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14 Happiest Jobs That You Don’t Want To Miss Out


Annie Dillard once said, "How we spend our day, of course, how we spend our lives.

And to your surprise, we spend on average 90,000 hours at work over a lifetime; which means almost a significant portion of our lives is spent at work, a job that we still don’t know is the happiest job or not!

This is why work plays a crucial role in determining our mental and psychological well-being instead it will not be wrong to say that - Work determines our happiness!

Tell us don't you feel happy when you are empowered at work.

You feel happy when you are appreciated.

When you get a job that the right personality fits.

Skill utilization is at its best in your job role.

A positive work environment makes you feel happy.

Your appraisal letter, incentives, bonus, gifts, everything adds up to happiness.

A job role that gives you a sense of achievement is happiness.

Many of such factors determine our whole lives, and that's why we say work plays a very critical role in your well-being. Moreover, with the Pandemic bringing a drastic change in our work and people have lost all real-time social connection, the town hall moments and are now working within the four walls, the isolation may also take a toll on our well-being.

So, why not begin your journey or change the gear of your current career path and self-reflect about these 90000 hours, and is it making you happy! 

Scroll down if you want to be full of the joys of spring today and forever and unveil the happiest jobs that are not just exciting but pay well and have great growth prospects. 

The Happiest Careers In America You Want To Pursue

We are sure these 14 job roles will leave you scratching your head about why you never thought about them and make you reach out to us for more advice and the correct roadmap to begin your career with. 

Happiest Jobs

#1. Happiest Job - Software Engineer

Average Salary: $114,273 per year

We have got you some encouraging numbers as stated by the United States Bureau of Labour Statistics that software engineers jobs are expected to grow by 21% by 2028.

The job satisfaction, flexibility, attractive pay packages, perks, the opportunity to work with some of the top tech companies in Silicon Valley, tremendous opportunity to work as an independent consultant, growth prospective as a team leads, and opportunity to own your own startups make the job role a part of happy careers option. Payscale reports a satisfaction rating of 3.96 out of 5, based on its survey.

Roles and Responsibilities: A software engineer specializes in programming languages essential to building database programs. They work on projects and regularly interact with clients to provide the update on the project status, make any suggested changes, and deliver the best output. They work closely with developers and the DevOps team to ensure a smooth run of the projects. 

To start a career as a software engineer you need to own a bachelor’s degree in engineering, and a credible certification course in programming languages like Python.

#2. Happiest Jobs - Database Administrator

National Average Salary - $88,044 per year

The biggest morale booster is a 9% employment growth annually in Database administrator jobs as indicated by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) between the years 2018-2028. Apart from the growth opportunity, it’s a highly stable job role across the industry.

Job Responsibility - Database administrators are responsible for setting up databases in the most effective way that aligns with the company’s requirements. They also fine-tune, manage, upgrade and test modifications to the databases as needed. They can rightly be said as the masters of database management who protect the data from any kind of malpractices. 

To begin your career in this happiest career in America as a database administrator you need to go for a certification course that gets you knowledge of Big data Hadoop, Tableau, Microsoft SQL Server, Microsoft BI, Oracle database admin, and many such similar courses.

#3. Happiest Jobs - Cyber Security Engineer

National Average Salary: $83,944 per year

What makes a cyber security engineer part of happy jobs profiles is the tremendous opportunity to learn and adapt to technology. You will have easier access to advanced technology, awesome payscale, great career progression, a remote work environment, developing solutions for global platforms, and as you move ahead in the ladder working in a management role.

Job Responsibility: The entire computer network for an organization is being handled by network engineers. They build, manage, troubleshoot problems, perform disaster recovery, and maintain the network to ensure smooth functioning of the system.

To be a network engineer consider taking up a certification course in CEH, CISSP, and cyber security masters.

#4. Happiest Jobs - Dot. NET Developer

National Average Salary: $95,934 per year

The much-used .Net framework is an ever-increasing field and so is the demand for Dot Net developers. Being part of a growing domain offers huge career progression, and makes you part of some of the best tech teams in the best tech companies to work for.

Job Responsibility: Using the.NET infrastructure and language, a.NET developer produces online software and apps. They keep existing software up to date and offer technical help as needed. Their main purpose is to write code or fix bugs in order to help address issues or improve the client experience.

To begin your journey as a .Net developer learn skills like C# · Blazor · Object-Oriented Programming · Software Development · ASP.NET Core · AngularJS · ASP.NET MVC and much more.

