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Leadership vs Management: Understanding The Differences


Leadership and management are two crucial pillars that shape the success and growth of any organization. While often used interchangeably, leadership and management encompass distinct but complementary skills and responsibilities.

Leadership is about inspiring and guiding individuals towards a common vision, while management involves organizing resources, setting goals, and ensuring operational efficiency. Effective leadership and management are essential for fostering a productive work environment, motivating teams, making strategic decisions, and driving organizational progress.

In this blog, leadership vs management, we will delve into the fundamental principles of leadership and management, explore their key differences, and highlight their symbiotic relationship in achieving excellence in both individuals and organizations.

Whether you aspire to be a great leader, a skilled manager, or both, this blog will provide insights and practical strategies through data management courses to help you unlock the full potential of your business and lead your team towards success.

What is Leadership?

Leadership refers to the ability to inspire, influence, and guide others towards a common goal or vision. It involves the skills and qualities that enable an individual to effectively lead and manage a team, organization, or community. Leadership is not limited to a specific position or title; it can be exhibited by anyone who takes responsibility and initiative to motivate others and bring about positive change.

Effective leadership involves a combination of various traits, behaviors, and skills. These may include:

  • Vision: A leader should have a clear and compelling vision of the future and the ability to communicate that vision to others.
  • Communication: Effective communication is essential in leadership. Leaders must be able to articulate their ideas, listen to others, and provide constructive feedback.
  • Integrity: Leaders should act with honesty, ethics, and integrity. Trust is crucial in leadership, and leaders must lead by example and keep their commitments.
  • Decision-making: Leaders must make informed decisions, considering available information and the potential impact on their team or organization. They should be able to assess risks and make choices that align with the overall vision.
  • Empathy: Leaders should be able to understand and relate to the needs, concerns, and perspectives of those they lead. Empathy allows leaders to build rapport, motivate, and support their team members.
  • Adaptability: Leadership requires the ability to adapt to changing circumstances, embrace innovation, and make adjustments as necessary. Flexibility is crucial to navigate challenges and seize opportunities.
  • Inspiration: Leaders inspire others through their actions, enthusiasm, and passion. They motivate and empower their team members to achieve their full potential and strive for excellence.
  • Collaboration: Effective leaders foster a collaborative environment, encouraging teamwork and cooperation. They value diverse perspectives, encourage open communication, and promote a culture of inclusivity.

Leadership is not about controlling or micromanaging others, but rather about enabling and supporting their growth and success. It is a continuous learning process that involves self-awareness, personal development, and the ability to adapt to various situations and contexts. 

A data management course can enhance your leadership skills by providing you with the knowledge and techniques to make data-informed decisions, effectively analyze and interpret information, and strategically leverage data for organizational growth and success.

What is Management ?

What is Management ?

Management refers to the process of planning, organizing, coordinating, and controlling resources and activities within an organization to achieve its objectives efficiently and effectively. It involves the administration and oversight of people, processes, and resources to ensure the smooth operation of a business or any other type of organization.

Key aspects of management include:

  •  Planning: Managers set goals, define strategies, and develop plans to guide the organization towards the desired outcomes. This involves analyzing the current situation, identifying opportunities and challenges, and determining the best course of action.
  • Organizing: Managers structure the organization by allocating resources, defining roles and responsibilities, and establishing lines of authority and communication. They create an organizational structure that facilitates coordination and collaboration among team members.
  • Staffing: Managers are responsible for selecting, recruiting, and hiring employees who have the necessary skills and qualifications for the roles within the organization. They also oversee employee training and development to enhance their skills and knowledge.
  • Directing: Managers provide guidance and leadership to employees, ensuring that they understand their roles and responsibilities and work towards achieving organizational goals. They motivate and inspire employees, provide feedback, and resolve conflicts.
  • Controlling: Managers monitor and evaluate the performance of individuals, teams, and the organization as a whole. They establish performance metrics, implement control mechanisms, and take corrective actions to ensure that activities align with plans and standards.
  • Decision-making: Managers make decisions based on available information and analysis. They weigh alternatives, assess risks, and select the most appropriate course of action. Effective decision-making requires critical thinking, problem-solving skills, and consideration of the potential impact on the organization.
  • Communication: Managers facilitate effective communication within the organization. They convey information, instructions, and expectations to employees, and they also listen to feedback and address concerns. Clear and open communication promotes understanding, collaboration, and a positive work environment. 

