driver Code

    public static void main(String[] args)


        int[] StudentMarks = { 12, 60, 80, 71, 30 };

        int n = StudentMarks.length;

        percentile(StudentMarks, n);




Percentile of Student 1 = 0

Percentile of Student 2 = 50

Percentile of Student 3 = 100

Percentile of Student 4 = 75

Percentile of Student 5 = 25

Exponents and logarithm functions in Java

There are plenty of functions that are dedicated to exponential and logarithmic calculations. Here, we will be discussing the most common functions that developers frequently use. A list of functions includes –

  • exp ()
  • log ()
  • log10 ()
  • pow ()
  • sqrt ()

Let us discuss each of the functions in detail below –

1). Math.exp ()

This function will return the exponential (e) value raised to the power of a given parameter. Here is one example of the function for your reference.

double exp1 = Math.exp(1); System.out.println("exp1 = " + exp1); double exp2 = Math.exp(2); System.out.println("exp2 = " + exp2); The output for the given program would be – exp1 = 2.718281828459045 exp2 = 7.38905609893065

2). Math.log ()

With the help of this function, you can calculate the logarithm value of a given parameter. Simply put, this function will perform the reverse function of math.exp () function. Here is one example of the function for your reference.

double log1 = Math.log(1); System.out.println("log1 = " + log1); double log10 = Math.log(10); System.out.println("log10 = " + log10); The output for the given program would be – log1 = 0.0 log10 = 2.302585092994046

The next function is math.log10 () works almost similarly to the log function, with the difference that it uses 10 as the base instead of the Euler number.

3). Math.pow ()

This function will be taking two arguments instead of one. The function will return the first parameter raised to the power of the second parameter. Here is one example for your reference so you may get a better idea of using this function.

double pow2 = Math.pow(2,2); System.out.println("pow2 = " + pow2); double pow8 = Math.pow(2,8); System.out.println("pow8 = " + pow8);

The output for the given program would be –

pow2 = 4.0 pow8 = 256.0

4). Math.sqrt ()

This function will help you in calculating the square root value of the given parameters. Here is one quick example to help you –

double sqrt4 = Math.sqrt(4); System.out.println("sqrt4 = " + sqrt4); double sqrt9 = Math.sqrt(9); System.out.println("sqrt9 = " + sqrt9);

The output for the given program would be –

sqrt4 = 2.0 sqrt9 = 3.0

Final Words:

Exponential in Java is a crucial concept of Java that enables coding mathematical functions. A strong Concept for exponents is imperative for a Java programmer. The intricate mathematical concepts can be coded easily with the help of exponents. 

Here is hoping you could have a brief insight on how to use the exponents in Java. The discussion doesn’t end here, but you have much to learn. For practical experience, you are recommended to join the Java certification training program and enhance your programming skills right away. 

The right certification provides extensive industry knowledge and prepares you well for the interviews. If you want a bright career trajectory in the field, hurry up and be a trainee in the upcoming session at online Java training provided by Janbask Training to pave your way to reach heights and beyond!


Q1. What does Java use for exponents?

Ans:- Java use Math exp() method that returns the Euler's number e raised to the power of the given value. In other words, Math. exp(4.0) = e4.0 . where, exp() is a static method.

Q2. How do you find the exponent value in Java?

Ans:- In order to calculate the exponential value of a number in Java, use the java. lang. Math. exp() method. Java online course with certificate will help you learn in detail about exponents in Java. 

Q3. How do you check if a number is exponential in Java?

Ans:- The correct way to measure whether it’s formatted using an exponent, its required to take the string representation and make use of str.contains(“E”) II str.contains(“e”). You can also make use of a format string or a DecimalFormat object to get a little control over how a double can be changed into a String. 

Q4. Does Java have an exponent operator?

Ans:-  Similar to other programming languages, Java doesn’t have an exponent operator. But in “C” programming language, we do have an exponent operator.

Q5. What is Math POW () in Java and how to use it?

Ans:-  Math pow() function in Java is used to calculate the power of any base number in Java. you can use it in the following way:

  • import java. lang. Math;
  • class CalculatePower {
  • public static void main( String args[] ) {
  • //Calculating 5^4 and casting the returned double result to int.
  • int ans1 = (int) Math. pow(5,4);
  • System. out. println("5^4 is "+ans1);
  • //Calculating 1.5^3 and storing the returned double result to ans2.

Q6. What is POW () used for?

Ans:-  The pow() function in Java returns the value of x to the power of y (xy) and if a 3rd parameter is present, it returns x to the power of y, modulus z.

Q7. What is the difference between math pow and pow?

Ans:-  pow() functions in Java are same as the inbuilt pow() in spite of the fact that it doesn't accept the 3rd argument, i.e., modulus. And the parameters of the pow() functions could not be a complex number.

Q8. What is exponential average function?

Ans:-  The EMA or Exponential Moving Average or EWMA, i.e., Exponentially Weighed Moving Average function calculates the average of a group of given values over a mentioned no. of periods. In this function more weightage is given to the most recent value. 

Q9. What is exponential moving average data?

Ans:- EMA, i.e., Exponential Moving Average is same as SMA, i.e., Simple Moving Average, determining trend direction during a particular period of time. But having said that, SMA just calculates an average of price data, and EMA gives more weightage to the most recent data. 

Q10. How percentile is calculated in Java?

Ans:- Assume n is the length of the (sorted) array and 0 < p <= 100 be the desired percentile. If n = 1 return the distinct array element (irrespective of the value of p ); else. Calculate the evaluated percentile position pos = p * (n + 1) / 100 and the difference, d among pos and floor(pos), i.e.,  the fractional part of pos. 

If pos < 1 returns the smallest value in the array.

Else if pos >= n returns the largest value in the array.

Else allows lower as the element in position floor(pos) in the array and lets upper as the next element in the array. Return lower + d * (upper - lower)

Learn more about how to calculate percentile in Java by enrolling in java online course with certificate.


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