#5. Happiest Jobs - Artificial Intelligence

Average Salary - $ 141,712 per year

Artificial intelligence will revolutionize the global economy, and positions in the field are in high demand. A.I. careers are future-proof, which means they are likely to last for a long time. This career option is particularly fascinating because it requires a high level of inventiveness and strategic thinking.

Job Responsibility: Artificial intelligence engineers are the superbrains who create, program, train the most complex network of algorithms termed AI. They develop algorithms that work like human brains. A highly innovative, and challenging job role makes an AI engineer a much-in-demand profession.

To be an AI engineer opt for a professional certification course in artificial intelligence/machine learning where you learn about recurrent neural networks and every component of artificial intelligence.

#6. Happiest Jobs - Digital Marketing Consultant

Average Salary: $60,621 per year

Digital marketing is one of the happiest careers in America and is fast taking up every other mode of promotion like print, and television. Every product is promoted online due to easy access to the target audience. Being part of a revolutionizing industry will get you the podium to be future marketing leaders. 

Job Responsibility: Web, SEO/SEM, email, social media, and display advertising are all examples of digital marketing initiatives. Keeping social media presence consistent across all digital platforms, and managing performance reports are critical job roles of a digital marketer. 

To be a digital marketer grab a certification course in digital marketing that offers both practical and theoretical knowledge of essential skills like SEO, PPC, SEM, social media advertising, content strategy, and much more.

#7. Happiest Jobs - QA. Analyst

Average salary: $60,997 

Job Responsibility - Quality assurance analysts examine products and systems to ensure that they meet the requirements of their employers. To verify the accuracy, test strategies, scenarios, and scripts are created. A Q.A. analyst's job is to ensure that a product or system is reliable, functional, and easy to use. Many QA analysts work for software firms or in conjunction with IT departments, testing systems to guarantee that the deliverance is of the highest quality and meets system requirements.

To make a career as a QA Analyst post completion of your Bachelor of computer science or information technology, take up a certification course in QA software testing, selenium framework development, and much more.

#8. Happiest Jobs - Data scientist

Average Salary - $115,103

Deriving meaningful insights out of a huge pile of data, getting the real nerves of the market makes the job role of a data scientist challenging yet very interesting and one of the happy careers. The job offers tremendous career progression and huge demand in the industry.

Job Responsibility - Data scientists are responsible to get the best insights out of data for organizations that make strategic decisions, make future growth plans, come up with the best strategy for maximizing user experience and be the market leaders.

To begin your career as a data scientist, consider taking up a certification course in data science, machine learning, deep learning, tableau, data science with R, python programming.

#9. Happiest Jobs - I.T. Specialist

Average Salary: $56,139 

There is no organization that does not need trained and certified It, specialists. The consistent demand and ability to work with multiple teams make the job role interesting.

Job Responsibility - A person who works with computer networks, databases, and systems is known as an information technology professional. Many corporations employ I.T. specialists to assist with the upkeep of their computers and computer networks. I.T. specialists frequently resolve software issues by applying manufacturer-supplied updates or uninstalling and reinstalling problematic software. In addition, the person in this job assists in the resolution of individual technical challenges that employees encounter.

To begin your career as an IT specialist, get a bachelor's degree in computer science.

#10. Happiest Jobs - Human Resources Manager

Average Salary -  $69872 

Being a people person is what makes the job role of an Hr manager so interesting. No organization can survive without a robust HR vertical that strategies its workforce the best way. On Glassdoor, H.R. managers ranked 11th, with a high job satisfaction score of 4.2 out of 5.

Job Responsibility - H.R. managers work on the creation and implementation of best HR practices that streamline functionalities and keep the staff and overall environment healthy. They take care of payroll, employee relations, various protocols, recruitment, and much more. 

Taking up a Masters’s degree in human resources will kickstart your career as an HR executive and later on as a manager. 

#11. Happiest Jobs - Event Planner

Average Salary: $40,666 per year

The opportunity to work on different business requirements and come up with innovative event ideas makes this job role much interesting. You travel, meet new people, manage the entire show and get a lot of exposure and expertise making even planning happy careers.

Job Responsibility: An event planner plans out the logistics of a gathering, such as a venue, entertainment, and suppliers. They also work with clients to satisfy unique event needs and objectives, prepare slots and negotiate contracts, and check payments and bills.

Consider taking up a professional course in event management to gear up your chances of becoming an event planner. 

#12. Happiest Jobs - Teaching Assistant

Average Salary: $33,600

The chance to impart education gives a lot of satisfaction and respect in the society making the role of teaching one of the happiest jobs.