Understanding  Process Management  can empower you to become an effective manager by equipping you with the skills to streamline workflows, optimize operations, and improve efficiency, enabling you to effectively plan, execute, and monitor processes for enhanced organizational performance.

Management is essential for achieving organizational goals, coordinating resources, and ensuring efficiency and productivity. It involves overseeing day-to-day operations, implementing strategies, and making informed decisions to drive success. While management and leadership are closely related, management primarily focuses on the operational aspects of running an organization, whereas leadership emphasizes inspiring and influencing others towards a shared vision.

Management vs Leadership: Basic Differences

Management vs Leadership: Basic Differences

Differences in Goals -

  • Management: The primary goal of management is to ensure the efficient and effective execution of tasks and operations to achieve predefined objectives. Managers focus on planning, organizing, and controlling resources to meet specific targets and deliverables.
  • Leadership: The primary goal of leadership is to inspire and guide individuals or a group towards a shared vision or goal. Leaders focus on setting a direction, motivating others, and promoting innovation and growth.

Methods of Aligning and Coordination:

  • Management: Managers typically use formal authority and hierarchical structures to align and coordinate individuals and teams. They assign tasks, set deadlines, establish procedures, and monitor progress through established reporting lines. 
  • Leadership: Leaders rely on influence and inspiration to align and coordinate people. They create a compelling vision, communicate it effectively, build relationships, and empower others to take ownership and contribute their best.

Role vs Quality:

  • Management: Management is primarily a role or position within an organization. Individuals are assigned managerial roles based on their expertise and experience. Management focuses on implementing established processes and systems. 
  • Leadership: Leadership is a quality or set of behaviors that can be exhibited by anyone, regardless of their position. Leadership is not limited to a specific role and can emerge from any level of an organization. It emphasizes personal qualities, such as integrity, empathy, and the ability to motivate and inspire others.

Queries and Differences:

  • Management: Managers tend to focus on answering "how" questions related to executing tasks, ensuring efficiency, and meeting targets. They address questions like "How can we meet our production goals within the given resources?" or "How can we improve our operational processes?" 
  • Leadership: Leaders focus on addressing "why" questions and broader issues. They explore the purpose, direction, and long-term impact of actions. They may address questions like "Why are we pursuing this particular strategy?" or "Why is this goal important for our organization?"

While there are differences between management and leadership, effective organizations often require a combination of both. The roles of managers and leaders can overlap, and successful individuals often display both management and leadership qualities in their approach to achieving organizational objectives.

Leader vs Manager: Understanding the Role Differences

Leaders and managers play distinct roles within an organization, although there can be overlap in certain situations. Here's a breakdown of their respective roles:

What Role do Leaders Play?

  • Setting Vision and Direction: Leaders establish a compelling vision for the future and define the direction in which the organization should move. They articulate a clear purpose and create a shared sense of mission among team members.
  • Inspiring and Motivating: Leaders inspire and motivate individuals to go beyond their limits, tap into their potential, and work towards the shared vision. They use their influence and charisma to rally people around common goals.
  • Promoting Innovation and Change: Leaders encourage innovation, creativity, and a willingness to adapt to new ideas and approaches. They foster a culture of continuous improvement and drive positive change within the organization.
  • Building Relationships: Leaders build strong relationships based on trust, respect, and effective communication. They connect with individuals at all levels, understand their needs, and create an environment of collaboration and teamwork.
  • Developing Others: Leaders invest in the development and growth of individuals within the organization. They identify talent, provide guidance and mentorship, and create opportunities for learning and advancement.

What Role do Managers Play?

  • Planning and Organizing: Managers are responsible for setting specific goals and objectives, developing detailed plans, and organizing resources to achieve those goals. They break down the larger vision into actionable tasks and allocate resources efficiently.
  • Implementing and Controlling: Managers oversee the day-to-day operations and ensure that activities are carried out according to plans and established procedures. They monitor progress, track performance, and take corrective actions as necessary to stay on track. 
  • Assigning Tasks and Allocating Resources: Managers assign tasks to individuals or teams, clarify roles and responsibilities, and allocate resources such as time, budget, and equipment. They ensure that the right people with the right skills are in the appropriate positions.
  • Problem Solving and Decision Making: Managers are responsible for addressing challenges and making decisions within their scope of authority. They analyze problems, evaluate alternatives, and make informed choices to overcome obstacles and achieve objectives.
  • Managing Performance: Managers evaluate the performance of individuals and teams, provide feedback, and initiate measures to enhance productivity and efficiency. They identify training and development needs and create opportunities for growth. 

