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SQL database performance tuning is a tough task, especially when you are working with voluminous data where even the smallest changes can affect the overall performance of the server dramatically.
In most organizations, SQL database performance tuning is managed by the database administrator (DBA) but developers too need to take care of certain things to accelerate overall performance of any database system. In this article, we will discuss on most popular SQL server performance tuning tips that are helpful for DBAs and developers and as well in preparing for the SQL server performance tuning interview questions.
Looking for performance tuning in SQL server interview questions? The following are a few SQL performance tips that will help you prepare for the SQL server performance tuning interview questions and answers.
If you are completely new to the database world, then you might be surprised what is “SQL performance tuning” actually? Indexing is an easier way to tune SQL queries or server that is usually neglected by developers at the time of development. The index helps you in quick data access and you would be able to sort rows much faster than earlier.
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Indexes are also defined asone primary-key that is unique to the database system and it will not be repeated anywhere else in the program. However, indexes are recommended for single large insertion only not for the batch insertion. For the batch insertions, there are chances that theoverall performance of the server will breakdown at the time of query execution.
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Take an example where 1000 queries hammer your database in sequence like this – However, you can surely avoid the situation by using “Insert” and “Update” in your query to manage SQL performance tuning. Here is a quick example to help you how “Insert” and “Update” can be used for multiple rows together –
This will dramatically increase the SQL query performance tuning by updating, selecting rows only, not each and every row that comes into the scenario.
Read More: SQL Server Interview Questions and Answers
In case of correlated sub-queries, the value is generally taken from the parent query. In the execution phase, when the current query will recall the outer query, it will surely take more time than usual. Developers usually prefer this route because working with correlated sub-queries are easier for them, but it decreases SQL query performance tuning dramatically, so needs to be avoided to maximize the final outputs. Here is a quick example of correlated sub-queries – In the next screenshot, we have given one of the most efficient techniques to optimize SQL server query performance tuning –
In the above query, we can select the desired value more efficiently, we actually require.
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If you want to check if a record exists or not, then it is better to use exist () instead of count () function. The Exist () function will exit the query as soon as the desired value is found, but Count () function will go through the whole database even after it is completed with the required search. From above discussion, it is clear that Exist () function will surely improve the SQL database performance tuning while the count () may affect the performance badly. This screenshot tells you the clear difference how both functions should be used according to your preferences.
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So, these are basic clashes between DBAs and Developers. According to the database administrator, he doesn’t agree with the issues related to SQL server while the Developer doesn’t agree with the issues related to the system app.
To avoid this situation, both DBAs and developers need to work together for effective outputs at the end. Here are some quick SQL server performance tuning tips for DBAs and developers that work amazingly in the long-run and are important for acing the SQL optimization interview questions.
So these were the few SQL server tuning tips to prepare SQL server performance tuning questions for any interview round.
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So, these were the few tips to crack the query optimization in SQL server interview questions. We hope with this you have an idea of SQL performance tuning interview questions.
SQL Server Training & Certification
The above discussion not only helps you in SQL server database performance tuning but avoids clashes between DBAs and Developers too. Now you can manage things easily and faster than earlier, all the tips discussed above will reduce overall execution time for the database programs and make a solid foundation for SQL performance tuning interview questions preparation too.. Even if you are a beginner to the database world or you are an advanced database user, these tips just work great for everyone working on different SQL versions and are ardent in knowing the performance tuning in sql server interview questions. Follow these tips to prepare for the SQL server performance tuning interview questions with ease.
Now you know what you need to prepare for the SQL performance tuning interview questions!
Read: How to Become a SQL Database Administrator?
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