Job Responsibility - A skilled teaching assistant will be entrusted with a great deal of responsibility for their pupils' education as well as their safety and well-being. Strong ties are often built with both coworkers and students in this position. It's also one of the best careers out there for someone who wants to make a real impact in other people's lives.

Consider taking up advanced education in the field you want to excel to start up your teaching career.

#13. Happiest Jobs - Content Writer

Average Salary: $51,770

The art of making people love what you write gives a lot of satisfaction and a chance to keep learning. You think, write, read, have the flexibility for remote work, the option to work independently, and connect with people through words makes writing the happiest career in America.

Job Responsibility - In the digital era what you write transforms businesses. As a writer, you are responsible to write about anything and everything that the internet and its users love to read. Blog, articles, white papers, books, videos, product catalogs, webpages all are part of writing.

However, there is no rigidity here but pursuing a master’s in communication is an added advantage to becoming a writer.

#14. Happiest Jobs - Medical Practitioners

Average Salary - US$511K

Medical practitioners are not just the happiest but the richest. Their high sense of satisfaction and respect within the society makes the job role one of the best.

Now that you know the happiest and satisfying job roles that even pay well we will guide you as to why working in America adds more to the sweetness.

Why Should You Work In America?

love my job

Do you know that employees from around the world makeup around a third of the total population in the United States and contribute millions to the economy? In 2019, around 157.54 million people were employed in the United States. By 2022, an increase of almost 2 million employed people is expected.

Millions of people have been drawn to America over the centuries by the prospect of a better life, and it continues to inspire individuals today. If you're considering working overseas, America is one of the most fascinating destinations to consider.

  • People and cultures from all across the world make up America. America as we know it, perhaps the world's most multi-cultural country, gives you a lot of exposure to meet different people and learn about their ethnicity.
  • Working overseas will help you stand out in future job interviews; international experience will set you apart from other candidates. This is because it demonstrates your independence and willingness to venture outside of your comfort zone. Having an international role on your CV will draw attention to this and distinguish you from other candidates as someone to keep an eye on.
  • In terms of career opportunities, practically all of the world's largest corporations have offices in the United States. As a result, you will be able to pursue job chances in America that you will not be able to find anyplace else.
  • American is the economy is a developed one and has a dominant position worldwide. Being part of such a strong economy plays a critical role in your financials. Companies in America are great paymasters along with some real enticing perks. 

Have you started wondering how you will come to know which job role is right for you? We are here to get you the answer for each query so that you make the best career choice for yourself.

How To Choose The Right Career

Here are the most effective steps for finding the happiest jobs that pay well and have great future prospects:

1. Self-Reflection

Rather than hopping up on Google or consulting your friends about the right career, take some time out and reflect upon your strengths. Write down your goal and how you want to reach it. What is your biggest strength, are you a people person, are you good with words, does technology excite you, do you read much about artificial intelligence. Reflect and you will get to know where you want to excel.

2. Go Ahead With Professional Consultation

Speaking to a consultant about your current education and what you aim for will help you understand the best career option. A career counselor has a lot of expertise in various domains and will support you with the right piece of advice.

3. Focus On Being Happy

Don’t focus on immediate big paychecks rather focus on other aspects that are critical to being happy like family, health and then align your job role with these aspects to figure out whether you are able to maintain a work-life balance. 

4. Break Your Goals

Prioritize small steps to achieve the final destination. For example, if working for Microsoft makes you happy and is your ultimate goal list down all the steps required to reach there. Do you have the right certification in hand, what about an internship, what does your resume look like, do you have sound programming knowledge, and many such critical factors.

5. Gain Experience

Don't shy away from failures. Take up part-time jobs, internships and work hard. If you do not succeed in one domain but in some other domain the output is impressive you can figure out what works for you and where you can succeed in the future.

6. Make Connections

Join professional platforms like Linkedin and connect or follow industry leaders. At times you may even seek advice as to how you may make a career in that respective field. Also joining these platforms will give you a lot of exposure to how various job domains are shaping up and this will help you make an informed decision.

On that note, we hope you find the happiest jobs that keep you satisfied, and even pay well.

Wrapping Up!

With almost one-third of our lives ending up working we forget the importance of physical and mental well-being. Choosing the happiest jobs that keep you satisfied does not mean compromising over finances or growth; rather if you make an informed decision, learn well about the right career option, invest time in upgrading your skills-sets you will end up not just happy but more financially and socially sound.

Tell us what job role makes you happy and we will guide you on the best roadmap to kick start your career!

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    Jyotika Prasad

    Through market research and a deep understanding of products and services, Jyotika has been translating complex product information into simple, polished, and engaging content for Janbask Training.


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