While leaders focus on inspiring and guiding people towards a shared vision, managers concentrate on executing tasks, organizing resources, and ensuring operational efficiency. Both roles are important for the success of an organization, and effective leaders can also exhibit strong managerial skills when necessary.

What are the Common Traits Shared by Leaders?

Leaders often possess a range of common traits that contribute to their effectiveness in inspiring and guiding others. Here are some common traits shared by leaders:

  • Visionary: Leaders have a clear vision of the future and can articulate it in a compelling manner. They can see possibilities and opportunities that others may overlook, and they inspire others to work towards that vision.
  • Self-Confidence: Leaders display confidence in themselves and their abilities. They believe in their vision and are not easily deterred by challenges or setbacks. Their confidence inspires confidence in others and encourages them to take risks.
  • Integrity: Leaders operate with honesty, ethics, and integrity. They are trustworthy and consistent in their actions, and they lead by example. Their integrity builds trust and fosters loyalty among their followers.
  • Emotional Intelligence: Leaders possess emotional intelligence, which includes self-awareness, empathy, and the ability to understand and manage emotions in themselves and others. They are attuned to the emotions and needs of their team members, which helps them build strong relationships and navigate conflicts effectively.
  • Resilience: Leaders demonstrate resilience in the face of adversity. They bounce back from failures, setbacks, and challenges and maintain a positive attitude. Their resilience inspires others to persevere and stay focused on the vision.
  • Effective Communication: Leaders are skilled communicators. They can convey their ideas and vision clearly and convincingly. They listen actively, seek feedback, and foster open and transparent communication within the team.
  • Decisiveness: Leaders are capable of making decisions in a timely manner. They gather relevant information, analyze options, and take decisive action. Their ability to make tough decisions, even in uncertain situations, instills confidence in their team.
  • Empowerment: Leaders empower their team members by delegating responsibility, providing autonomy, and encouraging independent thinking. They trust and believe in the capabilities of their team and provide the necessary support for their growth and development.
  • Adaptability: Leaders are adaptable and flexible in their approach. They can navigate through change, adjust their strategies, and embrace new ideas and technologies. They are open to feedback and continuously seek opportunities for improvement.
  • Passion and Enthusiasm: Leaders are passionate and enthusiastic about their vision and goals. Their energy is contagious and inspires others to share their passion and give their best effort.

It's important to note that while these traits are common among effective leaders, leadership is not solely determined by traits but also by learned skills and behaviors. Leadership can be developed and enhanced through experience, training, and personal growth.

What are the Common Traits Shared by Managers?

Managers often possess a set of common traits that contribute to their effectiveness in overseeing operations and coordinating resources. Here are some common traits shared by managers: 

  • Organization and Planning: Managers are skilled in organizing and planning. They can establish priorities, set goals, and develop strategies to achieve them. They are detail-oriented and can create structured plans to guide the work of their teams.
  • Time Management: Managers are adept at managing their time and resources efficiently. They can prioritize tasks, delegate responsibilities, and allocate time effectively to ensure deadlines are met and objectives are achieved.
  • Decision Making: Managers possess strong decision-making skills. They can gather and analyze relevant information, evaluate alternatives, and make informed decisions. They consider the impact of their decisions on the organization and its stakeholders. 
  • Communication: Managers are effective communicators. They can convey information clearly and concisely, both in written and verbal forms. They listen actively to others and foster open communication within their teams. 
  • Accountability: Managers take responsibility for their actions and the outcomes of their teams. They hold themselves and their team members accountable for meeting targets and delivering results. They ensure that individuals understand their roles and responsibilities.
  • Adaptability: Managers are adaptable and flexible in their approach. They can adjust their plans and strategies in response to changes in the business environment. They are open to new ideas and technologies and can guide their teams through transitions.
  • Problem Solving: Managers possess strong problem-solving skills. They can identify and define problems, analyze root causes, and develop effective solutions. They encourage their teams to think critically and creatively to solve challenges.
  • Team Building: Managers excel in building and managing teams. They can recruit and select the right individuals, foster collaboration and cohesion, and create a positive work culture. They support the development and growth of their team members.
  • Conflict Resolution: Managers are skilled in managing conflicts and resolving disputes. They can address conflicts constructively, listen to different perspectives, and find win-win solutions. They promote a harmonious and productive work environment.
  • Continuous Learning: Managers are committed to continuous learning and improvement. They stay updated on industry trends and best practices, seek professional development opportunities, and encourage their teams to enhance their skills and knowledge.

While these traits are common among effective managers, it's important to note that the specific traits and their emphasis may vary depending on the organizational context, industry, and individual management styles. Managers can further develop these traits through experience, training, and ongoing professional growth.

What are the Top Effective Ways to Develop Leadership Skills?

Developing leadership skills is a continuous process that involves self-reflection, learning, and practice. Here are some effective ways to develop leadership skills:

  • Seek Feedback: Actively seek feedback from peers, mentors, and team members. Ask for specific areas where you can improve your leadership skills and listen openly to their perspectives. Incorporate the feedback into your self-development plan.
  • Continuous Learning: Engage in continuous learning by reading books, articles, and research papers on leadership. Attend workshops, seminars, and conferences related to leadership development. Stay updated on the latest trends and best practices in leadership.
  • Role Models and Mentors: Seek out role models and mentors who have strong leadership skills. Observe and learn from their behaviors and approaches. Build relationships with experienced leaders who can provide guidance, support, and valuable insights.
  • Leadership Training Programs: Participate in leadership training programs or workshops. These programs often offer structured learning experiences, interactive exercises, and opportunities to practice leadership skills in a safe environment.
  • Take on Leadership Roles: Look for opportunities to take on leadership roles, whether it's within your organization, community, or volunteer work. Lead projects, initiatives, or teams where you can apply and develop your leadership skills.
  • Practice Self-Reflection: Regularly reflect on your leadership strengths, weaknesses, and areas for improvement. Analyze your experiences and evaluate your actions as a leader. Assess how you can enhance your communication, decision-making, and relationship-building skills.
  • Build Emotional Intelligence: Develop emotional intelligence by enhancing your self-awareness, empathy, and relationship management skills. Practice active listening, seek to understand others' perspectives, and work on regulating your own emotions.
  • Expand Your Network: Build a diverse network of professionals from various industries and backgrounds. Engage in networking events, join professional associations, and connect with leaders in your field. Engaging with a diverse group of individuals can broaden your perspective and provide valuable insights.
  • Take on Challenging Assignments: Volunteer for challenging assignments or projects that push you outside your comfort zone. These experiences will help you develop resilience, problem-solving skills, and the ability to navigate complex situations.
  • Practice Leadership Skills in Everyday Interactions: Leadership is not limited to formal roles or situations. Practice leadership skills in your everyday interactions with colleagues, friends, and family. Lead by example, inspire others, and practice effective communication and decision-making. 

Remember, developing leadership skills takes time and dedication. It's important to be patient with yourself, embrace opportunities for growth, and continuously work on honing your leadership abilities.

What are the Top Effective Ways to Develop Management Skills?

Developing management skills is essential for effectively overseeing operations, coordinating resources, and achieving organizational goals. Here are some effective ways to develop management skills:

  • Gain Practical Experience: Seek opportunities to gain practical experience in managing tasks, projects, or teams. Take on leadership roles within your organization or volunteer for managerial responsibilities. Practical experience provides valuable insights and helps you learn through hands-on application.
  • Seek Mentorship: Find experienced managers who can serve as mentors. Their guidance and advice can help you navigate challenges and provide valuable insights into effective management practices. Learn from their experiences and seek their feedback on your managerial approach.
  • Continuous Learning: Engage in continuous learning to expand your knowledge and skills in management. Read books, articles, and industry publications on management and leadership. Attend seminars, workshops, or webinars focused on management development. Stay updated on current trends and best practices in the field.
  • Take Management Courses: Enroll in management courses or pursue a degree or certification program that focuses on management skills. These formal education programs provide structured learning experiences and equip you with a solid foundation in management principles, theories, and techniques.
  • Develop Communication Skills: Effective communication is crucial for successful management. Work on enhancing your communication skills, including active listening, clear and concise expression of ideas, and the ability to adapt your communication style to different situations and audiences.
  • Develop Problem-Solving and Decision-Making Skills: Managers often face complex problems and need to make timely and informed decisions. Sharpen your problem-solving and decision-making skills by practicing critical thinking, analyzing data, considering multiple perspectives, and evaluating potential solutions.
  • Build a Strong Network: Network with other managers and professionals in your industry or field. Engage in professional associations, attend industry conferences or events, and join management-focused communities. Building a strong network allows you to learn from others, share experiences, and gain valuable insights into effective management practices.
  • Develop Time and Task Management Skills: Effective managers are skilled at managing their time and resources efficiently. Focus on improving your time management skills by setting priorities, creating schedules or action plans, delegating tasks, and using productivity tools or techniques to optimize your workflow.
  • Embrace Feedback and Self-Reflection: Seek feedback from colleagues, supervisors, and team members about your management skills. Actively reflect on your strengths and areas for improvement. Identify specific actions or behaviors you can work on to enhance your management effectiveness.
  • Emphasize Personal Development: Personal development is a key aspect of management skill development. Work on developing self-awareness, emotional intelligence, resilience, and adaptability. Continuously strive to improve your leadership presence, interpersonal skills, and ability to motivate and inspire others.

Remember that management skills are developed over time through a combination of education, experience, and continuous learning. Be open to feedback, embrace challenges, and actively seek opportunities to apply and refine your management skills.

Leadership vs Management: Understanding Through Examples

Leadership Examples:

  • Martin Luther King Jr : Martin Luther King Jr. is a prominent example of leadership. He effectively mobilized people through his powerful speeches and nonviolent protests during the civil rights movement in the United States. His ability to inspire and unite individuals towards a shared vision of equality and justice made him a transformative leader.
  • Elon Musk: Elon Musk, the CEO of Tesla and SpaceX, is known for his visionary leadership. He has pushed the boundaries of technology and sustainability, inspiring his teams to work towards ambitious goals like electric vehicles and space exploration. Musk's ability to envision and communicate a future that resonates with people has made him a prominent leader in the tech industry.
  • Malala Yousafzai: Malala Yousafzai, a Pakistani education activist, exemplifies leadership through her advocacy for girls' education. Despite facing immense challenges and risking her life, she fearlessly stood up for the rights of girls to receive an education. Her courage, determination, and ability to inspire others have made her a symbol of female empowerment and education globally.

Management Examples:

  • Tim Cook: Tim Cook, the CEO of Apple, is an example of effective management. He oversees the day-to-day operations of one of the world's most valuable companies, ensuring efficient production, supply chain management, and financial performance. Cook's focus on operational excellence and attention to detail has contributed to Apple's continued success.
  • Mary Barra: Mary Barra, the CEO of General Motors, is known for her strong management skills. She successfully led the company through challenging times, implementing strategic changes and fostering a culture of innovation. Barra's focus on accountability, efficiency, and performance has helped General Motors regain its competitive position in the automotive industry.
  • Indra Nooyi: Indra Nooyi, the former CEO of PepsiCo, exemplifies effective management. She led the company's global expansion and successfully diversified its product portfolio. Nooyi's strategic planning, effective resource allocation, and focus on long-term sustainability contributed to PepsiCo's growth and profitability during her tenure.

While these examples highlight the distinction between leadership and management, it's important to note that successful leaders often exhibit management skills, and effective managers may demonstrate leadership qualities. The combination of both is often necessary for achieving organizational success.

The Three Test

Vineet Nayar, the former CEO of HCL Technologies, introduced the "Three Tests" concept as a framework for evaluating leadership effectiveness. These tests are designed to assess the impact of leaders on their organizations and the extent to which they empower and enable their teams. Here are the three tests:

Three Test

  1. The Trust Test: This test evaluates whether leaders are trusted by their team members. Trust is built through open communication, transparency, and consistency in actions. Leaders who pass the Trust Test create an environment where individuals feel safe to express their ideas and concerns without fear of judgment or retribution.
  2. The Capability Test: The Capability Test measures leaders' effectiveness in enhancing the skills and capabilities of their teams. Leaders who pass this test focus on developing their team members, providing growth opportunities, and supporting their professional development. They foster a culture of continuous learning and ensure that team members have the necessary resources and support to succeed.
  3. The Alignment Test: The Alignment Test assesses leaders' ability to align their team's efforts with the organization's goals and objectives. Leaders who pass this test ensure that their team members understand the purpose and vision of the organization and how their work contributes to it. They clarify goals, set expectations, and help their teams prioritize tasks to achieve alignment and maximize overall productivity.

By applying these tests, leaders can gauge their effectiveness in building trust, developing capabilities, and aligning their teams. The goal is to create an empowered and engaged workforce that drives organizational success.


While leadership and management are often viewed as distinct concepts, they are both indispensable for the success of any organization. Leadership brings vision, inspiration, and the ability to rally individuals around a common goal, fostering innovation and driving positive change.

On the other hand, management ensures the efficient allocation of resources, the establishment of processes and systems, and the achievement of specific objectives. While their roles and focus may differ, leadership and management are interdependent and synergistic.

Effective leaders understand the importance of management principles, while successful managers exhibit leadership qualities to motivate and inspire their teams.

If you’re a working professional and struggles to strike the right balance between leadership vs management in order to achieve organizational excellence, fostering a harmonious work environment, and propelling growth, you can enroll in any professional certification program to learn this vital skill. By embracing and nurturing both skill sets, individuals and organizations can cultivate a culture of success, adapt to dynamic challenges, and unleash their full potential.

Ultimately, leadership vs management are not opposing forces but complementary forces that, when harnessed together, create a powerful framework for sustainable success.


Q1. What is the difference between leadership and management?

Ans:-  Leadership involves inspiring and influencing others towards a common vision, while management focuses on planning, organizing, and coordinating resources to achieve specific goals. Leadership is more about setting direction and inspiring, while management is about implementation and execution. 

Q2. Can someone be a leader without a formal management position?

Ans:-Yes, leadership is not limited to formal management positions. Anyone, regardless of their title or position, can exhibit leadership qualities and positively influence others through their actions, ideas, and ability to inspire and motivate.  

Q3. Can leadership and management skills be developed?

Ans:-  Yes, both leadership and management skills can be developed through training, experience, and self-improvement efforts. While certain traits may be more innate, individuals can enhance their abilities in areas such as communication, decision-making, and relationship-building through intentional development. 

Q4. What are the key qualities of an effective leader?

Ans:-  Effective leaders often possess qualities such as vision, integrity, emotional intelligence, resilience, effective communication, adaptability, and the ability to empower and motivate others. These qualities contribute to their ability to inspire and guide individuals or teams towards success. 

Q5. How does effective management contribute to organizational success?

Ans:-  Effective management ensures that resources are efficiently allocated, tasks are organized, and goals are achieved. It involves planning, coordinating, and controlling processes to drive productivity, manage risks, and optimize performance, which ultimately contributes to the overall success of an organization.

 Q6. Can a person be both a leader and a manager?

Ans:-  Yes, many individuals fulfill both leadership and management roles simultaneously. In such cases, they combine the skills of motivating and inspiring others (leadership) with the ability to plan, organize, and coordinate activities (management) to achieve specific outcomes.

Q7. How does leadership impact organizational culture?

Ans:- Leadership plays a crucial role in shaping organizational culture. Leaders set the tone, values, and expectations for the organization. Their behaviors, decisions, and communication styles influence the attitudes and behaviors of employees, ultimately shaping the culture of the organization.

Q8. What is the importance of leadership in times of change or uncertainty?

Ans:-  Leadership is particularly important during times of change or uncertainty. Effective leaders provide guidance, direction, and stability during challenging periods. They help navigate through ambiguity, inspire confidence, and rally individuals or teams towards adapting to new circumstances and embracing opportunities.

Q9. What is leadership?

Ans:- Leadership refers to the potential of a person or a group to manipulate and direct followers of a company or society. Leadership also means the quality associated with an individual’s title in a hierarchy. A person who is deficit of leadership positions can also get this attribute. It’s a developable capability that can be nurtured with time.

Q10 . What are the similarities between Management and leadership?

Ans:- Both Management and leadership need to set targets, producing strategies to achieve them, and recording the development. Both require cooperation with other members, proper interaction, decision-making, problem-solving and strategic thinking to attain the goal. Managers and leaders are also in charge of collecting data, measuring options and foming decisions that will prove advantageous for their team.

Q11. What are the benefits of data science certification online course?

Ans:- Data science certification online offers several benefits such as it upgrades your career, keeps you updated about the ongoing industry trends, showcases your skills through the certificate and portrays your dedication in the career ahead.  The course also allows you to learn the advanced data science technique and top skills to provide a good competition in the business world.

Q12. What is the data scientist salary at the entry level?

Ans:- According to Glassdoor, data scientist salary at entry level is $78,679 every year in the U.S., with an average income of $72,147 every year. The expected additional income amounts to $6,532 per annum and additional pay involves cash bonus, tips and commission.

Q13. How is data scientist training important to enrich your career?

Ans:- Today, there are multiple job vacancies in Big Data and the scope of a Data Scientist is growing everyday. In this hi-tech era, companies are utilizing the tools which data scientists offer to give a tough blow to the competitors in the business market, along with maintaining the overhead costs. Companies like Oracle, Apple, Microsoft and others have daily job postings for data scientists. Hence, the data scientist training is indeed mandatory in today’s advanced digital era. 


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